Episode 72 – What’s In A Mindset?

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Kristin Atchley @kristinAtchley
Overview of chat topic
What’s In A Mindset?
Questions from the chat:
- 1 –
Q1a :Using 3 words, how do you describe yourself? #oklaED
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
A1: Energetic, Enthusiastic, Empathetic! #oklaed pic.twitter.com/l1CmBRHWKv
— Chong Si Lor- #INFP (@chong2087) July 9, 2018
A1a) Determined to succeed #oklaed https://t.co/xnmbOBhF7y
— Jack Reed (@jlreed2011) July 9, 2018
Q1b: Using 3 words, how would your leadership describe you? #oklaED
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
A1b Committed, Questioner, Learner #oklaED
— Jennifer Seitsinger (@room20awesome) July 9, 2018
A1b: hands on technology #oklaed
— Anne Beck (@MrsBeck25) July 9, 2018
Q1c: Using 3 words, how does your social media presence describe you? #oklaED
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
A1c) persistent, positive, passionate #oklaed https://t.co/OUz3uRzmbx
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) July 9, 2018
A1c – In and out! #oklaED https://t.co/LxbwW9gtl7
— MyAccidentalLife (@joanhagy) July 9, 2018
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Q2: How does your mindset of your school influence your teaching performance/relationship with others? #oklaED
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
A2) Our attitudes are infectious regardless so we have to choose which one we are going to have. #oklaed
— Eric Justin Bates (@ejbband21) July 9, 2018
A2: The mindset of the school is the culture of the school and what they want to accomplish, their values, and dedication. The culture determines if I am willing to fit into the school and succeed as a teacher. If I do not like the culture, I will not teach there. #oklaed
— Chong Si Lor- #INFP (@chong2087) July 9, 2018
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Q3: Given the importance of a positive mindset in a classroom, what happens to a Ss learning when a positive mindset is overshadowed by negative thoughts? #oklaED
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
A3: We can’t overestimate a positive environment, but it’s also important to understand WHY kids are having negative thoughts. Life isn’t perfect and I want them to know they are entitled to a bad day, I want them to feel heard and accepted no matter what. #oklaed
— Jessica Robinson (@JessRob) July 9, 2018
A3: They can't learn. If a student is dealing with unimaginable hurt and pain, their thoughts aren't on the classroom. Even if I share so much positive mindsets, that can't make up for what kids are going through. You hear that Marzano? #oklaed
— Meghan Loyd (@meghanloyd) July 9, 2018
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Q4: How do you describe the climate of your school and classroom? #oklaED
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
A4: I taught MS. We shut the door AND the world out. My kids felt like they could be kids. We learned, we painted, we debunked Wikipedia, and we built Central America in Minecraft. Best time of my life!! #oklaed
— Anne Beck (@MrsBeck25) July 9, 2018
A4: 1 word for school and my office: inclusive. We’re all in this together. #oklaed
— Steve Gilliland (@Stv_Gilliland) July 9, 2018
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Q5: Other than laws, why would Ss want to attend school? #oklaED
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
#oklaed A5: Attending school is a way to see friends or have security. However, at the HS level, some Ss question why they have to take these classes for graduation. Connecting the classes to career choices, interests, and talents are necessary to help Ss find their paths.
— 🌹Shanna Mellott (@lsmellott) July 9, 2018
A5 – It is where they are safe, loved, nourished (literally & figuratively), and it provides them a pathway to a new life. #oklaed https://t.co/aH87FvavFA
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) July 9, 2018
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Q6: What is the mindset of Ss who are engaged, intrinsically motivated, hopeful, and resilient? #oklaED
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
A6: Those students are the ones who take initiative. They see education as a tool of enrichment and not one of great burden. I learn from them just as much as I hope they learn from me. #oklaed
— Chong Si Lor- #INFP (@chong2087) July 9, 2018
A6- they are not turned in to truancy court. 😉 they want to come to school, they put others ahead of themselves, which is rare for adults and kids alike. #oklaed https://t.co/jt3LdIsfHS
— Dena Rogers (@dena_rogers) July 9, 2018
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Q7: What steps can we take to develop a positive mindset in ourselves as well as colleagues? #oklaED
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
A7 – we have to not be afraid to fail! we have to encourage each other and root for each other and give each other some breathing room sometimes! #oklaed
— Stephanie Peppers (@nerdyfirsties) July 9, 2018
A7 – We must remember no one likes to work/be around/hang with downers – also, we have so much to be positive and joyful abt in #OklaEd. We must model positivity, support, celebration, kindness, & forgiveness for others. That makes for an awesome climate & place of work. #OklaWE https://t.co/Ysyh80B1KF
— Amanda James (@451Flame) July 9, 2018
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Q8: Should we discuss the concept of mindsets at our staff meetings? #oklaED
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
A8. More intentional about sending thank/just because cards. Random acts of kindness more frequently. Create an ongoing culture of kindness. #oklaed https://t.co/A50AuuBaqL
— Dr. April Grace (@ShawneeSup) July 9, 2018
A8 I think we should be discussing self care. What you feel inside is what you portray to others. It all starts within! I woukd love to see staff taking self care assessments and creating plans of care. #oklaed
— Cindy Blasi, LMSW (@cindy_blasi) July 9, 2018
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Q9: Write about this statement: A focus on social emotional learning of Ss is NOT extra-curriculum. #oklaED
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
A9 It seems important to us when we talk about early childhood Ss, but for some reason as they mature we ignore that vital aspect of Ss and learning. It may not be a standard, but it impacts all learning #oklaed
— Jason Bengs (@jasonbengs) July 9, 2018
A9) If you cannot connect with the students on a social-emotional level then how can any learning take place? It isn't until we, as educators, open up and be honest with our students that they will trust us enough to accept what we are teaching. #oklaed https://t.co/GT3obu7Pzq
— Jack Reed (@jlreed2011) July 9, 2018
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Q10: Write about this statement:
All Ss are motivated, but unfortunately, some are dominated by “avoidance motivation” as a way of protecting themselves from situations that they believe will lead to failure and humiliation and/or emotional and physical exhaustion. #oklaED— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
A10) Agreed. This relates to negative thoughts and self-talk. This is why it’s so important for S’s to have T’s who remind them of times they have succeeded, where they started vs where they are now. #oklaED
— Andrea Crowe (@EdPsych8) July 9, 2018
A10: Sometimes I can relate to this statement. I can't blame kids for this motivation style when I too experience avoidance at times. #oklaED
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
- Bonus –
One school’s motto is “We love you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”@DHEPrincipal If you could write your school motto, what would it be? #oklaED— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 9, 2018
Bonus) Big hearts, big dreams. #oklaED
— Andrea Crowe (@EdPsych8) July 9, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A7) Accept that there will be hurdles. Appreciate the journey. Recognize growth (whether it’s in inches or miles). Be the person you’d want to be paired with. And possess a magical playlist full of dance songs and upbeat music. #oklaED
— Andrea Crowe (@EdPsych8) July 9, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Stephanie Hinton @thestephhinton – De-escalation and Mindfulness
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday on Twitter for the #OklaEd chat!
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