A Day in the Life of an Educator: Tuesday

*Warning – this will be a long post and is not for the feint of heart.  But for those of you who are not teachers – read it at your own risk.  This is the true story about one week in the life of a teacher, just the teacher part… …

On Open Letter to our State Legislators, especially Representative Mike Turner

Good Afternoon Representative Turner, As the District 81 Representative you represent my family, community, and school system. I invite you to visit my classroom at school anytime: Edmond Memorial High School! We have great kids, great teachers, and great administrators, and as a school and district we are always trying …

A week in the life of an educator: Monday

*Warning – this will be a long post and is not for the feint of heart.  But for those of you who are not teachers – read it at your own risk.  This is the true story about one week in the life of a teacher, just the teacher part… …

A week in the life of an educator: Sunday

*Warning – this will be a long post and is not for the feint of heart.  But for those of you who are not teachers – read it at your own risk.  This is the true story about one week in the life of a teacher, just the teacher part… …

A Day in the Life of an Educator Day 1: Saturday

*Warning – this will be a long post and is not for the feint of heart.  But for those of you who are not teachers – read it at your own risk.  This is the true story about one week in the life of a teacher, just the teacher part… …

What Would You Do?

Before I get to far into this post: I am not the best writer and I am not normally one to get really active politically as a teacher.  I just don’t have time…I know that I should call/email/fax/smoke signals with my elected leaders but who has time with all of …

Digital Learning Day!

Ok…so life happened and I haven’t been able to sit down and pour thoughts out into my blog nearly as regularly as I would like.  However its time to try and get back into some kind of writing routine (this is tough for us math teachers!)  Coming up really soon, …

The Assignment Wizard by Knowmia!

I love Knowmia!  I host more of my video’s here than on YouTube – both are great places, Knowmia passes our school district’s internet filters.  I wanted to share about how to create an assignment with their assignment wizard.  This a super great way to break longer videos into shorter …

Using Prezi In Math Class

So…as a math teacher, sometimes finding really cool ways to incorporate fun stuff into class can be a little difficult.  Its a struggle to get the kids to show all of their work using paper and pencil, forget about it if they have to type it all in!.  But this …

Passion for what I do!

I teach.  Love teaching!  Cannot imagine not doing this!!!  It is with passion and enthusiasm that I say hello to my kids everyday.  It is my desire for them to achieve at the highest level that I work almost non-stop for them.  I am always on the lookout to make …

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