Episode 75 – 5th Sunday Policy Update

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Shawn Hime Executive Director of OSSBA The Oklahoma State School Board Association @shawnhime
Overview of chat topic
5th Sunday Policy Update
Questions from the chat:
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#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/dxtrDCs2yM
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) July 30, 2018
A1 – Great first step in alleviating the #OklaEd teacher shortage crisis. We will be above the regional average for teacher salaries for the first time in a least 20 years, maybe ever. pic.twitter.com/1cmGaecPA3
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) July 30, 2018
A1 – The pay raise is appreciated, but implementation is confusing teachers in my area (Broken Arrow, Union, Tulsa PS). Unfortunately we're still seeing teachers move to other districts, into administration for the pay increase, and even out of education. #oklaed https://t.co/vYFg99AswI
— Bill Day (@day4ok) July 30, 2018
A1: I don't think it'll help as much as people would like to think. It still doesn't bring it to an amount where people would consider it incentive, though. It'll keep some here, but not pull others in. #oklaed https://t.co/P7nQ5Mw7vB
— Debra Thoreson (@djthoreson) July 30, 2018
A1 Pay raises are a start. Seat at the table is next. Too many policies created without professional input. Yes, teachers are highly trained professionals. #oklaed
— jenniescottfor41 (@JennieScott41) July 30, 2018
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#OklaEd pic.twitter.com/AEGpLvZIQQ
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) July 30, 2018
A2) Invest in our students and classrooms. #OKLeg must stop chasing problems year after year. Get ahead of immediate and lingering challenges w/the tools, training and people our kids need to THRIVE. #oklaed https://t.co/QcHA2noBb7
— Joy Hofmeister (@joy4ok) July 30, 2018
A2. #oklaleg must recognize that trust needs to be restored. Show educators with actions next session that the tide has changed, 1010 was a new beginning not an ending and #oklaed is a priority. Both in funding and treating educators like the professionals they are.
— Jon Echols (@jonechols) July 30, 2018
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#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/bND5GbAR1g
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) July 30, 2018
•Parent involvement / volunteer efforts.
•Continued community outreach.
•More time for teachers to plan and collaborate with colleagues.
•Continued support, training, and development. #OklaEd— Rep. Mickey Dollens (@MickeyDollens) July 30, 2018
A3: P1: Incentives need to be extreme. Errything should be on the table. Restore respect in our teachers by giving autonomy back. End reliance on tests for everything. Go with student-centered approach over outcome-based. Teachers will flock back! #OklaEd
— Rep. Jacob Rosecrants (@jacobrosecrants) July 30, 2018
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#OklaEd pic.twitter.com/TE9Q3TZd7e
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) July 30, 2018
A4: Continue to stave off policies that are counterproductive to the mission of public education.
Provide a long-term funding measure for #oklaed (a la roads & bridges) that allows schools to confidently invest in the classroom instead of wondering what the next year will bring. https://t.co/IJdcwhfWF4
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) July 30, 2018
Equity #oklaed https://t.co/DwFO6fXpk4
— OklaEd (@OklaEd) July 30, 2018
A4) The long-term goal should be to find a way to equally fund education with a revenue source that is stable and dependable with the protection of those funds to be restricted to only education. Then the back room games can stop. #oklaed https://t.co/WxBWrNe8wZ
— Jack Reed (@jlreed2011) July 30, 2018
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#OklaEd pic.twitter.com/HaoGHhzk5O
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) July 30, 2018
A5) i’ll leave this answer to the subject matter experts (educators) but will advocate alongside you once you’ve decided. #oklaed https://t.co/PczEIqQzjD
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) July 30, 2018
A5: The most important thing I want to see restored in education is beyond the basics are the arts and the critical thinking skills desperately needed in a technological age. #OklaEd https://t.co/sNFG6DzsFk
— Linda Wade for OK Senate 42 (@lindawade4ok) July 30, 2018
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#OklaEd pic.twitter.com/SJnUpQhRgh
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) July 30, 2018
A6. I talk to everyone about the run-off and the November elections. Seriously, my new hair stylist and I had a 30 min convo about it last week! Neighbors, parents of the kids on our kids’ sports team… everyone! #oklaed
— Elizabeth E. Smith (@eesmith0814) July 30, 2018
A6: How about staff drawings for submitted “I voted” stickers on a note card with their name? Work with PTA to reach out to parents about funding challenges and importance of civic engagement on public education. #oklaed
— John Braly (@JohnBraly) July 30, 2018
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#OklaEd pic.twitter.com/0hdrasnxzJ
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) July 30, 2018
A7 – Make yourself known at the Capitol from day 1. Call, email, show up! And get to know #okleg assistants too- they can help when you might be having a hard time getting your legislator! I mean @okcmeagan & I are pretty much besties. 😂🤷🏼♀️#oklaed https://t.co/OjqYYXK5RR
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) July 30, 2018
A7 All Oklahoma educators should have home yard signs out for candidates that are pro-education. We need to especially support, encourage & amplify the voices of educators / retired educators running for office! #oklaed
— Wesley Fryer 🌎🎙🚀 (@wfryer) July 30, 2018
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#OklaEd pic.twitter.com/QQidaCk6vr
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) July 30, 2018
A8: Better figure it out, full legalization is coming not just to OK. We’re educators, we need honest education early. Supportive wrap around services for students. You’re lying to yourself if you think kids don’t have access as it is. No scare tactics; it undermines us #oklaed
— John Braly (@JohnBraly) July 30, 2018
A8: 1st- How we plan to administer the Rx if prescribed to our Ss when other drugs have failed. Safely and without controversy. That should be our main objective. #oklaed
— Anne Beck (@MrsBeck25) July 30, 2018
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#OklaEd pic.twitter.com/5kROCsmmkh
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) July 30, 2018
A9: Social media as much as possible. Report back tomorrow….fasten your seatbelt. Lol #oklaed #solongsummer
— Steve Gilliland (@Stv_Gilliland) July 30, 2018
A9) We've had a meet and greet with leg in Tuttle this summer. Thanks to our chamber. I've met with many other key people at other gatherings. Updating website and increasing social media visibility to share positive stories. We decide how our story is told. #oklaed #tuttleEDU
— Twylla Hester (@TwyllaHester) July 30, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A1. I can’t speak for anyone else’s experience, but I left public ed for smaller class sizes. While I was thankful for the raise, I just never felt like I could give my kids effective feedback in writing when there were so many of them. #oklaed
— Lauren Peña (@lauren_pena16) July 30, 2018
A5) A focus on the purpose of education… I think that it is important that our students love learning and are involved citizens. Our current focus on testing gets in the way of what's important #oklaed
— Stephanie Hinton (@thestephhinton) July 30, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Impact of Students with Trauma Based Behaviors in OK Schools Kirsten Atchley @kristenatchley and Eleanor Goetzinger @ekgsped
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday on Twitter for the #OklaEd chat!
All of the cool people leave comments - what are your thoughts?