Episode 97 – Reflections and Resolutions

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Rhonda Schroeder @rhondaschroeder principal at Arthur Elementary in OKC public schools and lead learner in a 1:1 elementary school.
Overview of chat topic
Reflections and Resolutions
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/0QnuT0f4Fm
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) January 7, 2019
Questions from the chat:
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/YD1THHm7gQ
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) January 7, 2019
A1: Learning alongside other district leaders/ILD’s on critical topics like educational equity, implicit bias, etc. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/UcVbgssnWz
— Wm Stubbs (@WmStubbs) January 7, 2019
A1: Got to teach drawing on iPads to kinders thanks to @room20awesome #oklaed
— Jun Kim (@MPSTechnology) January 7, 2019
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/YLLyZQvsXN
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) January 7, 2019
A2. I’ve had to learn how to manage my time much better and more efficiently in 2018. I got engaged to the woman of my dreams, took my first steps towards a masters degree(12 hours down w/4.0), juggled my duties as AD, and coached a 15 week football season! ⏱✅ #oklaed https://t.co/tGDeGokBjm
— Mike Dunn (@Coach_Mike_D) January 7, 2019
A2: Definitely the walkout. I have never chosen to engage in politics before and it pushed me to my limits, especially being the building rep for our site. I learned a lot! #oklaed https://t.co/Me8Vhr0NbJ
— Jennifer Newkirk (@TeacherJenn2013) January 7, 2019
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/0Oz9BhydMY
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) January 7, 2019
A3) the last chat of the year was most profound for me because of the number of people involved plus the amount of interest and support from our elected officials and leadership. That speaks volumes of optimism for me. #oklaed https://t.co/jAoaSoqQLz
— Missy Martin-Berry (@MissyMartinBer1) January 7, 2019
A3) There’s not just one. Each chat allows me to think, learn, adjust, and teach something differently…honest. I am a better educator because of the chats. It’s the best weekly staff development EVER! #oklaed https://t.co/HQVO4s8zvm
— Vicki Donley (@DonleyVicki) January 7, 2019
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/atfY0FrKuY
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) January 7, 2019
A4) #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/9rWXV5ynXB
— Alberto Morejon (@Mr_MorejonSJH) January 7, 2019
A4: Not sure it was a specific headline…Have to give a HUGE #oklaed SHOUTOUT to all of the T's who stepped out of classrooms to run for elected offices! Much love!
— Valarie Farrow (@valariefarrow) January 7, 2019
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/Ls6cN4jbJD
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) January 7, 2019
A5: it’s not any listed but “This is Us” comes to mind. We’re all in this together and we’ve proven when we have a common goal for the betterment of our future leaders and state we can accomplish our goals and continue to thrive. But only together!
— Bradley Ward (@BradWard42) January 7, 2019
#oklaed 🍎
A5: It was the best if times it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness….who knew Dickens was a part of #oklaed ? https://t.co/gF0TeN9GcO
— Stacey Roemerman (@StaceyRman) January 7, 2019
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/P3Ci4xaiDL
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) January 7, 2019
A7. “Serve”. The best leaders serve their communities and family. It’s the way my Dad and Mom taught me. I want to continue becoming a better servant leader. Everything will fall into place if I keep it a top priority. #oklaed https://t.co/9RUZzX1YRm
— Mike Dunn (@Coach_Mike_D) January 7, 2019
A7 I think thinking my word for 2019 is persistence. I need to persist regardless of whatever is thrown in my direction. #oklaed
— Michelle Waters 📚 📝 (@watersenglish) January 7, 2019
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/k2jpFDCR4d
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) January 7, 2019
A8) my resolution is to lessen the political polarization that’s currently happening and continue the push for collaboration and relationships with our elected officials. It’s always better to have a seat at the table than to yell from the hallway. #oklaed https://t.co/JgKs468AHS
— Angela Clark Little 🍎 (@angmlittle) January 7, 2019
A8) My 2019 Resolution is to work harder to help the teachers and staff in my building to know how much their work is appreciated and to help each grow professionally.
— Jack Reed (@jlreed2011) January 7, 2019
A8b) My accountability partner will be my Assistant Principal & my Social Worker. #Oklaed https://t.co/Io1nQOVts4
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/DnOZmgbSQt
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) January 7, 2019
Boomsauce Tweet(s) of the Night:
A8- (oops – this said professional 🤦🏼♀️) Still saying “conquer” here as well. I am ridiculously passionate (strength & weakness) and I need to do a better job of wrangling that passion sometimes. Admit mistakes, celebrate wins, reflect, do better, repeat #oklaed https://t.co/0VTWMk7rlB
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) January 7, 2019
A2) "Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions" -George W Bush
— Alberto Morejon (@Mr_MorejonSJH) January 7, 2019
What I teach my kids. Give everyone a chance and try to understand their point of view. #OklaEd
Next Week on the #OklaEd Chat:
Jason James @james409jason – Best Practices
Join #OklaEd at 8PM CST every Sunday on Twitter
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