Episode 54 – CollaboratED

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Josh Flores @mrjoshflores and Lara Searcy @MrsSearcy112
Overview of chat topic
Questions from the chat:
Tonight’s #oklaed topic is all about getting #CollaboratED!
We will follow a Q1/A1 format. Be sure to include the #OKLAED hashtag in all of your answers!
Also, we will provide “Research Replies (RR)” to each question, so be prepared to #GETLITerate! pic.twitter.com/Taot6OggmJ
— The REAL Josh Flores (@mrjoshflores) March 5, 2018
Welcome to the #OKLAED chat!
Please introduce yourself
include your MBTI results
(see HW question)OR describe your personality– Introvert/Extrovert, Thinker/Feeler, Reader/Writer. (*Bonus points if you include a BitMoji/GIF that best describes you!) pic.twitter.com/Xj6H636SiL
— The REAL Josh Flores (@mrjoshflores) March 5, 2018
During our #OKLAED chat, you might see references to Hattie’s Effect Sizes research to show significant impacts on learning. It’s super neat! pic.twitter.com/lWHAh5vfDA
— The REAL Josh Flores (@mrjoshflores) March 5, 2018
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Q1 #OKLAED RR: “A topic should gain clarity through the use of different genres to broaden the reader’s understanding of the issue” (Kittle, 2008, p. 172).
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
#oklaed A1) Depends on who it is with…Tragedy, Comedy, Adventure, abd Horror… There isn’t a one size fits all. https://t.co/g8ccXpo8Pv
— Becki Maldonado M.Ed (@BeckiLaoshi) March 5, 2018
A1: Adventure/Tragedy there’s never enough productive time for this! #oklaed pic.twitter.com/M1oJUZPqI8
— Jessica Robinson (@JessRob) March 5, 2018
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Q2 #OKLAED RR: Although we recognize personal and professional growth through reading together, our reading process is a blending of growth and fixed notions, and we need to understand both for our collaborative goals to succeed (Hattie & Zierer, 2018).
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
Q2 #OKLAED RR: Comparing (and overthinking) our Myers-Briggs results with a focus on our reading habits= #readingrules shows the main differences between how our attention is wired and how we make decisions.
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
A2 I can collab on the fly but I prefer dedicated time and space, freedom to move and stand, snacks, breaks, access to WiFi and electricity. Clear goals and action a good also a plus. #oklaed
— Vanessa Perez (@vperezy) March 5, 2018
A2: You give me digital, professional, public, and coffee, and we will rock it I can promise you.
And I alternate between pen and pencil dependant upon the situation. I'm not a heathen. #oklaed
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) March 5, 2018
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Research, research! How I love thee!
Especially when you're about improving PD!#oklaed #collaboratED pic.twitter.com/lG5PwJ23MA— The REAL Josh Flores (@mrjoshflores) March 5, 2018
Q3 #OKLAED RR: #EffectSizeMatters– Hattie’s Visible Learning Effect Sizes (see Barometer of Influence= .40+)=
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
Teaching Test Taking and Coaching = 0.3; Practice Testing = 0.54; Cooperative Learning = 0.4; Cooperative Learning compared to Competitive Learning = 0.53; Cooperative Learning compared to Individual Learning = 0.55; Collaborative Learning = 0.34
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
A3)????. I’m old, slow and confused…. #Oklaed
— Craig McVay (@mcvay51) March 5, 2018
A3. Most of the time, my time spent collaborating with others is about what would work best for the students in different scenarios and how to adapt my own teaching to those needs. #OklaEd
— Emily Saucier (@em_saucier) March 5, 2018
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Technology in Reading/Literacy= .29; Collective Teacher Efficacy= 1.57; Collaborative Learning= 0.34; Micro Teaching= 0.88; Evaluation and Reflection= 0.75; Elaboration and Organisation= 0.75; Seeking Help from Peers= 0.83 ← This is especially important during #OKLAED chats!
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
A4 Ambush…I mean, present F2F, talk, email #oklaed
— Vanessa Perez (@vperezy) March 5, 2018
A4B) For 27 years it went like this; “Can you believe we wasted an entire day doing that PD built for PK teachers? WTH did that have to do with HS History?” #Oklaed
— Craig McVay (@mcvay51) March 5, 2018
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Q5 #OKLAED RR: According to the 2007 National Endowment of the Arts Report, “nearly half of all Americans ages 18 to 24 read no books for pleasure” and surprisingly, “teachers don’t read any more often than adults in the general population” (Kittle, 2013, p. 147).
