This Is What I am FOR!

There can often be so much frustration from all involved in the education process: politicians frustrated with nagging teachers, teachers frustrated with close-minded politicians, the public wondering about wasting tax dollars on education, teachers upset with administrators, administrators pushing teachers into small uncreative boxes…There are a myriad of problems.  This …

Tackk for Educators

Yesterday I shared a Tackk Board about how to create a Tackk Board – today I want to give you some ideas and examples of how Tackk can be used in your classroom!  Several of these ideas can go across age groups, you know what your students should and should …

If you don’t Tackk…You Should!

I made a Tackk to explain Tackk. It doesn’t matter what grade level you teach, this is a site worth exploring! I will post another blog in the near future giving you ideas for your classroom! Questions?  Leave a comment…

#Gamification Research – In Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, and Twitter

Dear Reader, I know that you are still in recovery from my super challenging piece on Culture and Diversity, take heart!  This one less challenging 🙂 Gamification is a word that has been getting used more often over the past four years.  The ISTE conference over the past two years …

Thank You!

I was just reading a post by fellow #oklaed blogger, Mindy Dennison, and was reminded of a blog that I have been thinking about writing for quite some time. Its a thank you to the lady that set me on the path that I has led me to where I am. …

Diversity and Equity

*Warning – this post has over 3,700 words.  It will deal will some very strong issues of education in our state as they relate to my equity and diversity course and the associated readings that we covered this past semester.  My final paper will be in APA format, if you want to …

Get #EdTech-y With It!

On Sunday evening I am typically found in the #oklaed Twitter chat – its a fabulous place full of amazing educators, I try to never miss it!!  This past Sunday, Shawn Blankenship was our moderator and his topic was very interesting – What comes first Educational Technology or Curriculum??  Shawn had some …

An Open Letter to the Oklahoma House of Representatives

Ladies and Gentlemen, There are three senate bills that I would like to encourage you to add to your session before the deadline to do so passes.  SB 708 eliminates any end of instruction exams that are not federally mandated.  The amount of school time that is lost due to all …

My Bucket List

Taking a break from thoughts on education…. Here is my bucket list, order not important! Run the Oklahoma City Marathon – I was sitting in my car at the University of Central Oklahoma studying for a test in Adolescent Psychology when it sounded like a lightening bolt hit right behind …

5 Things We Need to Quit Pretending About Education

I saw a tweet from Wes Fryer that got me thinking – so here they come in no particular order… We need to quit pretending schools have to be so so unequal.  It should not matter if you live in the suburbs or are living in the inner city, every student has …

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