Episode 17 – Summer R&R – “Re-energize and Reinvest”

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
Erin Barnes: twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Hosted by @dougeb00, Doug Brown, Superintendent @IdabelPublicSch
Overview of chat topic
Questions from the chat:
- 1 – What are your plans/suggestions to reinvest in your relationships with family over the summer?
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/jBhK13sJ8p
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
Q1: #oklaed What are your plans/suggestions to reinvest in your relationships with family over the summer? pic.twitter.com/mG9GeTTpTn
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
A1: put your phone down, get off twitter, be present, listen without staring at a screen. Less screen time more F2F. #oklaed
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 12, 2017
A1: in addition to all of their activities, I plan to relax & play w/my fam! Seems like as Mom, I don't often have opps 2 just play. #oklaed
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) June 12, 2017
- 2 – What is your process to evaluate or reflect on your efforts of the past year?
Q2: #oklaed What is your process to evaluate or reflect on your efforts of the past year? pic.twitter.com/jtYZW7plbv
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
A2: I constantly ask myself throughout the year "Have I made things better?" #oklaed
— Jason Perez (@JasonPerez75) June 12, 2017
A2: I started journaling for the first time this year. Amazing what comes out of such a simple process. #oklaed
— Robin Anderson (@RobinAnderson0) June 12, 2017
- 3 – What books are on your reading list to re-energize and reinvest in yourself this summer. (does not have to be educational)
repeat from last week #oklaed Q3: #oklaed What books are on your reading list this summer. (does not have to be educational) pic.twitter.com/PpMWAwOPlE
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
A3) starting the summer off with this book! 🙂 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/XbjoLo94uj
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 12, 2017
A3: Teach like a pirate, Lead Like a Pirate, Kids Deserve It, Crash Course by Kim Bearden, Shift This, Innovator's Mindset #oklaed https://t.co/KXf2H5ATGj
— Michelle Shelton (@MsShelton5th) June 12, 2017
- 4 – List conferences workshops or PD you will attend or would like attend to reinvest in yourself professionally.
Q4: #oklaed List conferences workshops or PD you will attend or would like attend to reinvest in yourself professionally. pic.twitter.com/Fdmj6X1vD4
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
#oklaed A4: Will be limited to self-study and Twitter chats – most importantly this one. https://t.co/jxZsarKrfA
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) June 12, 2017
A4: #EngageOK ! 😊#oklaed
See you in Yukon, Tulsa-Union, Enid, Weatherford, Durant, Ada, Cache! Register now: https://t.co/Pb96yjAUlf https://t.co/lBScIEsanW— Joy Hofmeister (@joy4ok) June 12, 2017
- 5 – What are your plans/suggestions to reinvest professionally in your staff/coworkers when the school year begins?
Q5: #oklaed What are your plans/suggestions to reinvest professionally in your staff/coworkers when the school year begins? pic.twitter.com/J6M33KxYjW
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/lrLvb2F8YL
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
A5) Real conversations. Show that I'm willing to do anything I ask of them. Listen to them. #oklaed https://t.co/PC5tFEBO97
— Seth Meier (@SethMeier) June 12, 2017
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/4rzVWT5Nd1
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
A6 encouraging participation in some club/group/team activity to stay involved and let the kids motivate each other #oklaed
— Trey Kirkpatrick (@WDTK33) June 12, 2017
- 6 – What are your plans/suggestions to re-energize your relationships with your staff/students?
Q6: #oklaed What are your plans/suggestions to re-energize your relationships with your staff/students? pic.twitter.com/s5Yhgmshwy
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/upBthIUDs1
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
A6 encouraging participation in some club/group/team activity to stay involved and let the kids motivate each other #oklaed
— Trey Kirkpatrick (@WDTK33) June 12, 2017
- 7 – I believe in having a MANTRA. What will be your mantra going into this next school year to re-energize your school/class?
Q7: #oklaed I believe in having a MANTRA. What will be your mantra going into this next school year to re-energize your school/class? pic.twitter.com/MQFtELaEBy
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
A7 A wise man told me today #mantra #oklaed pic.twitter.com/3XcTrX2Ye2
— Vanessa Perez (@vperezy) June 12, 2017
- 8 – What are you doing to CREATE more positive experiences for your family?
Q8: #oklaed What are you doing to CREATE more positive experiences for your family? pic.twitter.com/0mZKOQh5vQ
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
A8: We promised, "a summer of adventure". Just consciously trying new stuff within a day-trip. #oklaed
— Amy Presley (@STLinOK) June 12, 2017
- 9 – What can you do to CREATE more positive experiences for your staff/students?
Q9: #oklaed What can you do to CREATE more positive experiences for your staff/students? SORRY MY QUESTION NUMBERS GOT OFF HERE> pic.twitter.com/ISASiZ7mOs
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/SoABsO9WxB
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
A8: Make sure you know what you are doing before you try to share it with staff/S’s. #oklaed https://t.co/lHa4c5iVTj
— Adam Rogers M.A.Ed. (@MrRogersTech) June 12, 2017
A9: incorporate more games and adventure. Sean Trent taught me "the brain craves novelty" #oklaed https://t.co/9z42qkfVVi
— Carrie Akins (@cakins0101) June 12, 2017
- 10 – What do you do to share the positive stories of your district or class to Re-energize your community about your school?
Q9: #oklaed What do you do to share the positive stories of your district or class to Re-energize your community about your school? pic.twitter.com/GVaU3HCCDO
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
A9 Social media helps tons!Weekly principal's email 2families focusing on successes (Ts send weekly info emails w/nuts/bolts info) #oklaed https://t.co/VlgzASGopw
— Linda Hasler Reid (@lindahaslerreid) June 12, 2017
- 11 – Your team? “Who are the mentors you depend on to re-energize you professionally and why?”
Q11: #oklaed Your team?
“Who are the mentors you depend on to re-energize you professionally and why?” pic.twitter.com/QsGLWgaSy0— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
A11: My wife, Kristen who is a NBCT, 2017 GHS Teacher of the Year, and a Gold Star Teacher Award Winner. She sets the bar high. #oklaed
— Brian Hayes (Buck) (@Bhayes72) June 12, 2017
- 12 – How will you reinvest in yourself this summer to be more fulfilled and re-energize you mentally physically and spiritually?
Q12: #oklaed How will you reinvest in yourself this summer to be more fulfilled and re-energize you mentally physically and spiritually? pic.twitter.com/6FwvVWJGkY
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) June 12, 2017
A12 just built a 1,969 piece Lego Saturn V model rocket! Need to start running again #oklaed
— Trey Kirkpatrick (@WDTK33) June 12, 2017
Favorite question and why?
Erin: Question 9 – What can you do to create a more positive experience for you students?
Scott: Question 7 – What will be your mantra going into this next school year to re-energize your school/class?
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
#CPSREDS believe if we do not tell our story someone else will #OKlaed #cpsadmin https://t.co/08LViVe0VC
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) June 12, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Angela Clark Little @angmlittle Partnering with Parents for #Oklaed Advocacy
@dougeb00 leading tonight's Summertime ☀️ themed #Oklaed 8PM CST @angmlittle and @watersenglish to follow! pic.twitter.com/KhhniIWqyB
— Anne Beck, M.Ed (@MrsBeck25) June 11, 2017
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for #oklaed
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