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
A5 I read 45min to an hour a day that is professional in nature. More on Sunday’s bc of #oklaed 😍 https://t.co/fSMCsqqy5N
— Fund #OklaEd—OK’s future depends on it! (@CathyBenge1) March 5, 2018
A5. Define "professional reading?" I'm learning more from places like #oklaed chats, collaborative talks with the homies, FB group discussions, etc. than I am from those educational journals?#realtalk
— Andre Daughty (@andredaughty) March 5, 2018
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Q6 #OKLAED RR: The purpose of using apps like these is to practice what you teach or, rather, become familiar with technologies and multimodal literacies your students can (and should) use regularly as a tool for their learning when reading and writing.
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
Q6 #OKLAED RR: As consumers, creators, and analyzers of print and digital media, adolescents need powerful and purposeful instruction that conveys a sense of urgency about learning” (Fisher, et al, 2017, p. 16).
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
Q6 #OKLAED RR: Grow relationships, not networks. “The demands of our society on students are such that they need to be able to understand and respond to a variety of media in an endless array of situations.
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
#oklaed A6) Networking is overrated??? Networking is the first step to collaborating… You can’t collaborate unless you network. https://t.co/6JF3w9c4MT
— Becki Maldonado M.Ed (@BeckiLaoshi) March 5, 2018
A6) My fear of missing out factor just skyrocketed. What are these other collaboration vessels you speak of? I want to learn them all! #oklaed
— Amber McMath (@mrsmcreading) March 5, 2018
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Q7 #OKLAED RR: #EffectSizeMatters– Hattie’s Visible Learning Effect Sizes (see Barometer of Influence= .40+)= Exposure to Reading = 0.43; Teacher Credibility = 0.9; Evaluation and Reflection = 0.75; Elaboration and Organisation = 0.75
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
A7: #PDis an opportunity to be reminded of what it’s like to be learners in a classroom. It’s a chance to identify with our kids and see how we can make their learning experiences better. #oklaed
— Lauren Peña (@lauren_pena16) March 5, 2018
Q7: #PDis getting to work with a small group and usually focused around tech/apps. Just really getting to talk through ideas helps me get the most out of any PD, regardless of the topic. #EIPT3043 #oklaed
— Courtney Smith (@Court_educator) March 5, 2018
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Q8 #OKLAED RR: Teachers need to read a lot (two words). We need to live the reader life to be reading role models; to grow, we need to invest in our reading process: knowing who we are (our personality= MBTI and our #readingrules) and where we read best (our environment).
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
Q8 #OKLAED RR: We need to have accountability. We learn by reading, so as we seek to promote the development of our students as lifelong readers,we need to also promoting our development as teachers of reading& teachers who read. Reading a lot is our professional responsibility.
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
A8: Book study: Transforming School Culture; Reading solo, The Coaching Habit #oklaed
— Stephanie Hime (@MrsHime) March 5, 2018
A8: I'm not reading anything right now 😭😭 PD read culturally responsive teaching and the brain, it's EVERYTHING #oklaed https://t.co/mZDKaz5TeT
— Shelby ⚡️ (@ShelbyJr3) March 5, 2018
#OKLAED RR: #EffectSizeMatters– Hattie’s Visible Learning Effect Sizes (see Barometer of Influence= .40+)= Lastly, it’s important to note that Collective Teacher Efficacy = 1.57 is THE MOST important impact on student achievement.
— Lara Searcy, M.Ed-NBCT (@MrsSearcy112) March 5, 2018
Demonstrate for Ss how a “reading/writing experience becomes a catalyst for change in their lives” (Beers & Probst, 2017).
Inspire others to practice what they teach and to find a #PDpartner to help you align practices with passions. Become a #collaboratED power team! #okaled pic.twitter.com/dMX3UAXUIZ— The REAL Josh Flores (@mrjoshflores) March 5, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
…..frantically thinking of any way to collaborate and may just make something up out of desperation….. #illbringtheglitter #oklaed
— Melinda Parks (@mcappsparks) March 5, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Melissa Knabe @OB1_Knabe and she will be talking Standards Based Grading
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
All of the cool people leave comments - what are your thoughts?