Episode 96 – Legislative Update

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Shawn Hime @shawnhime with OSSBA
Overview of chat topic
Legislative Update
Questions from the chat:
#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/6ovrfYbrW1
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) December 31, 2018
A1: $ Gap = larger class sizes which harms children w/ high ACE scores, worn out instructional materials, high number of emergency certified Ts cuz Ts leaving Okla. in droves to surrounding states, & low # of college-ed majors #oklaed @OklaEd @shawnhime https://t.co/eIR6FTXvoB
— Senator Mary Boren (@MaryBorenSD16) December 31, 2018
A1) Retaining teachers. It’s not just pay, but resources, classroom sizes, and support staff needs. Many leave the classroom because of this gap. #oklaed https://t.co/Wq2evYYAN7
— Mark P. Lawson (@Mark_P_Lawson) December 31, 2018
#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/AsrUjH0MNs
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) December 31, 2018
A2 – Any new money should be provided to local boards to invest in lower class sizes, additional pay raises and providing mental health and other needed student services.#OklaEd needs 4,900 additional teachers to reach the regional average in student/teacher ratio. pic.twitter.com/NDhcRPeq4G
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) December 31, 2018
A2 1)Teacher Salleries will continued be an issue…we have to make pursuing a degree in teaching worth it for potential future teachers. 2) Support staff pay 3) bring our classrooms into the 21st century…it’s time to reimagine education!#OklaEd
— Jennifer Seitsinger (@room20awesome) December 31, 2018
A2: Not really participating in tonight’s #oklaed chat more reading and watching sports. However I have to ask why are we willing to accept average in education funding. We don’t accept average with OU football or Thunder basketball or our students. We should want to be the top! https://t.co/F95pZzsH8T
— Todd Gragg (@MrGragg) December 31, 2018
#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/pEuYjqr0Aj
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) December 31, 2018
A3: FOUND IT! There are a lot of ways to look at this question. Teacher retention rates, Ts PD participation, graduation rates, ACT/SAT, Ss access to arts/other curricular options, career readiness #oklaed
— Stephanie Hinton (@thestephhinton) December 31, 2018
A3: The most important question is this;
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) December 31, 2018
Do we want to be known for ACT scores or do we want to be known for a high quality of life driven by great schools and an abundance of good paying jobs and homes in low crime neighborhoods?
I know which I choose. #okleg #oklaed
#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/tNj1CNxz4I
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) December 31, 2018
A4: Depends on what Gov Stitt means when he say's top ten. I would love to see #oklaed be recognized as a national leader for education innovation, for re-imagining secondary education , for developing our teaching profession, for taking care of our kids…
— Rob Miller (@edgeblogger) December 31, 2018
A4. I’d still be in a public school classroom if I felt I could actually teach, but with 160+ papers to grade it’s impossible to make all kids better writers (not to mention forging the absolutely necessary relationships). Fix the class size problem, save the world. #oklaed
— Lauren Peña (@lauren_pena16) December 31, 2018
#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/MLJftHmYZM
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) December 31, 2018
A5 I'm mtg or have met w all of the Supt.'s of the school dist.'s I represent. Continuing relationships w @OSSBAoklahoma @joy4ok @CCOSA @okea @okc_aft and having face to face meetings with Republican and Democratic Senators and Representatives. #oklaed https://t.co/hPBAQaPyiX
— Carri Hicks (@hicks4ok) December 31, 2018
A5: We have welcomed our local legislators to @BixbyPS for lunch and school visits and will host a legislative forum in Bixby on Jan 28. #Oklaed must be as committed in supporting & communicating w/ our legislators as we expect them to be in supporting & communicating w/ us.
— Rob Miller (@edgeblogger) December 31, 2018
#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/kmZ9153yjY
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) December 31, 2018
. @StittforGov get at me about DHS. A6) I contend education outcomes depend on meeting the needs of our children/families when they are outside the classroom, not just in the classroom. And we are so close from being out from under the Pinnacle Plan. #familiesfirst #oklaed https://t.co/8Lxo0CqM3W
— Mark P. Lawson (@Mark_P_Lawson) December 31, 2018
A6) My advice would be allowing someone from every state agency to have a seat at the table before deciding. It’s important to hear from those doing the work. #oklaed https://t.co/WmacBrI5oc
— Angela Clark Little 🍎 (@angmlittle) December 31, 2018
#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/S8sOYE1ZF6
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) December 31, 2018
A7) Ongoing training/PD & support are big for both inexperienced & experienced Ts. Continue w Pay increases, it will take time to restore the pipeline. We repeatedly hear Ts need support (Counselors, specialists, instructional coaches, resources, class sizes,SEL, etc.) #OklaEd https://t.co/aqZtL2NZiS
— Dr. April Grace (@ShawneeSup) December 31, 2018
A7: A strong mentorship program for early career teachers. This may mean stipends for the veterans time. If the program is meaningful it will help teachers become masters faster. In many ways what I’ve encountered in teaching cannot be taught, only experienced. #oklaed
— Adam 🚀Peterson (@MrAdamPeterson) December 31, 2018
#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/xuLJ4x4ZkW
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) December 31, 2018
A8: Somehow, this school year is slipping past too quickly. I haven't shared much good or bad with anyone, but I hope to do better, as soon as I get some time… #oklaed https://t.co/LEBQm2swLM
— Debra Thoreson (@djthoreson) December 31, 2018
I believe Oklahoma can have a Top Ten education system. From creating a universal PreK program, to securing teachers a much-needed pay raise, to shoring up teacher retirement, progress is being made in Okla. But there is still more to do.. #oklaed https://t.co/ZUj4CbSfKT
— Governor Kevin Stitt (@GovStitt) December 31, 2018
Boomsauce Tweet(s) of the Night:
A3) Lets do everything we can to put a top ten type quality teacher in the classroom with every kid In OK. Everything. Pay, respect, class size, operational funding, books, wrap around services. #oklaed
— Craig McVay (@mcvay51) December 31, 2018
A6- Please put the money towards kids and their futures whatever department. #oklaed isn't only one with a need, but kids deserve it!! https://t.co/YMtRCgACXY
— Jason L. Midkiff (@jmidkiff) December 31, 2018
Next Week on the #OklaEd Chat:
Jason James @James409Jason moderating a chat on Best Practice
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