Episode 70 – #Oklaed and the 2018 Primaries

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Tyler Bridges @bridgestyler
Overview of chat topic
#OklaEd and the 2018 Primaries
Questions from the chat:
First things first. Please introduce yourself and tell us where your polling place is located. #oklaed #okleg #oklaedvotes pic.twitter.com/axroUKBVSG
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) June 25, 2018
Read about this year's OK State Questions! #BeInformed #oklaed #okleg https://t.co/zT5BoQltp8 pic.twitter.com/IQ8OVoHM89
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) June 25, 2018
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A1) #oklaed Advocacy is talking to people about what is important to you and why, being knowledgeable about your topic, and continuing to monitor current events and policy changes. Get information from many sources.
— Mrs. M Seifried (@MrsSeifried) June 25, 2018
A1: I learned that new activists – for and against – attack fast when grassroots advocates are forced into action.
BTW it took me this long to figure out how to put that but @thnorfar's ? made it seem important. Activists talk about it; advocates live it. #oklaed— Wendy S. Pratt (@WendyPratt234) June 25, 2018
A1) #oklaed Advocacy is talking to people about what is important to you and why, being knowledgeable about your topic, and continuing to monitor current events and policy changes. Get information from many sources.
— Mrs. M Seifried (@MrsSeifried) June 25, 2018
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A2) Continue to build real relationships. Lawmakers mostly rely on experts they can trust. Trust comes with consistent behavior over time. Most of us must realize they are not nails and we are not hammers. #oklaed
— Craig McVay (@mcvay51) June 25, 2018
A2: for the first time I am actually helping a candidate with door to door campaigning. This is a huge help and one I encourage more people to do. You can also vote and get everyone you know to vote. #oklaED https://t.co/NpIpLTArRK
— Mrs. Telannia Norfar (@thnorfar) June 25, 2018
A2) Continue to build real relationships. Lawmakers mostly rely on experts they can trust. Trust comes with consistent behavior over time. Most of us must realize they are not nails and we are not hammers. #oklaed
— Craig McVay (@mcvay51) June 25, 2018
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A3: anything conspiracy theory-like (e.g., anti-Common Core, etc.) and making general, uninformed promises (e.g., eliminate state testing, etc.). #Oklaed https://t.co/tcI57BaFvj
— #GetLit🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥(erate) (@mrjoshflores) June 25, 2018
A3. A few deal-breakers for me:
– voted against (or is against) any of the teacher pay legislation and accompanying revenue measures
– pro-vouchers
– doesn’t consult or listen to actual educators when forming opinions#oklaed— Elizabeth E. Smith (@eesmith0814) June 25, 2018
A3: anything conspiracy theory-like (e.g., anti-Common Core, etc.) and making general, uninformed promises (e.g., eliminate state testing, etc.). #Oklaed https://t.co/tcI57BaFvj
— #GetLit🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥(erate) (@mrjoshflores) June 25, 2018
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A4) It’s not rocket science – 1. Prioritize K-12 public education, 2. Subordinate outdated thinking about our criminal justice system, 3. Promote health/mental health #oklaed #oklaedvotes https://t.co/Q63qByagQ7
— Andrew Richardson (@arichardsonokla) June 25, 2018
Diversified Revenue Sources for our State #Oklaed— Terry Saul, Ed.D (@saul02_terry) June 25, 2018
A4) It’s not rocket science – 1. Prioritize K-12 public education, 2. Subordinate outdated thinking about our criminal justice system, 3. Promote health/mental health #oklaed #oklaedvotes https://t.co/Q63qByagQ7
— Andrew Richardson (@arichardsonokla) June 25, 2018
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A5. Legislators I trust and have developed working relationships with over time, colleagues, professional organizations, state leaders, personal conversations go a long way to vet things – crucial conversations are key. Listen. listen. Read. Listen. Watch. Listen+watch! #oklaed
— Dr. April Grace (@ShawneeSup) June 25, 2018
A5 Other colleagues in education, newspaper, radio, stakeholders, real news, fake news…need to hear all sides #oklaed
— Kyle Hilterbran (@KyleHilterbran) June 25, 2018
A5. Legislators I trust and have developed working relationships with over time, colleagues, professional organizations, state leaders, personal conversations go a long way to vet things – crucial conversations are key. Listen. listen. Read. Listen. Watch. Listen+watch! #oklaed
— Dr. April Grace (@ShawneeSup) June 25, 2018
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A7: That 65% to the classroom, whatever that even means, will solve a single problem we have in #oklaed or #okleg.
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) June 25, 2018
A6: More people have registered to vote in Oklahoma this year than ever in history. We MUST hold everyone accountable to vote. Be that friend. Text them, call them, DRIVE THEM! #oklaed #okleg
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) June 25, 2018
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@bridgestyler A7: That school consolidation and more frequent audits will solve all our funding problems. #FakeNews #oklaed #OKleg #OklaedVotes
— Merleyn Bell (@bell4norman) June 25, 2018
“Republicans don’t support public ed”
🤦🏻♂️#oklaed https://t.co/GML2kFyhNs— Mark P. Lawson (@Mark_P_Lawson) June 25, 2018
@bridgestyler A7: That school consolidation and more frequent audits will solve all our funding problems. #FakeNews #oklaed #OKleg #OklaedVotes
— Merleyn Bell (@bell4norman) June 25, 2018
A7: That 65% to the classroom, whatever that even means, will solve a single problem we have in #oklaed or #okleg.
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) June 25, 2018
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A8: A good education leads to all things that will make OK more successful. Education/vo-tech gives choices to be gainfully employed = Lower incarceration & welfare. Companies bring jobs to states with good education because they can find qualified employees. #Oklaed
— Kel Brwn (@actionpix4u) June 25, 2018
A8: Poverty in our state is crippling. Want to break the cycle of poverty and provide hope for our future? The path to prosperity passes through our #OklaEd public schools. Invest in our schools and you invest in our future. https://t.co/x2nkiaO2bh
— ℂ𝕙𝕦𝕔𝕜 ℙ𝕒𝕔𝕜 (@chuck_pack) June 25, 2018
A8: A good education leads to all things that will make OK more successful. Education/vo-tech gives choices to be gainfully employed = Lower incarceration & welfare. Companies bring jobs to states with good education because they can find qualified employees. #Oklaed
— Kel Brwn (@actionpix4u) June 25, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A2. I really think once u take the matrix pill- there is no going back. Your eyes are open. We just need to keep networking so we r all informed #oklaed
— Mrs. Henley (@TeamHenleyYall) June 25, 2018
#oklaed needs to vote. Years past have recorded teachers vote 30% of the time. Not enough to make a difference
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) June 25, 2018
A8: Oklahoma sits at the top of the charts in the US for incarceration and at the bottom for education—coincidence? I think not. Solving our education shortfalls would benefit citizens of all socioeconomic levels #OklaEd
— Maureen Haynes (@maureenehaynes) June 25, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Tune it to find out!
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