Episode 79 – Readers Are Leaders. #OklaEd, Let’s Get Lit!

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Kas Nelson @kasnelson PK-6 Principal in Vici. Also blogs at aprincipalspace.wordpress.com
Overview of chat topic
This week’s chat is about creating a culture of reading in your classroom or school! Many of these questions are from “Lead With Literacy” by Mandy Ellis #LeadLit
Questions from the chat:
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Welcome to tonight's chat!
#OKLAED, Let's get LIT! Introduce yourself and share a favorite professional book! #oklaed #leadLIT pic.twitter.com/j7ZwSdvcmr— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
This week's chat is about creating a culture of Reading in your classroom or school. Many of the questions are from "Lead with Literacy" by Mandy Ellis. She's joining our chat tonight, so connect with her @mandyeellis! Thanks for being here, Mandy! #oklaed #LeadLIT pic.twitter.com/AzymCR5aZz
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
A1: i read everything when i was a kid! i'm pretty sure every teacher i had since prek gave me more books to read or let me read ahead since i was so voracious. but credit for that has to go to my parents who read me soooo many books ever since i was a little baby! #oklaed
— Stephanie Peppers (@nerdyfirsties) August 27, 2018
a1) I read any books I was told that I could not.. Stephen King, Go ask Alice!, Diary of Anne Frank, Huck Finn.. Ban it and it was in my backpack. #oklaed https://t.co/VlmYZAPgEH
— Dr Theresa Cullen (@DrTerriC) August 27, 2018
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Q2:#oklaed #leadLIT pic.twitter.com/mg1nWKRiLY
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
A2- Literacy is the most essential foundation for everything a person needs to get ahead in life. We should be reading in every classroom regardless of content area or grade level. #oklaed https://t.co/M4bq4UAU6r
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) August 27, 2018
A2: Reading is a great connection between school and life. It will help fill the gap when a teacher or parent isn't there…#oklaed pic.twitter.com/xQdQalbMjd
— J Anderson (@DrJ_Anderson) August 27, 2018
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Q3:#oklaed #leadLIT pic.twitter.com/wKfdxr9PTA
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
A3: Walk around with book in your hand. Whether in the classroom, hallways, or cafegymatorium – make it a priority to bless a book; the students will want that book.#oklaed
— J Anderson (@DrJ_Anderson) August 27, 2018
@kasnelson A3 and at the middle school trying something different this week…#oklaed pic.twitter.com/dbUSKAo9a0
— Jessica Cabeen (@JessicaCabeen) August 27, 2018
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Q4:#oklaed #leadLIT pic.twitter.com/beFLwz4kc8
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
A4: just the busy pace of school typically interferes, but so worth it when you make the time to get there. Sometimes I would read in the media center or just go into classrooms so they see me reading! #oklaed
— Gracie Branch (@branch7) August 27, 2018
A4 As a technology director I definitely don't get to do this very often. But maybe offering myself up to our elementary teachers as a "guest reader" would be doable… It's certainly something I love doing! #OklaEd
— Wesley Fryer 🌎🎙🚀 (@wfryer) August 27, 2018
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Q5:#oklaed #leadLIT pic.twitter.com/dcdxw0iTuE
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
A5: Parents seeing it in schools is important; but taking the literacy invitation/push home is essential. Partner with home for reading success.#oklaed pic.twitter.com/5kIYS3LXB2
— J Anderson (@DrJ_Anderson) August 27, 2018
A5: In my classroom, there is a fairly large library, with books sorted by subject, and several comfy spots that are perfect for curling up with a good book. #oklaEd pic.twitter.com/fASOgnQI4p
— Allyson Trimble (@MrsTrimbleVici) August 27, 2018
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Q6:#oklaed #LeadLIT pic.twitter.com/36fq12n1Cm
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
A6: #OklaWE is hosting an outdoor movie night with parents & community to connect to novels read in the classroom. #OklaEd
— Amanda James (@451Flame) August 27, 2018
A6: We are, for the 1st time, doing a One School/One Book event with the help of @readtothem
All students and staff will get a copy of Lemonade Wars and do a read aloud and be encouraged to read it at home as well… Can't wait #OkLaED #leadlap #leadlit Idea from @MrWawczak— mandy ellis (@mandyeellis) August 27, 2018
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Q7:#oklaed #leadLIT pic.twitter.com/Wl7WoO242j
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
A7: our HS baseball team reads to Elementary students on some Fridays..in their uniforms. 😊 #oklaed
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
A7. I give students a “workday” in class every other week to read, workshop writing, or work on homework. #oklaed
— Lauren Peña (@lauren_pena16) August 27, 2018
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Q8:#oklaed #leadLIT pic.twitter.com/vAbALKKTrt
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
A8: I’ve done a few fb live bedtime stories! Our most recent was b4 #okfirstday. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/gYgM3p1l92
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
A8. I’ve found that nothing kills a social media platform faster than adults trying to be hip with it. However, I have had kids talk through how characters would present themselves on SM to make them more relatable. #oklaed
— Lauren Peña (@lauren_pena16) August 27, 2018
#OklaEd A8: With the likely “truth stretching” on social media especially, choose a topic, find ‘significant’ posts, read and test for fake news by seeking corroboration! https://t.co/ImRIdpqZgg
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) August 27, 2018
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Q9:#oklaed #leadLIT pic.twitter.com/8VZlgh3DFY
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
A9: Post “currently reading” outside your door, tweet it, have a section of your newsletter devoted to what you are reading #oklaed
— Stephanie Hime (@MrsHime) August 27, 2018
A9) At my last school our librarian @PCWLibrary created laminated signs so Ts/As could post what we were reading outside our doors. Plan to steal this and use it at my new school. #oklaed
— Twylla Hester (@TwyllaHester) August 27, 2018
- Bonus
Bonus: #oklaed #leadLIT pic.twitter.com/CqCYUwqB6d
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
Thank you, #oklaed crew, for LITerally, an amazing chat! Share a book & promote LITeracy this week! And thank you again to my friend, @mandyeellis for joining the chat tonight! #oklaed #leadLIT pic.twitter.com/rq9HteWDSH
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
Bonus Answer – 3 all time favorite books, This is tough but:
Crime & Punishment by Dostoevsky,
Sun Also Rises by Hemingway, &
To Kill A Mockingbird by Lee #oklaed #MDubLearns https://t.co/8BVlqsFTWe— Todd Gragg (@MrGragg) August 27, 2018
Bonus: I don't want to tell…I like the weird and out of this world. Pick something magical or paranormal and I probably like it, but One of my favorites is The Stand. #oklaed
— Renee Bell (@Biobellrocks) August 27, 2018
Thank you, #oklaed crew, for LITerally, an amazing chat! Share a book & promote LITeracy this week! And thank you again to my friend, @mandyeellis for joining the chat tonight! #oklaed #leadLIT pic.twitter.com/rq9HteWDSH
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) August 27, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A8: Maybe every teacher in our school should sign up for a night to do a fblive bedtime story! @kasnelson #oklaEd
— Allyson Trimble (@MrsTrimbleVici) August 27, 2018
A5: Parents seeing it in schools is important; but taking the literacy invitation/push home is essential. Partner with home for reading success.#oklaed pic.twitter.com/5kIYS3LXB2
— J Anderson (@DrJ_Anderson) August 27, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Moving Toward Innovation with Erin Barnes @ebarnes73
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday on Twitter for the #OklaEd chat!
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