Episode 56 – Digital Decisiveness

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Rhonda Schroeder @rhondaschroeder
Overview of chat topic
Digital Decisiveness
Questions from the chat:
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Lets get this party started #oklaed pic.twitter.com/gpda9OJlzI
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) March 19, 2018
A1: Funding in OK is deplorable. It is hard to really support tech integration when you don’t fund it. It also doesn’t help that pple of all levels don’t find it valuable #OklaEd
— Mrs. Telannia Norfar (@thnorfar) March 19, 2018
A1)I think some don't like the lack of control since it is out of our comfort zone and honestly, some are scared that students are better at it than we are. #oklaed https://t.co/nHbv2czICm
— Dawn Collums (@collums_dawn) March 19, 2018
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Great thoughts…keep them coming #oklaed pic.twitter.com/xjtVAVVgTC
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) March 19, 2018
A2: Stakeholders must understand that it's not a 1 and done. It's an ongoing investment and the benefit is iterative #oklaed
— Eric Hileman (@eshileman) March 19, 2018
A2: It depends on how schools really use it. If it is just a switch from paper, then yes it is too costly. If you really transform, like your school did. NOPE #OklaEd
— Mrs. Telannia Norfar (@thnorfar) March 19, 2018
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We knew this would be a hot topic tonight…fueled with desire, but challenged by financial restraints. Lets turn up the heat….#oklaed pic.twitter.com/FxYqip62zc
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) March 19, 2018
A3 – At one time writing was a brand new form of literacy and was challenged. Socrates claimed it would destroy memories. We are in the midst of another radical change in defining what is literacy. Going forward it has to include digital space! #oklaed https://t.co/SGTvB2L6ur
— Todd Gragg (@MrGragg) March 19, 2018
A3: Students need to be able to acquire digital literacy in order to be competitive in today’s workforce, they will need to be able to communicate, produce, create, etc #oklaed
— Stephanie Hime (@MrsHime) March 19, 2018
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So here go….on to sharing whats going on…#oklaed pic.twitter.com/B8BZUtOJr4
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) March 19, 2018
A4. We need to do better with our future teachers. 1 class is not enough #oklaed https://t.co/MbMTWtir6Q
— Dr Theresa Cullen (@DrTerriC) March 19, 2018
A4: Our inst. technology dept. does a gr8 job of encouraging digital literacy thru modeling on dist. PD days & welcome leaders to invite them to coaching sessions onsite. Also always looking4 ways to help T’s w/ improve on integration @OKCPS @OKCPSETS #oklaed #SandmanSensations https://t.co/bZ9w1JBeco
— Shane A. Sanders (@edu_sanders70) March 19, 2018
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Ok..this next question is NOT for the faint of heart…lets get brutal with our current reality…..ready? Go! #oklaed pic.twitter.com/xM71XhJ1wl
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) March 19, 2018
A5: Teach Digital Citizenship! And I’m not talking about what is already in place, but making it a priority. This spans from digital consumption to digital behavior. #oklaed
— Anne Beck ✌🏻❤️& 🔲 (@MrsBeck25) March 19, 2018
A5 I've backspaced and retyped about seven times…we are responsible for implementing effectively, teaching skills, and using digital age tools to make learning as "sticky" as possible. #oklaed
— Allen Lehman (@allen_lehman) March 19, 2018
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So…let’s dream a little….WHAT if we had the perfect storm and no obstacles…#oklaed pic.twitter.com/5hhdges70e
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) March 19, 2018
A6: Where S’s are free to use any device they have. Where there are no more signs that say “No Cell Phone” #oklaed https://t.co/LLo0P2vQeA
— Adam Rogers M.A.Ed. (@MrRogersTech) March 19, 2018
#OklaEd A6: In a perfect world, all teachers would investigate WITH THEIR STUDENTS digital literacy & the potential impact advances have on learning. There would be no issues of internet access, technology finances, or adequate bandwidth that would limit ANY student involvement. https://t.co/JGinYMlhww
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) March 19, 2018
A6: In my perfect world, digital literacy includes an awareness that learning should not be limited to borders of the school, district or state. Technology to connect students/teachers in #Oklahoma to those in #Windhoek to those in #Puebla is here now #oklaed https://t.co/wYLNha6P7x
— Tutaleni Asino (@tutaleni) March 19, 2018
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Two more questions tonight…and we’ll make this a home run…#oklaed pic.twitter.com/c75Tw2PDWf
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) March 19, 2018
A7: When the explanation of what needs to be done (such as making a poster or blog entry) does not require equal amounts of time for explanation and actual work. #oklaed https://t.co/jlLs87lyAX
— Debra Thoreson (@djthoreson) March 19, 2018
A7) Teachers and administrators who are good will never see adequate progress…they will only work toward more progress and probably never be satisfied. Why be adequate when you can be TREMENDOUS!. #oklaed https://t.co/SeLxLG2aY0
— Vicki Donley (@DonleyVicki) March 19, 2018
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This has been anpowerful conversation about the future readiness of our schools and the state of Oklahoma. It is a tough topic during our current conditions and climate. But for tonight…we did a great service to the kids of Oklahoma by engaging in THIS. Lets Bring home #oklaed pic.twitter.com/geJBYcbQrj
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) March 19, 2018
A8: We have a long ways to go…but that is why we are here. We believe in doing something that matters, and not something for status. Hopefully, our state education funding improves to where we can provide technology as an asset for our students. #oklaed
— Chong Si Lor- #INFP (@chong2087) March 19, 2018
A8 – We have work to do, but there are a lot of us willing to change. However, #okleg needs to FUND schools so we can actually provide Ss with the technology they need to be successful in the 21st century! #OklaEd
— Shari Gateley (@ShariGateley) March 19, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A8 Don't get too comfortable, keep learning, our kids are worth it! #oklaed
— Jennifer Seitsinger (@room20awesome) March 19, 2018
A8) That I can be in a hotel room in DC and keep up with two and sometimes three digital conversations without crossing over on either of them! That's progress my friends. Yesterday I sent "love ya" to my UPs delivery guy and "where's my package" to my wife! Awkward! #oklaed
— Craig McVay (@mcvay51) March 19, 2018
Reminds me of my dear friend Eugene Earsom, 1990 State TOY, that taught me the 2x4x6 model….tech allows do go beyond 2 covers of a textbook, 4 walls of a classroom, and 6 hours of a school day! #oklaed
— Eric Hileman (@eshileman) March 19, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
School Climat with April Gustafson (Mrs. G.) @April2383
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
All of the cool people leave comments - what are your thoughts?