Episode 81 – Everyday Advocacy

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Shari Gateley @ShariGateley – English Teacher at Putnam City West
Overview of chat topic
Everyday Advocacy
Questions from the chat:
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A1 – I spend a lot of time at the beginning of the year fostering authentic relationships – that is more important than practicing procedures. I want my classroom to have a positive climate that makes failure normal & supports growth. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/D8wZeamn5I
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) September 10, 2018
A1) admin: Don’t punish teachers for advocating. Work together to collaborate for the good of the school community. Work with your professional organizations, not against them. #oklaed https://t.co/KfzbLqTraI
— Seth Meier (@SethMeier) September 10, 2018
A1: I've implemented a "Why we're doing this" portion in each lesson to help students understand that they are suffering through tough language so they can do the same with a loan application, for example. #oklaed https://t.co/7K7mqPevpC
— Debra Thoreson (@djthoreson) September 10, 2018
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A2 – I do an activity called “The Fail Test” to demonstrate that failing should be celebrated because it’s part of growth. Ss are under so much pressure to perform and I want my classroom to be a space where mistakes are part of the process. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/F5VyRXeJsq
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) September 10, 2018
A2) It's not just relaying that vision to students. It's important for Ts & Ps to help Ps know how to build esteem/value. Not the everyone gets a trophy kind…but the way to talk and interact with kids that helps them feel positive about their abilities, dreams, etc. #OklaEd https://t.co/DmM2ZFPX5G
— Jeffery Corbett (@JefferyCorbett) September 10, 2018
A2: it's about instilling this truth inside your walls that each students excels in something. Building motors, designing dresses, art, poetry, math. Believe it, know it, teach it, and watch them transform. We value each other #oklaed https://t.co/hNsj9S2Rri
— Katie Kinder (@KatieKinder1) September 10, 2018
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A3 – The majority of the literature my Ss read is by minority authors. Most of their schooling consists of dead white guys. I can’t hook them on reading if they don’t read stories by authors who look like them. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/B1IJQ0xjaM
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) September 10, 2018
A3: I prepare students to be information literate. That is to evaluate information for bias, determine authenticity of sources and prepare them for life. These skills enable students to be critical thinkers in regards to information they receive and produce. #oklaed
— Stacy Ford (@StacyFord77) September 10, 2018
A3) we are using Microsoft’s Learning tools such as Immersive Reader so struggling readers can enjoy literacy with less stress @MPSTechnology It’s not perfect but getting there 😃#oklaed
— Dawn Collums M.Ed (@collums_dawn) September 10, 2018
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Q4 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/fEgJkCuKbe
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) September 10, 2018
A4) Teach them that having a voice doesn’t always mean opposing. It can also mean showing your support for something so they will learn it’s just as important to show gratitude. #oklaed https://t.co/SjDt5TYPdn
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) September 10, 2018
A4) Arts integration! Grateful for @okaplus providing models for expression and engagement through many art forms #artsed #artsintegration #oklaed https://t.co/1zx0joaGYA
— Julia Kirt (@JuliaKirt) September 10, 2018
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Q5 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/b1WrzfPeVg
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) September 10, 2018
A5: This really took on a whole new level last year after having three gubernatorial candidates in my classroom. My students were on the news and in the media. Not only has that cemented relationships, BUT my students felt like they mattered that they were important. #oklaed
— Jessica Robinson (@JessRob) September 10, 2018
A5: Going out and being involved in your community helps a lot with gaining connections and allies with other people in the community. Going to different events and just talking to people does more than what you think! #oklaed https://t.co/8OGuuONtKj
— Emily Brinkman (@EmilyBrinkman5) September 10, 2018
On of the big ones is #oklaed chat! I l love that different people run it each week so you get different perspective. And great job tonight @ShariGateley! https://t.co/LKERit5GUE
— Jon Echols (@jonechols) September 10, 2018
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A6 – I do not allow myself to work outside of school for more than an hour a day, but I MAKE myself work for an hour a day. It keeps me from getting too hard behind, but also sets boundaries. I actually set a timer & walk away when it goes off. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/AEEXchEfPs
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) September 10, 2018
A6 Not the best at this…BUT cooking with and for my family, hanging out, playing games, #OkLaED
— Jennifer Seitsinger (@room20awesome) September 10, 2018
A6 Uh… yeah. I'm still working on that. Pretty much everything I do ties back to education or writing. Or both. LOL! That said, I want to write a novel. Maybe one of these days… #OklaEd
— Michelle Waters 📚 (@watersenglish) September 10, 2018
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Q7 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/tO1cJBS2fi
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) September 10, 2018
A7 #oklaed
Yes, we must tell the stories of the children in our classrooms, schools, communities. And, we must be #relentless to tell it over and over and over again—especially for those who have no voice, no advocate, and for those who’ve never been heard. https://t.co/NQ3pVlXZl3— Joy Hofmeister (@joy4ok) September 10, 2018
A7: I use real life student examples without identifying details at the state level. In presentations, conversations, and in my own planning—my kids’ stories I woven throughout all things I do! #oklaed
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) September 10, 2018
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A8 – Get involved in campaigns…drive candidates, knock doors, stuff envelopes! DRIVE the narrative! #oklaed pic.twitter.com/6oL9IdZJhe
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) September 10, 2018
A8: I took a bold step 16 mo. ago & announced our campaign for state senate. It's just too important to wait for others to address the disparities. We all play a critical role in ensuring the future of our profession, and preparing the future gen. in our classrooms! #OklaEd https://t.co/L4XuQdVexC
— Carri Hicks (@hicks4ok) September 10, 2018
A8) One of my biggest goals is to develop and retain all of the great Ts in my bldg and make them feel valued as professionals. Sharing stories so the public knows the great things going on as well as our needs. #Oklaed
— Twylla Hester (@TwyllaHester) September 10, 2018
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Q9 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/0YjThUONOI
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) September 10, 2018
A9) The mom who gave a plate of brownies to a kid in the parking lot so he would have something to share at the class party…because she knew no one at his house would & he would be embarrassed. #OklaEd Yrs later she didn't remember, but he did. #LittleThingsMatter #EveryChild https://t.co/hz9D643HKL
— Jeffery Corbett (@JefferyCorbett) September 10, 2018
Q9: The 50,000 people at the Oklahoma State Capitol during the teacher walk out! I’ll never forget it. #OklaEd https://t.co/mF1nK5fuc1
— Merleyn Bell (@bell4norman) September 10, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A8) 1. Voting 2. Encouraging Others to Vote 3. Supporting pro-public ed candidates with my time, talents (and even a little $ when I can). 4. Did I mention voting? #OklaEd (PS: Nov 6th — be there!) https://t.co/gkqE3IwKVi
— Jeffery Corbett (@JefferyCorbett) September 10, 2018
Lauren Peña. 7th grade English @casadyschoolokc.
Thank you, Aaron Sorkin. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/fSPfIiYAzn
— Lauren Peña (@lauren_pena16) September 10, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Elizabeth Suddath @ElizabethS_OK – School Connectedness
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday on Twitter for the #OklaEd chat!
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