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Social Media, No Computer, No Problem!

Take a look at Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook.  Following those rules, can you use the idea in class with your students?  I got some great ideas from Erin Klein.  As a teacher seeking to improve my profession, I use social medial all the time to find great ideas.  Share …

Tweets for Tweachers

As a teacher, I understand that you don’t need another thing to keep up with…BUT if you are not using Twitter, you are missing opportunities to grow as a teacher.  Connect with other teachers, or professionals, get ideas, share your brilliance, inform parents…the list goes on and on.  Take a …

#Oklaed – This One is for You!!

One of the best things about the beginning of my week is the #oklaed chat Sunday at 8:00 CST.  I can’t tell you how much energy this chat gives me.  The ideas, the passion, the issues, the suggestions, the conversation – it often keeps me up well past my usual …

The #OKEDrally View From My Tweets!

Monday March 31st was amazing, the strength of the voices from all different aspects of education, from students, to parents, to teachers, to legislators was amazing.  I cannot adequately put into words how great it was to hear from all who had the opportunity to share.  So here is the rally …

Digital Learning Day!

Ok…so life happened and I haven’t been able to sit down and pour thoughts out into my blog nearly as regularly as I would like.  However its time to try and get back into some kind of writing routine (this is tough for us math teachers!)  Coming up really soon, …

Confessions of a Classroom Flipper…Part 3: The Apps…

So…If you have read this blog before, you know that I am a flipclass teacher.  What you may not know is that I have some confessions to make – enough confessions that my colleague Kristina Stevenson and I created a professional development session.  And  we had the good fortune to …

#EdTech Lunch!

I have a passion for educational technology (from here on #edtech) and I know that there is tons of stuff out there that I have no idea about…So I have started up an #EdTech lunch at school!  Why not tap into the greatness that is already in my building: fellow …

First Couple Weeks: Flip Math, Twitter, Google Docs, Knowmia and Football Matches

So we are into the first two weeks of the school year and things have gone fairly smooth.  Classes are going really well.  Most of the students are adjusting to the flip model and there have been lots of great interaction with other students and myself.  It continually amazes me …

2nd Year Flipping…

So the great experiment that was flipped math last year is now “new and improved” and upgraded to version 2.0!  I started using the flip model last year and went all in, flipping three different courses in a single year.  Wow!  What was I thinking when I decided to do …

#ISTE Day 2 In the books :)

Who knew that enjoying a conference so much could be so exhausting…so what are we going to do?? Head to a Karaoke party with my new friends from Symbaloo!! This is scary for a couple of reasons: I am pretty tired, getting my brain to shut down and let me …

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