Episode 44 – Hot Topics in Education

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Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Dr. Jason James @James409Jason
Overview of chat topic
Hot Topics in Education
Questions from the chat:
- 1 –Â Question 1 – T Shortage is the #1 crisis in #oklaed ~ How has T shortage affected you in your job?
A1 cont. What makes the shortage hurt worse is vets aren't around to help guide newbies like in the past.. My 1st year had 5 newbies & over 30 +6 year vets. Now we have 2nd yr Ts as grade level chairs helping 1st yr Ts. #oklaed
— Andre Daughty (@andredaughty) December 11, 2017
A1: Larger class sizes, and it makes it tough to really be selective when looking for the best of the best teachers when there’s such slim pickings to choose from! #pdbearchat #oklaed
— Michelle Shelton (@MsShelton5th) December 11, 2017
- 1b –Â Question 1b – Q1b) More on T shortage, how has the usage of emergency, alternative, or adjunct Ts affected Ss at your school? #oklaed
A1b) it’s caused all of us to work hard to help them learn how to teach on the job. Many want to do well but have no idea the scope or depth of the job. #oklaed
— Craig McVay (@mcvay51) December 11, 2017
A1b) I adjunct 1 class, and despite having the content knowledge, it was a struggle at first. My struggle affects my Ss’ learning. #OklaEd https://t.co/mLJ08DKYRw
— Jennifer Lea (@jennifer_lea_e) December 11, 2017
- 1c –Â Question 1c – Q1c) Â Do you believe there is a major difference between emergency, alternative, adjunct and traditional Ts? Â Is there a significant impact on student learning? #oklaedÂ
A1c: Yes. However, ALL teachers need training to remain effective and highly qualified. Okla can bridge this gap with trainings and support. #OklaEd https://t.co/oYwx6QhIiE
— Lauren Ledford (@Mrs_Ledford) December 11, 2017
A1c: Yes. However, ALL teachers need training to remain effective and highly qualified. Okla can bridge this gap with trainings and support. #OklaEd https://t.co/oYwx6QhIiE
— Lauren Ledford (@Mrs_Ledford) December 11, 2017
- 2 –Â Question 2 – Q2) Truth Serum: Â Does #oklaed have too many school districts? What is your answer when #okleg keeps bringing up this issue?
A2) I say get our per pupil funding up to regional average and then we can discuss these big ideas people seem to have for public ed. Consolidation doesn’t change the # of students and $ saved would be a drop in a very large bucket!! #oklaed https://t.co/a9wJqZ1gWE
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) December 11, 2017
#OklaEd A2 comment
If we spend $X per student and lower the number of school districts, it does not impact the number of students. We spend less per student than 48 other states. This is not impacted by consolidation at all. Its a math thing.
Do your job indeed! https://t.co/LTQspNaLDi— Rob Reck (@rob_reck) December 11, 2017
- 2 –Â Question 2b – Q2b) Many in #oklaed acknowledge school choice; Ps should be able to choose the right school for their children. Does this choice have limits?
A2b – we wouldn’t need choice if we would just fund schools and pay teachers…..come onnnnnnn peopleeeee!!! If we still think we do, than we are really saying we don’t want our kids around “those kids” #letsberealhere #oklaed
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) December 11, 2017
A2b) Parents should choose where their kids go to school but our tax dollars should never be sent to private institutions that do not adhere to the same accountability as the rest who receive this money. #oklaed https://t.co/CC6oYtoaqs
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) December 11, 2017
- 3 –Â Question 3 – Q3) Â Charter Schools: What is your take? Â Are they good for #oklaed or drain on precious resources?
A3) it’s a case by case basis and a blanket statement can’t be made about all charters. There are some I support and some I don’t. You have to look at their dynamic and make sure they are educating children for free and not for profit. #oklaed https://t.co/5A8eteRZTM
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) December 11, 2017
A3)Charters in Oklahoma are public schools and hold public school students in need of funding for their education as much as any other public school in Oklahoma #oklaed https://t.co/G3USRomLu5
— Dawn Collums (@collums_dawn) December 11, 2017
- 3b –Â Question 3b – Q3b) Currently, there is a lawsuit challenging the way charter schools are funded in Oklahoma. Charter schools contend they should receive state dedicated monies, building fund, etc. Â Valid or way off base? #oklaed
A3b. Fair. Once again, I'm for ANY school really trying to help our students. #oklaed
— Andre Daughty (@andredaughty) December 11, 2017
A3b cont.
Elephant in the room.
