Episode 98 – Best Practices in Education

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Jason James @james409jason Alex Public Schools Superintendent
Overview of chat topic
Best Practices in Education
Questions from the chat:
Q1) Getting to know your Ss & developing relationships with them and their parents are essential to maximizing both teaching effectiveness & student learning. Please share a best practice to build relationships w/ Ss & Ps. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/J7EMrkdxT9
— Dr. Jason James (@James409Jason) January 14, 2019
A1) One of the most important things we do is build relationships with students. You must find time to have nonacademic conversations and listen to your students. When they know you truly care, they will work to meet your expectations. #OklaEd
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) January 14, 2019
A1: Making the effort to know their names & the guardians official connection to the S (parent, gparent, aunt, foster, etc). We also have TV announcements running in our lobby which allows Ss & Ps to see what's going on in our school. #oklaed
— Alicia Ray (@iluveducating) January 14, 2019
Q2) 1 of the most controversial edu practices is assigning homework. Do you believe assigning HW is effective? Why or Why not? Regardless, most Ts believe Ss need to practice essential skills for Mastery to happen. Share your best practice w/ #oklaed
— Dr. Jason James (@James409Jason) January 14, 2019
A2: Good discussion for either side, but make sure you inspect what you expect. Give feedback (notice the lack of using the word grade) in what you’ve assigned 👍🏾 #OklaEd https://t.co/MKPhauaRdk
— Shane A. Sanders, M.Ed. (@edu_sanders70) January 14, 2019
A2) Completely depends upon the purpose. If we are working toward mastery; no. I don't want students to lose motivation by working on things they already know & if they do not know it I don't want them doing it on their own. Ongoing assignments are perfect for homework. #oklaed https://t.co/fRXH3AKxgL
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) January 14, 2019
Q3) Tests, Quizzes, Projects, HW, Oh My -Assessing S growth is essential to the learning process – However, grading practices are as diverse as our Ss – Share your thoughts on "Grading" & a best practice on how you assess S learning. #oklaed
— Dr. Jason James (@James409Jason) January 14, 2019
A3: If you are looking for formative assessments in math that showcase students thinking, check out the @oksde curriculum frameworks for Math Formative Assessment Probes. #oklaed https://t.co/tQWhR41yk7 pic.twitter.com/xZZk31Mmt1
— Tiffany Neill (@tiffanyneill) January 14, 2019
Grading can be so hard, y’all! I personally believe grading should reflect mastery. 🤷🏻♀️ that means not grading (like in the grade book) the first, second or third times a student has practiced a new skill. #oklaEd give them time to learn! https://t.co/MK6qeods2f
— Christine Wesley (@ChristineTeel) January 14, 2019
Q4) Academically, student motivation can make all the difference in the world. Why do you think some Ss are motivated and others are not? Share a best practice where you've had success in getting unmotivated Ss to succeed. #oklaed
— Dr. Jason James (@James409Jason) January 14, 2019
A4 Its important to draw a distinction btwn can't do & won't do. Sometimes Ss present as being disinterested or unmotivated, but lack the skills necessary to be successful. Skilled Ts are able to build upon their relationship & find ways to move all Ss fwd #oklaed https://t.co/GAN7aFPS77
— Carri Hicks (@hicks4ok) January 14, 2019
A4: Factors outside of the classroom may hinder student motivation. When I feel this in a student, I tend to speak to him or her outside of the classroom and mention one of his or her achievements. Sometimes, a little encouragement can go a long way. #oklaed
— Chong Si Lor- #INFP (@chong2087) January 14, 2019
Q5) Maximizing S academic achievement & learning satisfaction requires a strong teacher-parent partnership. How & how often do you make contact with the parents of your students? Please share a parent contact best practice with #oklaed
— Dr. Jason James (@James409Jason) January 14, 2019
A5) Having 130 kids makes this difficult. Being involved in the community helps. Getting little brother or sister later on down the road also helps. Other then contacting because of grades/missing assignments. I make sure to make at least 15 positive contacts a semester. #OklaEd
— Alberto Morejon (@Mr_MorejonSJH) January 14, 2019
A5: Honestly for me, not enough. Working on this one. #oklaed
— Steve Gilliland (@Stv_Gilliland) January 14, 2019
Q6) "Life Long Learner" is not just a slogan but a mantra for educators. PD is a way Ts continue to grow as people & as professionals. Books, conferences, trainings, conversations, social media – how do you do PD? Share a best practice on how you continue to grow? #oklaed
— Dr. Jason James (@James409Jason) January 14, 2019
A6 Youtube has become my most consistent source for PD. If there is something I need to know quickly I can usually find someone that has shared it on YouTube already #oklaed
— Jason Bengs (@jasonbengs) January 14, 2019
A6 cont. Next would be twitter and peer contacts, followed by other soc med groups #oklaed
— Jason Bengs (@jasonbengs) January 14, 2019
A6 part 3 I also listen to at least one podcast episode every morning while my coffee is brewing and often have one running in the background while I work in my office #oklaed
— Jason Bengs (@jasonbengs) January 14, 2019
A6) These chats, #oklaed, are the best SD I have EVER had in my 34 years as an educator. #oklaed https://t.co/KfmD8edaoh
— Vicki Donley (@DonleyVicki) January 14, 2019
Q7) With the legislative session approaching fast, we know #oklaed will once again be an #okleg priority. Is there an edu policy or reform you want to see happen? What best practice do you use to communicate these ideas to your community & POLs?
— Dr. Jason James (@James409Jason) January 14, 2019
A7 #oklaed I want to see more funding for trauma PD, more funding for counselors, and more funding for ICAP. We're already in the middle of the last half-dozen or so reforms we were asked to do. I'd like to see these fully implemented before we get new reforms.
— Rick Cobb (@grendelrick) January 14, 2019
A7 I always have an open door for #oklaed! https://t.co/rlb29kwXbM
— Carri Hicks (@hicks4ok) January 14, 2019
Q8) There are 2 sides to the achievement formula: teaching & learning. Now, researchers are starting to explore the benefits of a T taking time to renew, recharge, & energize themselves as a person. Share a best practice on how you take care of you. #oklaed
— Dr. Jason James (@James409Jason) January 14, 2019
A8: Call me crazy, but 4am deadlifts and power cleans get me recharged and fired up. Been doing it since my military days – secret to success.
— Bradley Ward (@BradWard42) January 14, 2019
Every morning at Golds! #4amclub#oklaed 🍎
A8. Running is good. Laying on the couch re-watching #GameofThrones in anticipation of the new season is better. For some reason my children won’t allow me endless hours to do that…#oklaed
— Lauren Peña (@lauren_pena16) January 14, 2019
Boomsauce Tweet(s) of the Night:
A3: #oklaed
— Drew Price (@drewprice11) January 14, 2019
Students learn at different rates. Grading practices should be mindful of that. Also grading should not be used to motivate or punish.
A1) One of the most important things we do is build relationships with students. You must find time to have nonacademic conversations and listen to your students. When they know you truly care, they will work to meet your expectations. #OklaEd
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) January 14, 2019
Next Week on the #OklaEd Chat:
Dr. April Grace @shawneesup Shawnee Superintendent and Melonie Hau @melhau11 Duncan Superintendent Community Engagement and Partnerships
Join #OklaEd at 8PM CST every Sunday on Twitter
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