Episode 16 – Summer Learning – Makes Me Feel Fine

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
Erin Barnes: twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Hosted by Gracie Branch @branch7 the CCOSA Associate Director OAESP/OMLEA Exec Director.
Overview of chat topic
Questions from the chat:
Join us tonight for the OklaEd chat Summer Learning Makes Me Feel Fine at 8pm! @ccosa #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/6thkdrEo5Q
— Gracie Branch (@branch7) June 4, 2017
- 1 – Introduce yourself, where you are from and your favorite summertime treat.
Introduce yourself and what is your favorite summertime treat? @ccosa @oklaed pic.twitter.com/t6rf8ydURo
— Gracie Branch (@branch7) June 5, 2017
A1: Anything sweet!
A2: Learn how to say no to sweets! #oklaed— Sandy Hetherington (@shetherington13) June 5, 2017
Lindsy here! Not a big fan of sweets, but sure love me some cherry pie! 3-5 principal in Illinois #oklaed
— Lindsy Stumpenhorst (@lmstump) June 5, 2017
- 2 – What is something non-job related you would like to learn more about this summer?
What’s something non-job related that you want to learn more about this summer? @ccosa @oklaed pic.twitter.com/gRNIP9YzBj
— Gracie Branch (@branch7) June 5, 2017
A2: #oklaed I want to learn to cook w/o medical emergency or fire alarms. Healthy cooking that is yummy, and painlessly accomplished.
— Kathy Dunn (@KathySDunn) June 5, 2017
A2: frisbee golf… I live right by a park and I should get out more #oklaed pic.twitter.com/uAofRs5Giv
— Cory Williams (@MrWilliamsOK) June 5, 2017
- 3 – Give a shout out to your favorite edu-rockstars that you learn from frequently and help you shine.
Give a shout out to someone who you learn from frequently! @ccosa @oklaed pic.twitter.com/MrxcKG9tdl
— Gracie Branch (@branch7) June 5, 2017
A3 I learn @grendelrick @JennWillTeach @andredaughty @mrjoshflores and all of my students. #oklaed
— Mrs. Waters (@watersenglish) June 5, 2017
A3c #oklaed My fellow bloggers like @edgeblogger @ClaudiaSwisher @BlueCerealEduc keep me sane. Or as close to sane as it gets.
— Rick Cobb (@grendelrick) June 5, 2017
- 4 – What book would you recommend other educators read this summer?
What book would you recommend to other educators to read this summer? pic.twitter.com/BFGLUQ1SEY
— Gracie Branch (@branch7) June 5, 2017
A4: Teach like a pirate, Lead Like a Pirate, Kids Deserve It, Crash Course by Kim Bearden, Shift This, Innovator's Mindset #oklaed https://t.co/xoRxPmTKFs
— Michelle Shelton (@MsShelton5th) June 5, 2017
A4. To those educators who are stiffs in the classroom, I'd suggest any Harry Potter book. Teach them it's ok to have fun in class. #oklaed
— Brian Hayes (Buck) (@Bhayes72) June 5, 2017
- 5 – How do you like to learn: alone, small groups, conferences, book studies, large groups, formal, informal, etc.?
How do you like to learn: alone, small groups, conferences, book studies, large groups, formal or informal settings? @ccosa #oklaed pic.twitter.com/qN7z923pmL
— Gracie Branch (@branch7) June 5, 2017
A5: Informal. I'm so not about this whole traditional PD thing, I have always been a stick it to the man kind of gal. EdCamps! #oklaed
— Meghan Loyd (@meghanloyd) June 5, 2017
A5- Doesn't matter! My learning occurs everywhere- like Seuss… in a boat, with a goat, here or there, anywhere (maybe not w/ a 🐐)#oklaed
— Julie Bloss (@BlossJulie) June 5, 2017
- 6 – If you could attend any workshop, training or conference- what would it be?
If you could attend any workshop, training or conference what would it be? @ccosa #oklaed pic.twitter.com/W933FBkLta
— Gracie Branch (@branch7) June 5, 2017
A6 TCEA was a great experience, not sure if I learned more from the conference or the group I attended with. #oklaed
— Jennifer Seitsinger (@room20awesome) June 5, 2017
A6: any of the ones I applied to this summer and didn't get into. Which was all of them. #oklaed https://t.co/Nestr2hMwU
— justDrewIt (@DrewC75) June 5, 2017
- 7 – Share a professional development “aha” moment from this year -describe something/someone/an experience that turned your lightbulb on!
Share a professional development experience from this past year that turned your light bulb on? @ccosa #oklaed pic.twitter.com/fvTco05EXp
— Gracie Branch (@branch7) June 5, 2017
A7 I've never been in a district that sent us out of OK so AP training was nice. #oklaed
— aimee garrett (@aimeegarrett5) June 5, 2017
A7 – learned a lot at the football rules break out session at OCA last July. #onlygirlintheroom #oklaed
— Dena Rogers (@dena_rogers) June 5, 2017
- 8 – If you were a new educator, what HOT Topic would you encourage them to learn about early in their career? Provide any resources.
What hot topic would you advise new educators to learn about early in their careers and what are suggested resources? @ccosa #oklaed pic.twitter.com/xh7djSkZz6
— Gracie Branch (@branch7) June 5, 2017
A8: Classroom Management, Paperwork, and Budgets. Having a mentor teacher in the school they're teaching in would help. #oklaed
— Brian Hayes (Buck) (@Bhayes72) June 5, 2017
Q8: Effective advocacy w/your legislators. We can't expect anyone else to come save us. You have to reach out and tell your stories! #OklaEd https://t.co/54a9GuoHHO
— Hayley Jones (@hayleybethjones) June 5, 2017
- 9 – Finish this sentence- This summer I am going to brighten my professional learning by:
Finish this sentence: This summer I am going to brighten my professional learning by…? @ccosa #oklaed pic.twitter.com/kdY0r4IlFa
— Gracie Branch (@branch7) June 5, 2017
A9 always valuable to learn to avoid the power struggle. You are already in charge, why are you fighting for control? #oklaed
— Kenneth Ward (@kennethdward) June 5, 2017
A9) pushing myself past my comfort levels….researching, presenting, collaborating. #oklaed https://t.co/mbrA84CIck
— Natasha Jefferson (@jefferson_first) June 5, 2017
- 10 – Challenge: This week, begin your summer learning and share it on Twitter using the hashtag #oklaed and #ccosa.
Your challenge is to begin sharing your summer learning on twitter using the #oklaed and #ccosa hashtags. @ccosa #oklaed pic.twitter.com/c6dAALcKOc
— Gracie Branch (@branch7) June 5, 2017
Favorite question and why?
Erin: Q5 – How do you like to learn: alone, small groups, conferences, book studies, large groups, formal, informal, etc.?
Scott: Q3 – Give a shout out to your favorite edu-rockstars that you learn from frequently and help you shine.
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A5 #oklaed I'm a huge fan of EdCamps. I don't do formal well. https://t.co/qQ39zAgMUD
— Rick Cobb (@grendelrick) June 5, 2017
A7: The most meaningful PD for me happened right here on #oklaed
— Angela Wages (@awages1) June 5, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
All of the cool people leave comments - what are your thoughts?