Charters get to teach what they want how they want and be held accountable for their own actions based on their own board.
Not as much political shenanigans from public boards. #oklaed— Andre Daughty (@andredaughty) December 11, 2017
A3b cont. Another elephant…
They also can/could dismiss students back to home schools, which could mean dismissing troubled students and only keeping non-troubled students. #oklaed— Andre Daughty (@andredaughty) December 11, 2017
A3b cont.
Elephant #3,
Many pay more money and manageable Ss per class due to cap of students… Which many teachers would love! #oklaed— Andre Daughty (@andredaughty) December 11, 2017
A3b #oklaed Charters are exempt from many of the rules (and protections for students and teachers) that traditional public schools have. They knew before they began operation that they were also exempt from certain funding streams. https://t.co/aLL8dZlpCE
— Rick Cobb (@grendelrick) December 11, 2017
- 3c –Â Question 3c – Q3c) What do you think about virtual charter schools? Â Are Ss getting an education? Are these for profit schools good for #oklaed?
A3c) It depends on the student. I receive many students who went virtual for a while then discovered they needed the discipline of a school with teachers. These virtual schools are not interested at the corporate level in student education. #oklaed https://t.co/IJmJbRKRdB
— Jack Reed (@jlreed2011) December 11, 2017
A3c: all I know is we have many different types of students (children) in the world. Not all prefer a classroom setting. If they learn better virtually then why not?! Are we not taught to accommodate each student? It’s about them, not us. I think we lose sight of that. #oklaed
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) December 11, 2017
- 4 –Â Question 4 – Q4) T pay: many have proposed a T pay raise. What is the true number to stem the tide of Ts leaving the profession or leaving to other states? What is your real number? #oklaed
A4) we should pay Ts same as NM, AR and KS. Same cost of living and tax base. We are ten years behind AR now. It will take 9K now. #oklaed
— Craig McVay (@mcvay51) December 11, 2017
A4. Cont. If Ts made $60k, they would have MORE time to plan and focus on Ss vs leaving the school with their Macy's name tag on ready to work another 5-6 hour shift. One teacher lesson plans in the Ross work room. #realtalk #oklaed
— Andre Daughty (@andredaughty) December 11, 2017
- 4b –Â Question 4b – Q4b) Is T pay an indication of your worth? Is pay a matter of Respect? Â What do you need to stay in #oklaed and retire in your chosen job duties?
A4b) Both! Having spent 11 yeas in education in a neighboring state, I find myself shocked by the ways OKleg devests in education- both monetarily and respectfully! #oklaed
— Lisa Crosslin (@lisarcrosslin) December 11, 2017
Q4b) Pay IS an indication of worth AND respect. $10K to stem the exodus across the borders. Raising Gross Production Tax could do this but #oklaleg values and respects oil and gas more. #oklaed https://t.co/7aUSZVp3QN
— Dawn Brockman (@dawnbrockman) December 11, 2017
- 5 –Â Question 5 – Q5) How is your #okleg doing?
 Don’t hold back. Do they support #oklaed? Are they doing a good job?  Are they BSC?
A5. My mom (an educator) said if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it on Twitter. #okleg could improve massively. They'd be in the unsatisfactory category for sure. #oklaed
— Andre Daughty (@andredaughty) December 11, 2017
A5. I am researching my new leg. Loved my old one. Right now, I am frustrated with local and national leg. Really considering leaving the US #oklaed
— Mrs. Telannia Norfar (@thnorfar) December 11, 2017
- 6 –Â Question 6 – Q6) Did I miss a hot topic you were interested in? Â Tell the twitterverse what your big issue is?
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A6) an issue I see is something that keeps us from being effective advocates. It’s the blanket statements. All R’s are this, all charters are that… these things can’t be lumped together. It’s the quickest way to make enemies. #oklaed https://t.co/XO1FVHmtDW
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) December 11, 2017
This chat tho! Exhausted. Tomorrow we go as paid professionals into all types of schools with one thing in common: kids who need us (and who are strangely motivated by candy canes and movies for the next 7 days.) #lovemyjob #oklaed
— Amber McMath (@mrsmcreading) December 11, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Visionary Leadership with the OU Education EACS Cohort
@oueducation EACS Cohort moderating tonight! Visionary Leadership, 8PM CST. #Oklaed will resume chats as scheduled on 1/7/2018. pic.twitter.com/jNCuBlqJeH
— Anne Beck ✌🏻❤️& 🔲 (@MrsBeck25) December 18, 2017
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
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