The drive

The Drive Episode 8: Literacy

Thoughts While Mowing: Is Education the Most Important Thing or Not?

Today while mowing the lawn I listened to two podcasts that just happened to be centered around education.  First was the TED Radio Hour, hosted by Guy Raz.  It was really interesting and was focused on Unstoppable Learning.  If you teach please click here and listen! The talk that stood …

Two Things Different

Since January, my life has totally been different – I left the comfy confines of Edmond Memorial High School to take on the completely unknown world of Oklahoma State University.  My role changed from primarily teaching to primarily learning.  As a result – this school semester/year – my two things …

The drive

The Drive Episode 7: Change

Thank you for listening to The Drive!  Please give feedback about what you like or what could be improved!  Link to iTunes here.  Link to Stitcher here.  However, Stitcher is being a bit glitchy and is only showing my first three episodes.  If you have missed one try my tack …

The drive

Links for The Drive

Here are the links for The Drive: iTunes Stitcher (this one is stuck on episode 3, not sure why) Soundcloud Bam Radio Vodcast: Here! Thanks for listening and please continue to give feedback!  I want to this podcast to be challenging and helpful! Be Brilliant Today! Scott

The drive

The Drive Episode 6 – Equity

This episode is more challenging to our thinking, not so much on the edtech side, but in general.  Thanks for listening and I appreciate your feedback.  If you enjoy the podcast, please share it with other teachers. -Scott

The drive

The Drive – Episode 5: Personal Learning Networks (PLN’s)

I have a lot of passion for this topic….my PLN changed my life.  Listen now: I would love your feedback or ideas!  If you enjoy this podcast – share it with a friend! Scott

Please Help…With my PhD Research

Hi.  My name is Scott and I am a PhD student at Oklahoma State University.  One of my big interests is *gamification in the classroom AND gamifying professional development.  I am really leaning towards this topic (gamification) for my dissertation…Just not sure what aspect.  Please take a few minutes and respond with …

I’m Going Rogue

Do I have your attention???  Read on… Does your classroom or educational system look like this: Might I suggest an upgrade? With the emergence of the internet and the proliferation of educational technology, there are too many ways to break down these black and white walls.  Lets add some color. …

Joy and Laughter, in YOUR Classroom!

Believe it or not (its up to you) but joy and laughter can exist in a classroom where actual learning happens.  How do I know?  Most days this is what my classroom looked like (I hope). How can you do this?  Be YOU!  Yes learning needs to happen.  Yes there …

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