Episode 61 – GT – Truths and Misconceptions

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Chris Vian @cvian87
Overview of chat topic
GT – Truths and Misconceptions
Questions from the chat:
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I look forward to a good discussion tonight!
Question 1: What does it mean to be gifted and talented? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/9cVdwoEu29
— Christopher Vian (@cvian87) April 23, 2018
A1)It is a little embarrassing that our primary method for gifted and talented identification and funding is still based on an I.Q test score. We should study a more equitable way to fund programs that help all students enrich their educational experiences. #OklaEd
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) April 23, 2018
A1: I have mixed feelings on what it means to be GT. This is always a tough topic for me. I get it, I do..but I also fear it promotes segregation, and I think it needs to be more diverse. #oklaed
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) April 23, 2018
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Question 2: What resources do I or my district have to help our gifted students? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/2xWmHOTWMU
— Christopher Vian (@cvian87) April 23, 2018
#oklaed A2 One of the biggest resources would be creative, passionate, and motivating teachers who offer various types of learning activities for all students.
— Janalyn Taylor (@JanalynTaylor) April 23, 2018
A2: Where I am, there is not much resource to go around. All I can do is enrich their lives with my content knowledge and my experience. It's not much, but it's something… #oklaed
— Chong Si Lor- #INFP (@chong2087) April 23, 2018
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Question 3: Can students on 504s/IEPs really be gifted? How so? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/Vy2dWix2Mb
— Christopher Vian (@cvian87) April 23, 2018
A3 – IEPs & 504s DO NOT define a Ss abilities – they simply define a set of supports a S needs. So, yes ABSOLUTELY they can be gifted. #OklaEd
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) April 23, 2018
A3) one of the most gifted students I've ever seen was a blind student who excelled at speech, drama and debate. Brilliant. But had to work really hard. Exceptional? Yes, in many ways. #oklaed
— Craig McVay (@mcvay51) April 23, 2018
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Question 4: Do gifted students actually need to be pulled for specialized classes? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/LHSuu57eIV
— Christopher Vian (@cvian87) April 23, 2018
A4 – I think if there is purpose and a building and challenging of their processing skills then yes. If it is not intentional then no. #oklaed https://t.co/82BfIoyx5t
— Todd Gragg (@MrGragg) April 23, 2018
A4) Pull out, differentiate, challenge, leave in, motivate, stimulate. Isn't that what the best Ts do for their GT kids? And their special needs kids? And their kids? Damn this job is hard. #oklaed
— Craig McVay (@mcvay51) April 23, 2018
Just been observing #oklaed but I have to say..we focus on inclusion of IEP Ss with no pull out but we are so in favor of pull out for GT identified Ss. We get $ for both. Can't a gr8 lesson challenge all? Inclusion done right works.
— Terry Saul, Ed.D (@saul02_terry) April 23, 2018
A4: yes because it is too easy for regular ed teachers to focus on the struggling students with the misconception that the gifted students will be successful no matter what… #oklaed https://t.co/MfPbO4yiyq
— Adrienne Fore (@mrsaj4) April 23, 2018
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Question 5: Is it okay that I don't have small groups with my gifted students and is it okay that I use them as peer mentors? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/fV8O2YSeiq
— Christopher Vian (@cvian87) April 23, 2018
Not if it is their only form of enrichment. They deserve to be mentored to their full potential as well #oklaed https://t.co/o9dR4gq1IW
— Adrienne Fore (@mrsaj4) April 23, 2018
#OklaEd A5: Somehow students are identified as G&T. OK … Isn’t it the teacher’s responsibility to facilitate their learning and useful use of that knowledge – just as for all students??? Or are there special mandates for G&T??? https://t.co/Y8hJB9nOqc
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) April 23, 2018
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If feel we've knocked it out of the park with our responses to 4 and 5 some I calling an audible.
Question 6: How can we make sure we are adequately identifying and providing services for our students of color, students with disabilities, and English Language Learners? #oklaed
— Christopher Vian (@cvian87) April 23, 2018
A6: Oklahoma has under-identified Gifted/Talented minority students for decades. This must be changed. We are developing new strategies to reverse the trend and better serve all students. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/BavOtTgUU1
— Joy Hofmeister (@joy4ok) April 23, 2018
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Question 7: There is no need to identify gifted students at an early age, right? (Keep in mind that this is about misconceptions and not my personal view) #oklaed pic.twitter.com/A2E6rIPBXt
— Christopher Vian (@cvian87) April 23, 2018
A7 – I think this goes back to purpose. Why are we doing this? Are we going to be intentional in grooming and growing their skills, or not? #oklaed https://t.co/9yVbpUoqks
— Todd Gragg (@MrGragg) April 23, 2018
A7: If the goal is to meet the student’s needs, then it needs to be identified. #oklaed
— Steve Gilliland (@Stv_Gilliland) April 23, 2018
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Question 8: What are some social issues that gifted kids struggle with due to their giftedness? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/uxf5FQnmvp
— Christopher Vian (@cvian87) April 23, 2018
Q8 Ss who have been told that they're exceptional from an early age struggle when things get hard. Become performance avoidant. #oklaed https://t.co/zBjHBB4dkv
— Kristin O’Dell (@mathandsushi) April 23, 2018
Thanks #oklaed for the chat tonight. I am going to post some links to resources that I have found helpful. I want to continue this conversation so feel free to tweet at me so we can do so! https://t.co/dsNcjYCttvhttps://t.co/8TT88c0DqZhttps://t.co/PIpRr1z7lg
— Christopher Vian (@cvian87) April 23, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
Honestly, I feel like labeling Ss has always been the way American Ed. created inequity in schools – it’s been done forever. Maybe it is time to rethink that process? #OklaEd
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) April 23, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Legislative Update with @ShawnHime
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
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