Episode 23 – QuotableEDU

Follow OklaSaid the #Oklaed Podcast on:
Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
Erin Barnes: twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Hosted by Erin Barnes!
Overview of chat topic
Questions from the chat:
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Q1: Time @claychristensen wrote the book Disrupting Class. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/y4s3kMaNHb
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) July 24, 2017
A1: Student ownership. Letting them take the lead. Flipping lessons helps gives us the ability to be "hands on." #OklaEd
— Jessica Robinson (@JessRob) July 24, 2017
A1) Ignite curiosity! Keeping students curious is way too underrated in schools, IMO #oklaed
— Brandi Williams (@ScienceBrandi) July 24, 2017
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Q2: UnGifted is a book by @sbkaufman
Follow him if you want to know more about Creativity and Intellegence. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/CUVNV6IzNF— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) July 24, 2017
A2 For my big kids, yes–but THEY need to be the ones setting goals so the goals are meaningful to them. #OklaEd
— Melinda Parks (@mcappsparks) July 24, 2017
A2: I think this is where strong relationships help w/ Ss. Secondly, the type of teacher makes or breaks this! #oklaed
— Jun Kim (@MPSTechnology) July 24, 2017
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Q3: @khanacademy
In Edu you've probably heard of Sal Khan. His book is just as amazing as the website of the same name. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/ivb4Dmk4Ov— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) July 24, 2017
A3: The hard thing about individualized learning is the time it takes to investigate and discover what works with each kid. #oklaed
— TheBlackApple (@BlackApple4edu) July 24, 2017
A3)The battle for many is admitting that personalization CAN happen. As long as you do something w/that truth, better than nothing. #oklaed
— Amber McMath (@mrsmcreading) July 24, 2017
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Q4: @ronclarkacademy is the first T that truly inspired me. I have all of his books and have attended RCA for PD. #UshouldToo #Oklaed pic.twitter.com/yiVFdYz7Dy
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) July 24, 2017
A4: read stuff by people who are smarter than me. #oklaed
— Drew Price (@drewprice11) July 24, 2017
A4: Be willing to try new things without the fear of failure. Don't teach 1 yr 20 times. Stay relevant. #oklaed
— Steve Gilliland (@Stv_Gilliland) July 24, 2017
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Q5: @TechChef4u is one of the hardest wrking Ts w/ bestest collection of EDU stuff on @Pinterest and IN HER BOOK. #buyit #followher #oklaed pic.twitter.com/jp9HHLYbGb
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) July 24, 2017
A5 We are working on building our communication skills. Some is trial & error. We learn from our mistakes. I model, we try again. #oklaed
— Mrs. Waters 📚 (@watersenglish) July 24, 2017
A5: We practice-lots. On complex texts, Ss get a chance to do their first assignment with a group before getting to individual work. #oklaed https://t.co/p8HwJgfmLI
— Debra Thoreson (@djthoreson) July 24, 2017
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Q6: Wired to Create really flipped my brain upside down and helped me explain so much of why I am me. @sbkaufman #oklaed pic.twitter.com/wwnTcldQAl
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) July 24, 2017
A6)I'm biased as an EngT but the correct answer is books. Find books that say "that was my hell too" or "escape to this nice place." #oklaed https://t.co/zup1OiPz3L
— Amber McMath (@mrsmcreading) July 24, 2017
A6. We first have to realise that their dreams are probably different from the ones we have for them. #OklaEd https://t.co/I1r8hsrQrX
— Tutaleni Asino (@tutaleni) July 24, 2017
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Q7: Co-Founder of @ronclarkacademy the brilliant @kimbearden tells stories of legendary teaching through the Ss that inspired her #oklaed pic.twitter.com/Z0xB2OhtVg
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) July 24, 2017
A7: Charred ceiling, baby pool of ooblick, air-cannons (paid for the locker damage), Eggtreme bungee of death, mousetrap death race #oklaed.
— Jun Kim (@MPSTechnology) July 24, 2017
A7: One of my favorites was holding a mock trial over a fictional character for SR Eng. students make the magic. #oklaed
— Jessica Robinson (@JessRob) July 24, 2017
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Q8: @ScottAdamsSays is the creator of the Dilbert comic strip and so much more. His quote hits hard…whats the price? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/2IohapN6cl
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) July 24, 2017
A8 stand every failure on its head. Something was gained every time and only emphasize that. #oklaed
— Travis Barnes (@tbarnes211) July 24, 2017
A8: Be real about your own failures & your story of perseverance. Then set them in situations to fail, reset, then succeed. #oklaed https://t.co/ezEtlASPJP
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) July 24, 2017
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Q9: @kylemschwartz – perfect way of looking at this from a Ss perspective. Are you teaching how you would have like to be taught? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/hGMblCLmT7
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) July 24, 2017
#oklaed A9 when you are engaged you are more likely to be active in the learning process, not just an observer.
— Janalyn Taylor (@JanalynTaylor) July 24, 2017
A9: I don't learn when I'm not engaged, why would I expect Ss to be. I was at a conf. Last week where this was an issue. Long days. #OklaEd
— Jill (@msjillslay11) July 24, 2017
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Q10: Good ol Albert Einstein wrote this short and logical but packed full of a different sort of view book. #oklaed #fillURcup pic.twitter.com/saPyYGWKlV
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) July 24, 2017
A10) Finding ways to connect with colleagues and learn professionally keeps me filled as an educator. Personally? Faith and family… #oklaed
— Allen Lehman (@allen_lehman) July 24, 2017
Q10: Find "your marigolds," supportive colleagues at school or elsewhere, who have my back and challenge to grow. For me, @osuwp & #oklaed https://t.co/OaUezpLPSo
— Robin Fuxa (@RobinFuxa) July 24, 2017
Favorite question and why?
Erin: Q8 – How do you embrace failure? How can we teach students that failure can be overcome?
Scott: Q4: What are you doing to constantly tinker with the approach(s) you use to make your students successful?
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A10: Continue to adjust and change and learn in order to help our ever changing Ss succeed.
Ss Sucess = My heart is "filled". #oklaed https://t.co/EbgxjeDcsz— Krista Steiner (@ProfeSteiner) July 24, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Shawn Hime @ShawnHime with the Legislative Update.
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
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