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Week 2 – The Tip of the Iceberg

Gamification has started! If you have been following this blog over the summer, then you know that I am making a change to gamification and mastery learning in my calculus classes this year. The students will get credit to spend in the market for doing what they are supposed to …

An Open Letter to My New Students and Parents!

Hello Moms, Dads, and Guardians!  Greeting Students! I want to let you know how excited I am that I will be your PreAP Precalculus or Calculus teacher this year.  I have been hard at work all summer planning out the super great things that we are going to do and …

Get Ready, Get Set, GO GAMIFY!

If you have been following this blog over the past couple of months, then you know that I have been taking the step towards gamifying my calculus classes this school year.  I am really excited about this, but also really nervous.  One of the biggest reasons for my excitement is …

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