Episode 66 – Reflection, Rest, and Refocusing

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Tyler Bridges @bridgestyler
Overview of chat topic
Reflection, Rest, and Refocusing
Questions from the chat:
Let’s start off with some introductions. Tell us who you are, what you do, and why you are happy for June! #oklaed pic.twitter.com/IbTCVvvGGd
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) May 28, 2018
For the next hour we are all here to reflect on the year, talk about rest, and discuss how everyone will refocus for next year. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/NJE4lMNunb
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) May 28, 2018
If you have or are serving this great country, we all say a huge 'THANK YOU'!
#oklaed #edchat pic.twitter.com/8xkjyx3d2k
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) May 28, 2018
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Q1: Let’s get our summer brags out of the way. Tell everyone what awesome and amazing things you are doing this summer! #oklaed pic.twitter.com/IljDzruvLI
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) May 28, 2018
A1: sleeping, reading, coffee drinking, fire pits, movies, June/July BASIC, PD and whatnot #oklaed https://t.co/WWGumBNmNW
— Shelby
(@ShelbyJr3) May 28, 2018
A1. My husband is making me take time off so gonna see the Grand Canyon for the first time #oklaed pic.twitter.com/RY7V2U0RJK
— Dr Theresa Cullen (@DrTerriC) May 28, 2018
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Q2: What were your greatest successes or accomplishments this school year?
Give us a list! #oklaed pic.twitter.com/LUZduh9WAb
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) May 28, 2018
A2: I found an awesome way for Ss to self-assess. I implemented new forms of technology into my classroom that my Ss loved. I started fostering 2 amazing babies. I am in the process of adopting my 2 babies. #oklaed
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) May 28, 2018
A2: Survived another year with freshman…learned a lot about myself. #oklaed
— Steve Gilliland (@Stv_Gilliland) May 28, 2018
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Q3: What is something you wish you had accomplished this school year you just did not get done? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/c7UF5a8mC5
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) May 28, 2018
A3: Ugh… that's a long list…
1. Power Standards
2. Standards-based Report cards
3. Guest teach in every grade-band
4. Visit every PLC in the district
5. Lead a PD event at a local brewery
6. Get accepted to ILA
…. it goes on. #Oklaed https://t.co/XuBXRCIW7c— Josh Flores, M.Ed. & Bro. (@mrjoshflores) May 28, 2018
A3 I did not engage when I probably should have. … More than one time.
I swear no matter how long I live, I think I will always regret the things I didn't do more than the things I did. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/RkdWBRxIEy— Wendy S. Pratt (@WendyPratt234) May 28, 2018
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Q4: What is something you learned this year that you will use to be more successful next year? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/uX71uf83sN
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) May 28, 2018
A4 Saying no is not admitting failure, it’s focus. #oklaed
— Vanessa Perez (@vperezy) May 28, 2018
A4: Pre-K kids can do a helluva lot more than we know. We (adults) are usually holding them back! Oh, and the responsibilities principals have are outrageous. I have a much deeper appreciation for them. They crazy. But we probably made 'em that way. #Oklaed
— Josh Flores, M.Ed. & Bro. (@mrjoshflores) May 28, 2018
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Q5: What was the best PD you attended this year? What made it so great? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/VTfrthym9q
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) May 28, 2018
A5: #EdCampOKC. I got to meet #oklaed peep in real life, and learned skills that directly impacted instruction
— Ms.S (@KndrgartnROX) May 28, 2018
A5) catalyst 1 day. Great leadership qualities learned to better my athletes and assistant coaches. How to not micromanage and learn to delegate jobs. #oklaed
— Derek Jackson (@CPSVballcoach) May 28, 2018
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Q6: Let’s switch to the topic of rest. How do you rest and relax for the summer? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/SfVkfxsRYu
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) May 28, 2018
A6. Rest= relaxing poolside reading books sans pencil
… which means I am simply reading for pleasure and not critically annotating or analyzing it. I also go on a lot of #brainbreak walks with a good playlist
and escape to nature as much as I can
#OKLAED https://t.co/g7ke9mvI9l
— 𝙻𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚂𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚢, 𝙿𝚑.𝙳.-𝙽𝙱𝙲𝚃 (@MrsSearcy112) May 28, 2018
A6). Read and ride (Not at the same time' lol). I read everything I can, as much as I can, and work with my horses and mules as much as possible. Both are therapy and both challenge me. #oklaed
— Craig McVay (@mcvay51) May 28, 2018
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Q7: What do you do to recharge your batteries and get motivated for the upcoming school year? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/PTIloO5c84
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) May 28, 2018
A7) I write curriculum maps. Dorky, I know, but it gets me jazzed! #oklaed https://t.co/5NwYf3T8G1
— MyAccidentalLife (@joanhagy) May 28, 2018
A7. In higher ed, so much planning is determined by syllabus due the first day of class. It always recharges my batteries to review, clarify, enhance, and reflect on how to add more opportunities for engagement. The more I learn (from/with them), the more they learn!? #OKLAED https://t.co/03DWzXrc5u
— 𝙻𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚂𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚢, 𝙿𝚑.𝙳.-𝙽𝙱𝙲𝚃 (@MrsSearcy112) May 28, 2018
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Q8: What is a book or podcast recommendation you have for recharging and refocusing? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/nPk8z1AeJD
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) May 28, 2018
A8: I need to find more education podcasts to listen to so if you have any recs let me know! But I listen to podcasts for fun so I'm into @MBMBaM @TheZoneCast and other comedy podcasts like Comedy Bang Bang and @HDTGM #oklaed
— Stephanie Peppers (@nerdyfirsties) May 28, 2018
A8: Not necessarily education centered, but I love listening to Terry Gross’s interviews on the @nprfreshair podcast. So many interesting perspectives.
Also: Writing Excuses podcast is really good stuff. #oklaed
— Lauren Peña (@lauren_pena16) May 28, 2018
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Q9: Last question of the night! What is one topic you would like to learn more about? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/p5vhYPSu4l
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) May 28, 2018
A9 – Ways to reinvent schools – that is my passion and my soapbox. We are so stagnant (especially in secondary) with how school days are structured and how content is delivered. I want to be innovative & help students find their voice & relevance in what they learn. #OklaEd
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) May 28, 2018
A9 social justice in the first grade classroom. #oklaed
— Natasha Jefferson (@jefferson_first) May 28, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A9: for my new job, how to be a part-time education consultant and full-time stay-at-home dad because, so far, I've just been making things up as I go. Don't tell. #Oklaed pic.twitter.com/JcKsFowFYg
— Josh Flores, M.Ed. & Bro. (@mrjoshflores) May 28, 2018
A6: I need to stop seeing it as my responsibility to fix all the problems!! #Empath I think if I take a break, I am not doing my part. #oklaed I probably need to seek help. lol
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) May 28, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
ReImagining School with Kimberly Blodgett @KimberBlodgett
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday on Twitter for the #Oklaed Chat!
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