26 – iPadpaloozaOU Ignite Talks

The best of intentions don’t always work out exactly like they were planned…The goal was to have this podcast out last week, while iPadpaloozaOU was still fresh. Alas, real life got in the way and here we are a week later.
iPadpaloozaOU was an excellent conference that sparked some great conversations. This is definitely something that you should try and attend next year.
It is a good thing to be stretched and challenged in your thinking – iPadpaloozaOU did that, in a good way!
As for the folks I talk about in the podcast this week – find them right here. These are amazing people who have amazing ideas to share with you!
Wes Fryer – Website Twitter
Shelly Fryer – Website Twitter
Josh Flores – Website Twitter
Jonathan Atchley – Twitter
Tyler Bridges – Website Twitter
Enjoy The Drive!
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