Episode 71 – From Teaching to Learning

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Kevin Hime, Superintendent of Clinton Public Schools @coach57
Overview of chat topic
A discussion of how student learning looks when educators move from teaching to learning
Questions from the chat:
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/PoW5kDDF7Y
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
- 1 –
Q1) What does the shift from teaching to learning look like to you? In your school? #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
A1- the shift from teaching to learning looks like a building full of people who understand their profession is about their students’ performance and not just theirs. #oklaed
— Dr. Jason James (@James409Jason) July 2, 2018
A1) Shifting from teaching to learning moves teachers from lecturers to guides. Student-centered not teacher-centered. #oklaed
— Twylla Hester (@TwyllaHester) July 2, 2018
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Q2) Define “PLC”? What are the “tights” for a PLC to be effective? #Oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/iFBbIZuq9N
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
#A2 – The people that sharpen my iron as an educator. #oklaed https://t.co/c7Uw3uMxWz
— Todd Gragg (@MrGragg) July 2, 2018
#A2 – The people that sharpen my iron as an educator. #oklaed https://t.co/c7Uw3uMxWz
— Todd Gragg (@MrGragg) July 2, 2018
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Q3) Define “ collective teacher efficacy”? How do you build your efficacy? #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/NYRaRLTeE4
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/Wf9O8gulJ9
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
A3) efficiency? Work together for a shared goal? I’m learning tonight. #oklaed https://t.co/f5WzaG4omk
— Vicki Donley (@DonleyVicki) July 2, 2018
A3: Belief in self and team that we can accomplish our goals. (It might be difficult but that is where the joy is…sense of accomplishment is greatest feeling in the world; actually helping others gain sense of accomplishment is the best feeling in the world!) #oklaed
— Adam Beauchamp (@beauchamp_adam) July 2, 2018
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Q4) Define “RTI”? Share a successful RTI program in your school? #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/WSuCrxsUge
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
A4: RTI can and should be about the whole child, whole school. This is not just are they scoring/assessing at the right level. What’s the barrier? Emotional, mental, social, academic, medical, etc. #oklaED
— Kristin Atchley (@KristinAtchley) July 2, 2018
A4: RTI – Response to Intervention – Catching learning/behavior needs early on for student success. A successful RTI program is one that is continuously training Ts & staff, one that sets Ss up for success, Shows up daily for the session. #oklaed https://t.co/Nr66uKZ5YR
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) July 2, 2018
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Q5) Are you familiar with John Hattie and his collective research? What do agree/like and what do you question/dislike when reading his meta analysis? #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
A5 not familiar with his work, but glad to add him to my list. #oklaed
— Natasha Jefferson (@jefferson_first) July 2, 2018
A5) I love the fact that relationships are shown to be truly the most effective aspect of student success. Could there be any better argument for how important teacher efficacy is? #oklaed
— Dawn Collums M.Ed (@collums_dawn) July 2, 2018
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Q6) Hattie’s report has teacher expectations as the #1 factor when it comes to student learning, how to you raise your expectations for ALL students? #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
#oklaed. #allmeansall pic.twitter.com/AsRfmNznWl
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
A6: After spending time making connections with S’s, the deposits you’ve made by doing that will allow you to challenge S’s at their OWN level to increase their OWN expectations of of learning. #oklaed https://t.co/VEwT1iFho9
— Shane A. Sanders, M.Ed. (@edu_sanders70) July 2, 2018
A6 – Every decision I make begins with “if this isn’t good enough for my own children, it isn’t good enough for any child.” I only want what is best for my kids, so that is what my Ss get. High expectations are easy when you make it personal. #oklaed https://t.co/q5z2AkRUd7
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) July 2, 2018
- 6B –
#oklaed. Are you a high influence or low influence teacher pic.twitter.com/utbcryAod3
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
#oklaed pic.twitter.com/4pwtGzI2tU
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
A6b) It's easy to become stagnant if you don't stretch yourself. As admin, I've got to model lifelong learning and continual growth so that the Ts will do likewise. That'll move down to the Ss. #oklaed
— Twylla Hester (@TwyllaHester) July 2, 2018
A6B) I think this is a really important practice that we often forget about. It's the same with our Ts, is important to have high expectations, believe in their capabilities and be prepared to provide assistance if needed/requested #oklaed
— Stephanie Hinton (@thestephhinton) July 2, 2018
