Episode 6 – Indian Education: Leadership and Policy

Follow OklaSaid the #Oklaed Podcast on:
Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
Erin Barnes: twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
- Funston WhiteMan @FunstonWM
Overview of chat topic
- Topic: Indian Ed: Leadership and Policy
Questions from the chat:
- 1 – What is Indian education to you and what is your role? Please provide some insight into your classroom and/or school.
A1) Indian Ed looks different by district. It should provide supports to NatAm Ss and provide cultural experiences for all Ss. #oklaed
— Twylla Hester (@TwyllaHester) March 27, 2017
A1: Support indigenous Ss. Provide space for Ss to celebrate their heritage. Teach "An Indigenous People's History of the U.S." #oklaed https://t.co/FP3mVBI1u3
— Aaron Baker (@bakerleft) March 27, 2017
- 2 – In the past, Oklahoma calls itself Native America…Do we agree? Discuss imagery, qualities, values that you manifest in your classroom, school.
A2: I teach U.S. History. Jackson figures big in curriculum. I teach Oklahoma as originating from a series of broken treaties. #oklaed https://t.co/8yzTXJF2s8
— Aaron Baker (@bakerleft) March 27, 2017
A2b One challenge is keeping cultural awareness, history, &pride strong as NAs become more ethnically blended into the Okla fabric #oklaed
— Linda Hasler Reid (@lindahaslerreid) March 27, 2017
- 3 – What is a lesson you’ve taught on Native Americans? How did you celebrate them?
#Oklaed A3) as a T i was fortunate 2 erect a teepee w/ my Ss & i ensured everyone helped…that was the expectation
— doubledown (@FunstonWM) March 27, 2017
- 4 – Native students are a subset of the student population in public schools. What are some strategies you have to encourage growth?
For my student simply honoring their culture and celebrating it has been a confidence builder & confident=growth #oklaed https://t.co/WjtQLSPSJ6
— Gifford's Twisters (@MsKGifford) March 27, 2017
- 5 – How do you encourage Native American parents/guardian to support their students for growth/success?
A5) It's important to identify the resources available to various groups including NatAm Ss/families. #celebratediversity #oklaed
— Twylla Hester (@TwyllaHester) March 27, 2017
- 6 – In terms of sensitive pedagogy…how do you approach your students when teaching about Columbus Day and/or Land Run reenactments?
Q6: Teach the truth. The real truth. Provide students opportunities to speak their truths. Then listen to them. #oklaed https://t.co/OfFSv5oiix
— Anissia West (@AnissiaWest) March 27, 2017
A6 land run all u want as long as you'll walk them w/o shoes in sub zero for a bit… just to get the feel of ndn removal… #oklaed https://t.co/AEAjfrBFFz
— Cory Williams (@MrWilliamsOK) March 27, 2017
- 7 – There are 39 federally recognized Nations/tribes in Oklahoma…discuss possible partnerships you can include your curriculum. You can include past partnerships.
A7: Inviting them to teach their tribal language, NA dances, etc #oklaed
— Stephanie Hime (@MrsHime) March 27, 2017
A7: Many of the tribes are quite willing or eager to share their culture with outsiders! Just contact your local tribe! #oklaed https://t.co/F0HZoqtEUd
— Debra Thoreson (@djthoreson) March 27, 2017
Favorite question and why?
- Erin: Question 1: What is Indian education to you and what is your role? Please provide some insight into your classroom and/or school.
- Scott: Question 6 – In term of sensitive pedagogy…how do you approach your students when teaching about Columbus Day and/or Land Run reenactments?
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A3)My great grandma was full blood chickasaw and lived to be 108. She was the oldest native amer on the roll in US when she died. #oklaed
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) March 27, 2017
These discussions remind me just how much I DON'T KNOW #oklaed https://t.co/IBsbjBzXhQ
— Shelby (@ShelbyJr3) March 27, 2017
A4: Here's some great news about our Native American student academic performance. @WereNIEA @NAEP_NCES #oklaed https://t.co/oTfWKnO6Vg pic.twitter.com/SqfUVkcTVh
— Joy Hofmeister (@joy4ok) March 27, 2017
Indian Education Resources – http://sde.ok.gov/sde/indian-education
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for Student Leadership hosted by @kriscoop80 and @mcappsparks
*Corrected Graphic: @FunstonWM mod #OklaEd tonight! Join us at 8PM CST @mcappsparks @kriscoop80 and @krystalgr80 to follow! pic.twitter.com/xxZ6TCMIAS
— Anne Beck, M.Ed (@MrsBeck25) March 26, 2017
This Sunday's #oklaed chat will be cohosted by @kriscoop80 and me. Please join us as we talk with educators and students about leadership! pic.twitter.com/btkNThEH9C
— Melinda Parks (@mcappsparks) March 28, 2017
All of the cool people leave comments - what are your thoughts?