Episode 67 – School Re-Imagined

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Kimberly Blodgett @KimberBlodgett
Overview of chat topic
School Re-Imagined
Questions from the chat:
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Q1: #Oklaed When you hear Re:imagining school what do you think of? pic.twitter.com/rkoYrntwpb
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 4, 2018
A1: I think of Ts and Ss allowing imagination to take hold. Ss learn in a way that is meaningful to them, and are not limited by Ts who won't give them the chance to think outside the box. #oklaed
— Allyson Trimble (@MrsTrimbleVici) June 4, 2018
A1: thinking that “re” means again….. I think it’d be amazing to imagine what Schools COULD look like again if we got to completely “start over” the education system! #dreambig #Oklaed
— Shannan Cloud, M.Ed. (@senoracloud) June 4, 2018
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Q2: #oklaed pic.twitter.com/WCEnSaCNDp
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 4, 2018
a2) hands on authentic learning with inquiry-designed lessons. I have seen schools/classrooms that move towards this direction #oklaed
— Stephanie Hinton (@thestephhinton) June 4, 2018
A2b. Meaningful work that challenged me, instead of worksheets and book reports. Although I loved a good shoebox diorama #oklaed
— Ms.S (@KndrgartnROX) June 4, 2018
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Q3: #Oklaed By the way.. your answers? AMAZING!!! I have like Perma smile over here. pic.twitter.com/LKtlHF32lV
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 4, 2018
A3 – I try to teach my section of the humanities (history) based on skills and through inquiry. So some of us are trying. #oklaed https://t.co/3U2eLZ572a
— Todd Gragg (@MrGragg) June 4, 2018
A3: As much we don't want to "teach to the test", those several steps above us, who hold our jobs in their hands, expect us to do so. Assessments put math and reading (at the levels I have taught) in the driver's seat. Art is the 8yo asking "Are we there yet?" #oklaed
— Allyson Trimble (@MrsTrimbleVici) June 4, 2018
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Q4: #oklaed This is moving so fast and I love it! Thanks for engaging and sharing your thoughts. pic.twitter.com/qrx1v26ByP
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 4, 2018
A4: I disagree w ur either/or concept. I don’t think nourishing the whole child is separate frm academics. I think it’s included in academics. I think we should allow Ss 2 write abt their interests 2 learn how 2 write well. 1of2 #OklaEd
— Amanda James (@451Flame) June 4, 2018
A4: 2of2 I think we allow Ss 2 show mastery of content in many different ways. Screw the test. it’s knowledge I care about. #oklaEd
— Amanda James (@451Flame) June 4, 2018
A4) this is a huge issue. I rarely see kids who work hard/respectful of others but aren’t the best at sports or the smartest in their class be recognized. That should change. I’d like to see kids who are kind be the superstars. That would be a game changer. #oklaed https://t.co/wS4TKoJpT8
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 4, 2018
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Q5: #oklaed pic.twitter.com/t929r0htyK
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 4, 2018
A5 There are thousands of ways to get from point A through B when navigating the curriculum. However, they all require understanding your Ss needs and building relationships to help them get there together. #oklaed
— Aníbal Pacheco 🇵🇷 (@AnibalPachecoIT) June 4, 2018
a5) I say get creative with it. Student knowledge/growth/development is more important than following the curriculum verbatim #oklaed
— Stephanie Hinton (@thestephhinton) June 4, 2018
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Q6: #oklaed I am absolutely loving this chat! pic.twitter.com/5bkUeb7gpp
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 4, 2018
A6) I am changing the schedule to have more options for our students, including a period dedicated in the day for enrichment/remediation, and exploring certificate programs to give opportunities to our students. They need it and deserve it. #oklaed https://t.co/oKyLt0iEks
— Jack Reed (@jlreed2011) June 4, 2018
A6 a more flexible school schedule would be amazing—kids who want to start early and get out early can, or we can accommodate the kid who isn’t a morning person. At least part of the issue is transportation—you’d be running buses constantly… #oklaed
— Melinda Parks (@mcappsparks) June 4, 2018
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Q7: #Oklaed This is so much fun!!! Like I seriously love this! I love researching the topics because I learn so much, then I love your feedback. It's therapy for me. pic.twitter.com/uEpK2PTu5e
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 4, 2018
A7 I agree with the Principal. There is nothing wrong with keeping kids active and engaged. Especially at a time when they have so many outside distractions and activities that take time away from physical activity. #oklaed
— Aníbal Pacheco 🇵🇷 (@AnibalPachecoIT) June 4, 2018
#oklaed A7: This summer, I am working on making my curriculum digital so that I have a flipped classroom. Therefore, my Ss will come into my class ready to do the activities. They will be up and moving around stations, and we may even go outside.
