Episode 10 – Community solutions for Education

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
Erin Barnes: twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
University of Oklahoma Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education Dean Gregg Garn @deangarn
Overview of chat topic
- Topic: Community Solutions for Education
Questions from the chat:
- 1 – #Oklaed can’t wait any longer for state and federal solutions. What could local leaders do to attract and retain great teachers in Oklahoma?
Q1: #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/fPSCRYZIRw
— Gregg Garn (@DeanGarn) April 24, 2017
A1: decrease instructional mandates. Promote entrepreneurial mindsets.#Oklaed
— J-Flo, semi-adult (@mrjoshflores) April 24, 2017
- 2 – What community entities/businesses have the highest stake in having a great school and teachers in their community? How can we get them involved?
Q2: #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/mxGcVpx5Bt
— Gregg Garn (@DeanGarn) April 24, 2017
.A2 Doesn't everyone have a high stake in education? Business Leaders, Parents, city government, everyone? #ourFUTURE #oklaed pic.twitter.com/zViAXg3mKh
— Heather Ballou (@ballouberry) April 24, 2017
- 3 – Below are a few incentives being discussed that could mean huge savings for educators. Which would be the most beneficial and what would you add to the list? Health Care ()for Teacher and/or Students), Student debt benefits, Childcare Supports/Subsidy, Continuing Education/PD support.
Q3: #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/P1G5JJdKG6
— Gregg Garn (@DeanGarn) April 24, 2017
A3: We need a structured teacher-leader model for our state. Give opportunities to promote while still remaining in the classroom #oklaed
— Jason Perez (@JasonPerez75) April 24, 2017
- 4 – Homeownership is the first step in building strong communities, and with homeowner programs like OHFA Dream and Homes for Heroes, teachers save on purchasing a home in Oklahoma. Would this incentive attract teachers to #Oklaed?
Q4: #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/0modWdF4jz
— Gregg Garn (@DeanGarn) April 24, 2017
A4: Yes – but only addresses part of problem – that may lure some in – but how do we retain? #oklaed
— Drew Price (@drewprice11) April 24, 2017
- 5 – Many teachers purchase homes out of the district they work in because of costs. What sort of role should the community play to ensure teachers can afford to own homes in the districts they teach in?
Q5: #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/TtVcBK0ZSI
— Gregg Garn (@DeanGarn) April 24, 2017
@franklinMPH what a great way to anchor struggling neighborhoods- teachers who live near schools they where they teach. #Oklaed
— Gregg Garn (@DeanGarn) April 24, 2017
- 6 – Yukon Public Schools now provides matching 529 College Savings Plan for its teachers’ children. while waiting for a solution for #oklaed teacher pay, would this be an incentive to stay in #Oklaed and/or your district?
Q6: #OklaEd @YukonDistrict pic.twitter.com/YSARKh5vHM
— Gregg Garn (@DeanGarn) April 24, 2017
A6: I think any incentive a district can give is much appreciated, but we stay because of relationships. OK just needs to $$$ 4 Ts. #OklaEd
— Renee Bell (@Biobellrocks) April 24, 2017
- 7 – What are some ways #oklaed can go to their own communities and get these initiatives started?
Q7: #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/VM9I3oeXOi
— Gregg Garn (@DeanGarn) April 24, 2017
A7: Openly engage w/civic leaders, chambers, clubs, city council, etc.. Sit at the table with all that have stake in the success of #oklaed. https://t.co/oo5pe4M6bx
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) April 24, 2017
- 7B – Administrators, what are some barriers you foresee in having these conversations with community stakeholders?
Q7B: #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/v5y5rPxni9
— Gregg Garn (@DeanGarn) April 24, 2017
- 8 – Teachers, what was not mentioned tonight that you could see as something that would encourage teachers to teach and stay in #oklaed?
Q8: Last question of the night #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/PhIa30mBm4
— Gregg Garn (@DeanGarn) April 24, 2017
A8. Don't let all the negativity stop u.Being a T is a great and rewarding career. U will just have to keep fighting the good fight. #oklaed
— Kristy Cooper 🌎 (@kriscoop80) April 24, 2017
Favorite question and why?
- Scott: Q3:
Q3: #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/P1G5JJdKG6
— Gregg Garn (@DeanGarn) April 24, 2017
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
Yes! Feminization of teaching in US happened in 1800s bc women were seen as cheap option for tax payers. Low pay is a sexist legacy. #OklaEd https://t.co/f7EJSkbGkz
— 💢Dan Krutka, PhD 💢 (@dankrutka) April 24, 2017
Harsh reality is that wage gap 4 Ts exists because of gender bias. Many cling to outdated notion that husband's job pays the bills. #OklaEd
— Rob Miller (@edgeblogger) April 24, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
@oueducation own @DeanGarn mod 2night! How communities can help keep Ts in #OklaEd @shawnhime and @KimberBlodgett to follow #OklaEd 8PM CST pic.twitter.com/YDsIgelCyv
— Anne Beck, M.Ed (@MrsBeck25) April 23, 2017
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
All of the cool people leave comments - what are your thoughts?