Episode 17 – Summer R&R – “Re-energize and Reinvest”

OklaSaid - The Podcast
OklaSaid - The Podcast
Episode 17 - Summer R&R - “Re-energize and Reinvest”

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:

Erin Barnes: twitter.com/ebarnes73

Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere

Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:

Hosted by @dougeb00, Doug Brown, Superintendent @IdabelPublicSch

Overview of chat topic

Questions from the chat:

  • 1 – What are your plans/suggestions to reinvest in your relationships with family over the summer?

  • 2 – What is your process to evaluate or reflect on your efforts of the past year?

  • 3 – What books are on your reading list to re-energize and reinvest in yourself this summer. (does not have to be educational)

  • 4 – List conferences workshops or PD you will attend or would like attend to reinvest in yourself professionally.

  • 5 – What are your plans/suggestions to reinvest professionally in your staff/coworkers when the school year begins?

  • 6 – What are your plans/suggestions to re-energize your relationships with your staff/students?

  • 7 – I believe in having a MANTRA. What will be your mantra going into this next school year to re-energize your school/class?

  • 8 – What are you doing to CREATE more positive experiences for your family?

  • 9 – What can you do to CREATE more positive experiences for your staff/students?

  • 10 – What do you do to share the positive stories of your district or class to Re-energize your community about your school?

  • 11 – Your team? “Who are the mentors you depend on to re-energize you professionally and why?”

  • 12 – How will you reinvest in yourself this summer to be more fulfilled and re-energize you mentally physically and spiritually?

Favorite question and why?

Erin: Question 9 – What can you do to create a more positive experience for you students?

Scott: Question 7 – What will be your mantra going into this next school year to re-energize your school/class?

Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:


Next week on the #oklaed chat

Angela Clark Little @angmlittle Partnering with Parents for #Oklaed Advocacy

Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for #oklaed

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