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Q7) Student Expectations and teacher feedback are at the top of Hattie’s list every year, share your thoughts and how your encourage Ss to believe in themselves and collaborate with Ss? #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
A7) It is amazing what can be accomplished with honest conversations, share their struggles and celebrate successess. #oklaed
— Dawn Collums M.Ed (@collums_dawn) July 2, 2018
A7 Some Ss see my discipline as a brick wall. My job is to find some way for even the most challenged to find some sort of foothold in which to believe, and then capitalize on that. #oklaed
— Allen Lehman (@allen_lehman) July 2, 2018
- 7B –
Q7B) How to you encourage teachers and to raise self expectations and give useful feedback? #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
A7b: I love to leave teachers notes of encouragement, or drop by to see how things are going, ask how I can help #oklaed
— Stephanie Hime (@MrsHime) July 2, 2018
A7 and A7b) It all starts with relationships and feeling secure to take risks in learning. Admin, Ts, and Ss must have a supportive, positive climate in which to grow without consequence. Mistakes should be encouraged and allowed. #oklaed
— Twylla Hester (@TwyllaHester) July 2, 2018
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Q8) Is your school culture based on “making adults comfortable” or creating an environment where “all students can learn”? How do we balance these dynamics? #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
A8) The push and pull that we so delicately have to balance in Leadership. Helping teachers understand what Ss need to be successful, share data, research, etc. Ts want success for themselves and Ss. Create a safe place for Ts to also take risks to try new strategies. #oklaed
— Dr. April Grace (@ShawneeSup) July 2, 2018
A8: unfortunately, we are very into making adults comfortable. we have made some advances but it is still heavily adult comfort. #OklaEd https://t.co/8YYT7NWlP6
— Mrs. Telannia Norfar (@thnorfar) July 2, 2018
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Q9)How would your classroom/school look different if grades were not allowed? #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
Classroom without grades #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
A9 I have thought for years that grades as we use them now are nothing more than educational currency. Ss care a lot more about their grade than what they know. #oklaed
— Allen Lehman (@allen_lehman) July 2, 2018
Q9: Question 9 just made me smile. Not going to lie. Okay so maybe we can't get rid of all grades, but I do believe everyone should be doing SBG. A B C D F is so outdated and tells a P or a S nothing. They mean nothing! #oklaed It's grading their conformity.
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) July 2, 2018
- 9B –
Q9B) How would you teach if success was based on employment and income level of your students #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
A9 I would do just what I'm doing now. I teach to make them the best they can be when they grow up. I want to give them opportunities not barriers. #oklaed
— Nancy Williams (@nancy_nwilliams) July 2, 2018
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Q10) What is your evidence that students are learning? #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
#oklaed A10: Going back to Understanding by Design, it's what the Ss accomplish at the end of the unit.They have to put every idea they learned together and apply it. It's all about if they can do it independently.
— 🌹Shanna Mellott (@lsmellott) July 2, 2018
Q10 The evidence that my students are learning is that they can successfully demonstrate the expectation, goal, task, etc. #oklaed
— Carole Peery (@CarolePeery) July 2, 2018
- 10B –
Q10B) How do you access your students? What if grades were not allowed? #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
A10B – I actually have a question. If grades weren’t allowed, how would the S’s measure success? How do you set the high expectations that Hattie suggests? Does a S just keep doing the assignment until it’s “correct”? #oklaed https://t.co/hqY1Ern8HK
— Dena Rogers (@dena_rogers) July 2, 2018
A10b – I’m big on portfolios that collect a large variety of student work – I don’t need or want a MC test to determine/assess learning. I want my students to create. This truly demonstrates learning. #oklaed https://t.co/yR6uTt2HiO
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) July 2, 2018
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Q11) How is your classroom school different then the one you attended? #oklaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) July 2, 2018
Missing the chat…but I have an answer: A11 electives! Shop class! Real choices for students. Freedom to explore passions and find personal gifts. #oklaed https://t.co/s9wv1fZEcc
— Claudia Swisher (@ClaudiaSwisher) July 2, 2018
A11 I graduated in 1986. The difference is night and day. Way more than even 280 characters worth. #oklaed
— Allen Lehman (@allen_lehman) July 2, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A6b) It's easy to become stagnant if you don't stretch yourself. As admin, I've got to model lifelong learning and continual growth so that the Ts will do likewise. That'll move down to the Ss. #oklaed
— Twylla Hester (@TwyllaHester) July 2, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Kristin Atchley @KristinAtchley
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday on Twitter for the #OklaEd chat!
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