— 🌹Shanna Mellott (@lsmellott) June 4, 2018
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Q8: #Oklaed pic.twitter.com/3N4o7Ui1PW
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 4, 2018
A8 Seat time is a sacred cow that may need tipped #oklaed
— Jason Bengs (@jasonbengs) June 4, 2018
#OklaEd A8: Only reason I’ve not suggested it is that politicians and policy people would likely have a field day … I’ve often thought about “bringing home schooling into schools” and these ideas fall into my thinking. https://t.co/pC007x9ZXk
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) June 4, 2018
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Q9: #Oklaed pic.twitter.com/gNdZYwUIjS
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 4, 2018
A9: It's up to us as the teachers to hone in on their talents/skills and allow opportunities for them to shine in the classroom and beyond. If they never had the opp, that's on us. We need to allow them to WIN! each of them have skills! Notice the talents. #oklaed
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 11, 2018
A9: I have a fab circle of friends and community partners that I love to introduce to my Ss. Also, virtual trips and Skype sessions #oklaed
— Ms.S (@KndrgartnROX) June 4, 2018
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Q10: #Oklaed pic.twitter.com/mKJI9UfKAF
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 4, 2018
A10 – We start by recognizing that schools were never designed to be equitable. They were designed to sort students. Now we are expected to create equity in a system that was never designed that way. If we begin there then a redesign doesn’t sound so scary. #OklaEd
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) June 4, 2018
A19 We have to shift all stakeholders paradigms! There are many people that work in our schools and many on the outside that have a hard time with different! Maybe starts with courageous effective leaders? #oklaed
— Kenneth Ward (@kennethdward) June 4, 2018
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Q11: #oklaed pic.twitter.com/mZgg9lj7Gs
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 4, 2018
A11: I am constantly looking at this! I do flex seating (adding couches this year!). Last year, for about the last 6 weeks, our lights were off and blinds were open. This year I'm adding white Christmas lights so we don't have to turn on lights on cloudy days. #oklaed
— Allyson Trimble (@MrsTrimbleVici) June 4, 2018
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Q12: #oklaed pic.twitter.com/SqPALTt81Q
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 4, 2018
#oklaed A12: Ss need places to think, to create, and to collaborate. They need to move around and not just sit. I think how cool it would be if schools had collaboration rooms or reading rooms just like I have seen around the OU campus.
— 🌹Shanna Mellott (@lsmellott) June 4, 2018
A12 – I would LOVE this, but I think it would take a totally restructured day at the HS level. Ts would freak out if a S missed part of their 50 minute class. #OklaEd
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) June 4, 2018
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Q13: #oklaed pic.twitter.com/1YcFLkjFC9
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 4, 2018
A13: We sign (ASL) our sight words. Use goldfish for math. Squishy bag spelling. I have an entire pinterest account dedicated to finding all the ways to teach the things. #oklaed
— Ms.S (@KndrgartnROX) June 4, 2018
Reader’s theatre for Ss who are comfortable. Let them move about when reading and let them listen to music with headphones #oklaed https://t.co/9mBoQmZy3B
— Christopher Vian (@cvian87) June 4, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A6 Teachers all have certifications in two subject areas. To be fair, I can't take credit for this idea. I heard it from @_levi_ and/or @tiffanyneill and thought it was awesome. For the record, I'd choose ELA and Science certifications. #Oklaed
— Josh Flores, Trophy Husband & M.Ed. (@mrjoshflores) June 4, 2018
That should just be called a classroom. Except the yoga mats.#OKLAED pic.twitter.com/PrETN9znBk— Josh Flores, Trophy Husband & M.Ed. (@mrjoshflores) June 4, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Scott Haselwood @Teachfromhere Gamification in Education
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday on Twitter for the #OklaEd chat!
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