Episode 52 – Are You NBCT Accomplished?

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
David Wall @Wallmover and Melinda Parks @mcappsparks
Overview of chat topic
NBCT – National Board Certified Teacher
I know you're an accomplished teacher, but are you NBCT accomplished? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/rjVEZehoRb
— David Wall (@wallmover) February 19, 2018
Let's get #OklaEd Chat launched!
Introduce yourself, the school you associate with, and role.
Besides Groot, it will be @mcappsparks and @wallmover at the controls tonight.We will follow the Q1/A1 format pic.twitter.com/67ZQHI64o1
— David Wall (@wallmover) February 19, 2018
Questions from the chat:
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Question 1, #oklaed pic.twitter.com/pPmr3N1i6h
— Melinda Parks (@mcappsparks) February 19, 2018
a1 When I think of NBCT, I think of someone who is reaching out to be the best they can be. We might not be "the best," but we're working at being better. #oklaed
— Lane Walker (@LaneWalker2) February 19, 2018
A1: I see someone who’s worked hard to obtain those letters. I don’t think anyone outside of education knows what they stand for.#OklaEd
— Brian Hayes (Buck) (@Bhayes72) February 19, 2018
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Q2. LETTERS: How is the NBCT process different from gaining other professional designations? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/SbDeyzuJgv
— David Wall (@wallmover) February 19, 2018
A2 It seems like #NBCT is much more geared toward action research and improvement of personal teaching craft than educational theory, research article reading and seat time in college classes. Masters & Doctoral EDU degrees have value too, but generally a different focus #OklaEd
— Wesley Fryer 🌎🎙🚀 (@wfryer) February 19, 2018
A2) Honestly I am ignorant of the NBCT process. Maybe this is something that should be mentioned in the universities and/or mentor teacher program (which doesn’t exist most places). #Oklaed
— Josh Turner (@TurnerJoshuaD) February 19, 2018
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Q3 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/vLsCz6AMTg
— Melinda Parks (@mcappsparks) February 19, 2018
A3: because accomplished teachers know that they are NEVER done growing! Boards puts a magnifying glass on your practices… it’s tough to look so closely at your flaws, but you come out a much better teacher on the other side! #oklaed #nbctstrong
— Rachel Crawford (@MsCrawford101) February 19, 2018
A3: You don't have to be ineffective to want to be better. The whole process forces you to focus on your teaching and to find areas to improve – and put it in writing. It's tough and frustrating – and insightful and helpful #oklaed https://t.co/XVuoSAXEU6
— Debra Thoreson (@djthoreson) February 19, 2018
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Q4. LEARNED: What did you learn from the NBCT process—or what have you seen others learn from the NBCT process? Is this what you were expecting? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/Yy0OwHrYNI
— David Wall (@wallmover) February 19, 2018
A4: Having first gone through NB in 1999 (as a teacher) & renewal (as an admin) in 2008, I can attest that my practices were forever influenced as a result of the intense self-reflection & redirection the process demanded. I often say it was the best PD I've ever had. = #oklaEd https://t.co/dO9iYg8XVI
— Dr. Melissa Shields, NBCT (@mjshields) February 19, 2018
A4 I learned that I was better at some things than I thought, and that I had a lot of knowledge to share with other teachers…which was NOT what I expected. #oklaed
— Melinda Parks (@mcappsparks) February 19, 2018
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#oklaed pic.twitter.com/gkQbRzVfzE
— Melinda Parks (@mcappsparks) February 19, 2018
A5 The most important part of the #NBCT process has been learning how to explain why I do what I do. I have met veteran Ts who can't and that doesn't help anyone. You must be able to analyze, reflect and explain why so that other Ts can learn from you. #oklaed
— Michelle Waters 📚 (@watersenglish) February 19, 2018
#oklaed Since it took me two years, I learned a humbling lesson of failure. After starting again, I learned to focus on specific areas rather than generalities.
