What kind of future do you want?
Before I get too far into this post – I am a proud member of the #edublob. And yet, I try to have some common sense about where we are as a state and where we can go. I am a passionate educator who believes that our state can do better in the future.
This election…can have reverberations that impact a generation. Why? There are several lawmakers who are term limited and cannot run for reelection. Some have chosen to move out of the state capitol and into other areas. Part of me doesn’t like the term limit situation – I feel like it takes away a choice for me. What if I really like my representative and feel he is doing great things for my district? But this is an argument for another day…
That means that there will be several new representatives in the State Capitol and being sworn in next January. Assuming that newsok.com counted correctly, there were 417 people who filed for office. So…Now is your chance to make that change. Because most elections go to the incumbent – you need to decide who your future incumbent is going to be.
Our current crop of legislators have struggled with education. They have also struggled with putting Oklahoma into a strong financial position. And they have struggled looking out for those who are not capable of looking out for themselves. They have been under the influence of those who live outside our state.
What do you want your future Oklahoma to look like? Tomorrow is your opportunity to define what the next 12 years will look like.
Here is my hope for Oklahoma: 
-That we become a fiscally strong state, one that can whether the ups and downs of the oil cycle. A cycle that is always repeating itself. We know its coming, lets modernize our revenue streams and diversify where those monies come from.
-That republicans and democrats can work with each other for the best interests of Oklahoma – I want to be represented by someone willing to work with others. I am mostly republican, but democrats have good ideas as well. Be willing to listen to each other.
-That we become national leaders in how our education system is funded and what it produces. There is no need to re-discover the wheel. Specifically, lets look at those systems all over the world doing amazing things. And borrow some of those ideas to put into use here, in our great state.
It will take time. Lots of time – maybe the amount of time that this next crop of elected representatives has before they become term limited. It will take tough decisions. It will take sacrifices. It will take working across party lines.
It will also require you to vote. Not sure about candidates in your area check out Blue Cereal as well as Fourth Generation Teacher for some information. Oklahoma Parents and Educators for Public Education has released a list of endorsed candidates. I am proud to know several of them.
What do you want your future to look like? The primaries tomorrow will determine some of this. The general election in November will determine the rest.
So make your mark. Use your voice. By sitting in silence, you are accepting what you see. This time, refuse to be silent. Go Vote.
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