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flipped classroom

Flip Your Class

The flipped classroom can be an overwhelming thing to consider.  There are a variety of potential roadblocks to consider…However, the flipped classroom can give so much freedom to both students and teachers, creating a classroom environment where students are truly in charge of their learning.   Combine the flipped classroom with …

Training to Get Better

It started with a run I started running again this June.   I decided it was time to work in fitness for my body.  Training to get better for something on my bucket list.  Turns out this is also good fitness for my brain.  It gives me time to think …

10 – The Flipped Classroom

The Drive
The Drive
10 - The Flipped Classroom

Flipped Classroom The flipped classroom model is a great way to reach every student every day.  I love the flipped classroom and have blogged about it before, find some helpful resources here. Enjoy The Drive! Stitcher Soundcloud BAM Radio iTunes

An Open Letter to My New Students and Parents!

Hello Moms, Dads, and Guardians!  Greeting Students! I want to let you know how excited I am that I will be your PreAP Precalculus or Calculus teacher this year.  I have been hard at work all summer planning out the super great things that we are going to do and …

Get Ready, Get Set, GO GAMIFY!

If you have been following this blog over the past couple of months, then you know that I have been taking the step towards gamifying my calculus classes this school year.  I am really excited about this, but also really nervous.  One of the biggest reasons for my excitement is …

The #OKEDrally View From My Tweets!

Monday March 31st was amazing, the strength of the voices from all different aspects of education, from students, to parents, to teachers, to legislators was amazing.  I cannot adequately put into words how great it was to hear from all who had the opportunity to share.  So here is the rally …

Digital Learning Day!

Ok…so life happened and I haven’t been able to sit down and pour thoughts out into my blog nearly as regularly as I would like.  However its time to try and get back into some kind of writing routine (this is tough for us math teachers!)  Coming up really soon, …

The Assignment Wizard by Knowmia!

I love Knowmia!  I host more of my video’s here than on YouTube – both are great places, Knowmia passes our school district’s internet filters.  I wanted to share about how to create an assignment with their assignment wizard.  This a super great way to break longer videos into shorter …

Confessions of a Classroom Flipper…Part 3: The Apps…

So…If you have read this blog before, you know that I am a flipclass teacher.  What you may not know is that I have some confessions to make – enough confessions that my colleague Kristina Stevenson and I created a professional development session.  And  we had the good fortune to …

#EdTech Lunch!

I have a passion for educational technology (from here on #edtech) and I know that there is tons of stuff out there that I have no idea about…So I have started up an #EdTech lunch at school!  Why not tap into the greatness that is already in my building: fellow …

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