So if you are reading this, my challenge to you is to post to social media with this hashtag: #1CoolThing and attach a picture or post about what cool thing you do with your students. If you are an administrator showcase your school or district. My challenge to you is to do this everyday until school is out!
Make this a statement, make this a part of your classroom culture, make this what your building does. MAKE THIS A REVOLUTION! You MATTER! You MAKE A DIFFERENCE EVERY DAY! Document those things, show the world how amazing your classroom or school is. Share what makes your school so #Amazeballs! Tell others to share. Tell parents to look. Give the local newspaper your info and invite them to see.
Will it be hard to do each day – yes. Can it be done each day – yes. Share a picture worth a thousand words. Catch your teachers doing something so great the world needs to know. Show the creative power of your students. Share your innovative ideas. Share your lesson success.
This is your opportunity. This is your chance. Start right now. Show the world #1CoolThing you do in your classroom/school/district.
#1CoolThing – be the positive force of change that you want to see in your building.
Light the fire and watch is spread…
All of the cool people leave comments - what are your thoughts?