— Janalyn Taylor (@JanalynTaylor) February 19, 2018
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Q6. DIFFERENCE: With NBCTs having a presence in many schools, what differences have you seen in the students of NBCTs versus non-NBCTs? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/RmhPkQorAh
— David Wall (@wallmover) February 19, 2018
A6. In today’s #OKLAED climate, I think #NBCT teachers bring a constant dedication that Ss need. There is so much turn over, but most NBCTs I know are Career teachers who have been and will be teaching for years. Ss need that consistency & investment. #OKLAED https://t.co/RnFyCAL75h
— larasearcy👩🏻💻 (@MrsSearcy112) February 19, 2018
A6: my whole school is fully equipped with amazing teachers, not all NBCT’s, so I can’t tell a difference.. nothing against the NBCT’s, just praising those that are not.. we all have our strengths and weaknesses. #oklaed
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) February 19, 2018
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Q7 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/9Z4TKLRoHh
— Melinda Parks (@mcappsparks) February 19, 2018
A7) compensation is a big deterrent to teachers, the process is expensive and takes a lot of time. If we don’t make enough money to make it worth our time why do it? Does it get us more respect from anyone beside our peers? #OklaEd
— Julie Robinson (@teachonyourtoes) February 19, 2018
A7 Time! Time was my enemy. Seemed I always needed more time to think, more time to write, more time to adapt, more time to try new things. I dropped almost all of my other responsibilities (committees – church, school, civic) to make time. #oklaed https://t.co/QlLD5dB0mN
— Chuck Pack (@chuck_pack) February 19, 2018
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Q8. CONNECTIONS: How have you seen the NBCT process connect to other PD opportunities like advanced degrees, PLNs, etc? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/ZW1efAR4LA
— David Wall (@wallmover) February 19, 2018
A8: I see it when Ts or Admin want to add #edtech without reflection and purpose. #smh #oklaed
— Jun Kim (@MPSTechnology) February 19, 2018
A8: Candidates develop PLNs wherever they can find them. I think it is more intense than my Master's program was, but that's why you have to teach for 3 yrs before you start – so you CAN talk about your teaching. None of the others require having a classroom! #oklaed https://t.co/ydcXoXlgB2
— Debra Thoreson (@djthoreson) February 19, 2018
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Q9 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/W5lZdl5YH6
— Melinda Parks (@mcappsparks) February 19, 2018
A9 Restoration of respect from the State of Oklahoma through the $5,000 stipend. #oklaed https://t.co/Oq82CNGPGr
— Chuck Pack (@chuck_pack) February 19, 2018
A9 — Consistent support from #okleg. The process is costly. It takes personal dedication. It forever changes the way you look at yourself and your students. Lawmakers get returns: accomplished Ts who STAY in the classroom. Bring back the stipend. #oklaed #NBCTStrong
— Claudia Swisher (@ClaudiaSwisher) February 19, 2018
A great way to do the NBCT process is together. SDE has regional support throughout the year and OEA/NEA has a JumpStart Training that lets you lift off to a strong beginning.https://t.co/0A2rpJzdNz#oklaed #NEAJumpStart pic.twitter.com/r82vsJMb8a
— David Wall (@wallmover) February 19, 2018
Great job everybody. If you know of a great teacher ready to take a next step, encourage them to consider NBCT. Shoulder taps from highly regarded colleagues and admin are the #1 reason people start. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/NAJIOAlDF3
— David Wall (@wallmover) February 19, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A9 — Consistent support from #okleg. The process is costly. It takes personal dedication. It forever changes the way you look at yourself and your students. Lawmakers get returns: accomplished Ts who STAY in the classroom. Bring back the stipend. #oklaed #NBCTStrong
— Claudia Swisher (@ClaudiaSwisher) February 19, 2018
Michael Jordan had a shooting coach. The great ones always felt there was room for improvement #oklaed
— Shane A. Sanders (@edu_sanders70) February 19, 2018
Can’t a T invest in self-reflection, personal growth, be committed to excellence, & push themselves w/out jumping through expensive hoops? Someone’s making some serious $$$ off Ts. #oklaed
Kudos to those who do NBCT. No shame to those who can’t afford it or grad school.
— Jennifer Williams (@JennWillTeach) February 19, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
EdCampOKC Chat with a whole bunch of cool folks!
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
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