Episode 5 – March Madness: Assessment Madness

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
Erin Barnes: twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Guest Moderators from #COLchat: Culture of Learning that happens on alternate Mondays 8:00CST catch them next on March 27:
- Michele Corbat: @MicheleCorbat
- Kevin Hime: @Coach57
- Rodney Hetherton: @RodneyHetherton
- Adam Hartley: @aj_hartley1
- Anne Beck: @mrsbeck25
- 154 participants and 743 tweets
Overview of chat topic
- Topic: March Madness: Assessment Madness
Quick overview of each question from the chat:
- 1 – We are heading into spring assessment “March Madness” season. What ways do you keep the focus on creativity?
A1: Take advantage of the times you can control during March (and April) Madness and allow Ss to create/collaborate #COLchat #oklaed
— Adam Hartley, Ed.D. (@aj_hartley1) March 20, 2017
A1: we sing Hamilton and Justin Timberlake #COLchat #oklaed
— Meghan Loyd (@meghanloyd) March 20, 2017
- 2 – Education has continued to be standardized, how do you personalize learning for your students?
A2 I think that technology can help personalize learning and allow Ss to bring their passions into the mix! #oklaed #COLchat
— Drew Robinson (@FatCatArtist) March 20, 2017
A2: love the ideas to get Ss involved in planning lessons. #oklaed #colchat #oklaed
— Lorie Spyres (@MrsLSpyres) March 20, 2017
A2: My friend @SteeleThoughts says it perfectly. #oklaed #colchat #JoyfulLeaders pic.twitter.com/NTqeZvRdmn
— Bethany Hill 🌟 (@bethhill2829) March 20, 2017
- 3 – What do you do in your classroom to alleviate the testing madness?
A3: Stay away from assemblies to "pump kids up" for THE TEST. These actually draw more attention and cause stress. #oklaed #colchat https://t.co/mIUwOvACyv
— Bethany Hill 🌟 (@bethhill2829) March 20, 2017
A3: Fight Club Rules! #oklaed #COLchat
— Jun Broke IT! (@MPSTechnology) March 20, 2017
- 4 – What if there were no state assessments? What would be the alternative?
A4: I'm a huge fan of the portfolio. You can look at my Ss work and see so much growth! #oklaed #colchat
— Mrs. Jackson (@jackson5th6th) March 20, 2017
A4:Project based learning and innovation. #oklaed #COLchat
— Mrs.Gaunt (@GauntTonya) March 20, 2017
- 5 – When/how often should we us project/performance-based assessments when state tests are mostly forced-choice assessments?
A5)How often does the business world use projects vs tests? That often. #oklaed #colchat https://t.co/id5fsIELQg
— Adam Rogers (@MrRogersTech) March 20, 2017
- 6 – Can parents/students opt out of your state assessments? What happens if they do?
In Edmond, we can't opt out but parents can refuse the test. It's not easy. Wish our board would adopt an opt out policy. #oklaed #COLChat https://t.co/LgZ8Gybbqp
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) March 20, 2017
- 7 – Should there be ‘common assessments’ or ‘common understandings’? Why?
A7: we need to understand/know common things. But we can't expect the kids to learn them all in a common way. #oklaed #colchat https://t.co/JA10dxfpUl
— Shelby (@ShelbyJr3) March 20, 2017
- 8 – What will you do tomorrow to ensure that “March Madness” doesn’t take over your classroom/school?
A8)Make sure the admin, teachers, students, and support staff all know #cpsreds is about more then a test score #oklaed #colchat
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) March 20, 2017
Favorite question and why?
- Erin:
Q4). What if there were no state assessments? What would be the alternative? #oklaed #COLchat
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) March 20, 2017
- Scott:
Q8: What will you do tomorrow to ensure that “March Madness” doesn't take over your classroom/school? #oklaed #COLchat
— Rodney Hetherton (@RodneyHetherton) March 20, 2017
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A1: Teach kid 2 creatively bubble answers. Do some left to right, top to bottom, circular motion, pencil dots… #oklaed #colchat
— Rob Miller (@edgeblogger) March 20, 2017
Q4: I suppose we could try what worked for most of America's history: trust teachers and let them do their job. #oklaed #COLChat
— Rob Miller (@edgeblogger) March 20, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
@tstyles77 Leading #OklaEd Tonight! Special #COLchat guests and @FunstonWM to follow! 8PM CST pic.twitter.com/v8lUdz3Xky
— Anne Beck, M.Ed (@MrsBeck25) March 12, 2017
- Join us at 8PM CST Sunday for Indian Ed: Leadership and Policy moderated by @FunstonWM
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