Episode 55 – Standards-Based Grading

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Melissa Knabe @OB1_Knabe
Overview of chat topic
Standards Based Grading
Questions from the chat:
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Q1: What is the purpose of grades and grading? #oklaed #SBG pic.twitter.com/20nYQA2GFE
— M. Knabe🖤 (@OB1_Knabe) March 12, 2018
A1: I feel the purpose should be to give the students enough feedback so they are able to conquer and fully understand the concept being taught. #oklaed
— Krista Steiner (@ProfeSteiner) March 12, 2018
A1) Original I think is was to determine the level of knowledge your S's have. #oklaed https://t.co/EwTIWrhmWd
— Adam Rogers M.A.Ed. (@MrRogersTech) March 12, 2018
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Q2: How would you define Standards-Based Grading (SBG)?#oklaed #SBG pic.twitter.com/LsqhgrB8ss
— M. Knabe🖤 (@OB1_Knabe) March 12, 2018
#OklaEd A2: SBG grading is based upon the appropriate standards for a particular course. It is presumed that the grade awarded to any SBG activity represents the level of student understanding of the standard(s) that are the foundation of the activity. My ?: Does it? https://t.co/n8yCKbZ1LE
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) March 12, 2018
A2 SBG challenges the status quo of a point system justifying knowledge. If SBG is done correctly it allows teachers to adjust instruction to meet Ss needs. #oklaed
— Kent Polen (@KentPolen) March 12, 2018
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Q3: What is the purpose of SBG? Why use it? #oklaed #SBG pic.twitter.com/hlxHEplzOR
— M. Knabe🖤 (@OB1_Knabe) March 12, 2018
A3 Because children aren't beef or steel or any other soulless product. #oklaed
— Vanessa Perez (@vperezy) March 12, 2018
A3: Best way I can think of when students are given mobile devices w/ instant access to information. Some Ts would consider it cheating if you looked up the T/F, multiple choice Qs. Have to change how we assess. #SBG is an option. #oklaed
— Jun Kim (@MPSTechnology) March 12, 2018
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Q4: If we want grades to reflect learning, instead of being viewed as rewards or punishment, how do we move to grades as a report of evidence? #oklaed #SBG pic.twitter.com/Q6ZIBSoi6U
— M. Knabe🖤 (@OB1_Knabe) March 12, 2018
A4) I’ve not thought that the grades I give are rewards or punishment; however, as a teacher I can see how SBG can help me as an educator. I am, though, going to have to be taught how to use sbg effectively. #oklaed https://t.co/nvXdb3qRTg
— Vicki Donley (@DonleyVicki) March 12, 2018
A4: Perhaps we as educators can provide lessons that accommodate diverse students so they transfer their learning to their real lives. With this, students start to truly care. Let’s be real, a majority of zeros stem from student apathy to irrelevant material #oklaed
— Hannah Hodge (@HannahMHodge96) March 12, 2018
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Q5: How do you define acceptable evidence of learning? #oklaed #SBG pic.twitter.com/IAme7vBLXs
— M. Knabe🖤 (@OB1_Knabe) March 12, 2018
A5: Whatever or however the student shows they are proficient or mastered the standard. #oklaed
— Steve Gilliland (@Stv_Gilliland) March 12, 2018
A5) Within the standards, you can allow Ss to show evidence of learning in a variety of ways authentic to them. Let’s move beyond a test! #sbg #oklaed https://t.co/QIfucPq3s1
— Lisa Crosslin (@lisarcrosslin) March 12, 2018
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A5) Within the standards, you can allow Ss to show evidence of learning in a variety of ways authentic to them. Let’s move beyond a test! #sbg #oklaed https://t.co/QIfucPq3s1
— Lisa Crosslin (@lisarcrosslin) March 12, 2018
A6: digital portfolios are helpful for organizing student-produced data. #oklaed
— Carrie Akins (@cakins0101) March 12, 2018
A5) Within the standards, you can allow Ss to show evidence of learning in a variety of ways authentic to them. Let’s move beyond a test! #sbg #oklaed https://t.co/QIfucPq3s1
— Lisa Crosslin (@lisarcrosslin) March 12, 2018
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A5) Within the standards, you can allow Ss to show evidence of learning in a variety of ways authentic to them. Let’s move beyond a test! #sbg #oklaed https://t.co/QIfucPq3s1
— Lisa Crosslin (@lisarcrosslin) March 12, 2018
A7: If is benefits the S's and it is what is best for the S's. Then that is what needs to happen. #oklaed https://t.co/ExPcU6LoYf
— Adam Rogers M.A.Ed. (@MrRogersTech) March 12, 2018
A5) Within the standards, you can allow Ss to show evidence of learning in a variety of ways authentic to them. Let’s move beyond a test! #sbg #oklaed https://t.co/QIfucPq3s1
— Lisa Crosslin (@lisarcrosslin) March 12, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A7) Ts don’t switch to #sbg because it’s easier. It’s NOT! But, it is the right way to assess authentic learning. #oklaed https://t.co/oc2lBfAXgP
— Lisa Crosslin (@lisarcrosslin) March 12, 2018
A5) Within the standards, you can allow Ss to show evidence of learning in a variety of ways authentic to them. Let’s move beyond a test! #sbg #oklaed https://t.co/QIfucPq3s1
— Lisa Crosslin (@lisarcrosslin) March 12, 2018
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