#TeacherShortage – What is a Teacher Worth

There have been some really great blogs about the teacher shortage we face in Oklahoma.  This Teacher Sings talks about emergency certification in other careers and how we would react.  Fourth Generation Teacher talks about the educational impact and how important it is to have a teacher from the beginning …

The Drive

I spend a lot of time in my car – over two hours a day when I commute to OSU.  I listen to a lot of podcasts: TED Radio Hour, Edsurge, Freakonomics, Techlandia, This American Life, TED Audio, Podcast on Your Plan, Hardcore History… These have all given me unique …

Twitter PD = #Amazeballs

This will be short and sweet – what are your favorite Twitter PD hashtags? I follow several myself and have been so blessed by the amazing things that teachers are sharing with each other.  Listed below are a few of the hashtags that I follow on a regular basis.  Go ahead and …

Change This!

This is a week late but is my first blog under the Share #YourEdustory family of blogs!  This also happens to be a topic that I am passionate about solving, I am doing what I am doing for this very reason. Some backstory… I have always tried to do things …

Twitter is #Amazeballs but…Facebook!

Twitter is a great resource for teachers, scratch that, Twitter is an #Amazeballs resource for teachers!  I get it though – Twitter is different and scary and one more thing to do.  If you Teach you should Twitter – read here for some of my thoughts.  Or here from Kas Nelson a rural …

Why I Teach!

This is a hard question…There are several reasons why I teach and why I think it is such an important career. I want to make a positive impact on the next generation.  I did this for years in public high schools, teaching math and coaching soccer.  Each year was fun and …

#1CoolThing Can Make a Big Difference!

Coming up for tonight’s #OklaEd chat is the topic of #1CoolThing and I want you to have time to process the questions and brag (tonight its OK!!) about what you did last year!  Take this opportunity to share the totally #amazeballs things that you do in your classrooms/schools/districts! If you are unfamiliar …

Learning from Tomb Raider

One of my favorite games of all time is Tomb Raider – there is action, adventure, puzzles, gripping story telling, and amazing locations.  A new installment is due out just in time for Christmas (hint, hint).  I thought about putting a teaser trailer in, but this game has turned more toward …

Social Media, No Computer, No Problem!

Take a look at Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook.  Following those rules, can you use the idea in class with your students?  I got some great ideas from Erin Klein.  As a teacher seeking to improve my profession, I use social medial all the time to find great ideas.  Share …

Tweets for Tweachers

As a teacher, I understand that you don’t need another thing to keep up with…BUT if you are not using Twitter, you are missing opportunities to grow as a teacher.  Connect with other teachers, or professionals, get ideas, share your brilliance, inform parents…the list goes on and on.  Take a …

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