Episode 50 – What’s So Exciting About Education?

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes: twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Hosted by Doug Brown @dougeb00
Overview of chat topic
What’s so exciting about education?
Questions from the chat:
- 1 – Describe one thing you have done in class/school/district that excited your students.
A1: As a teacher, excitement was a necessity, it is who I am and was! I always wanted to inspire excitement, fun, passion in my Ss and engagement was a given!! I had many classroom pets, Leopard Geckos, a Ferret, Guinea Pigs, fish, & even an ocean touch tank!!#oklaed
— April Gustafson-Ms.G (@April2383) February 5, 2018
A1: I frequently invite people in the community to read to the children in my class. We’ve had people from the mayor to police officers. Nothing is better then excitement for reading! #OklaEd
— Tomi (@tomijane12) February 5, 2018
- 2 – What have you done in your class/school/district to give your students a “VOICE” and increase their excitement for learning?
A2. I am really trying to incorporate more "design thinking" into what I do. I'm asking a lot of "why" on projects/units — change of paradigm, and Ss really respond #OklaEd
— Joe Robison (@joerobison907) February 5, 2018
A2: My Ss earn points, I let them decide how we party when we earn enough points. My classroom is a democracy so we vote on a lot of things. I think it's important to start voting early. #oklaed
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) February 5, 2018
- 3 – What professional development have you participated in that excited you and why?
A3 Twitter #OKElem #oklaed #tlap #teacherfriends @MicrosoftEDU…any PD where I can see my #oklaed PLN face to face!
— Jennifer Seitsinger (@room20awesome) February 5, 2018
A3. PD is most exciting when you lead— what can you share w others or teach/learn yourself? Some of my fave PD is based on what I read— then implement. Or what I write— then find an audience. #TeacherAsLeader #TeacherAsStudent #TeacherAsReader #TeacherAsWriter #OKLAED https://t.co/gpr4IWz9a8
— larasearcy👩🏻💻 (@MrsSearcy112) February 5, 2018
- 4 – List one thing your administration has done that excited you about your job as an educator.
A4 My administration has set a goal of every student feeling like they are a champion. Even graduates as long as 50 years ago know "Once a Warrior, always a Warrior" They proudly wear those t-shirts #oklaed
— Nancy Williams (@nancy_nwilliams) February 5, 2018
A4: I am excited about my job/career b/c of my direct administrators! They are always willing to listen, guide conversations, give advice w/o "micromanagement" & look into or try new ideas! They empower me to help Ss & their families while supporting Ts & admin! #oklaed #blessed
— April Gustafson-Ms.G (@April2383) February 5, 2018
- 6 – If money were no object what instructional resources would excite you as an educator? Dream Big!
A6: If money were no object I would like to see an alternative school with a college type schedule. Not require students to be on campus every day and extend hours into the evening. Reach more students and give more opportunities. #oklaed https://t.co/fIui1YQP56
— Jack Reed (@jlreed2011) February 5, 2018
#Oklaed A6 (5???): Get high-Speed Internet access with iPad access at home and school and community center for ALL students. https://t.co/NHmxvJyDsi
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) February 5, 2018
- 7 – What can we tell potential teachers to excite them about the future of education?
A7: Oklahoma needs you now more than ever. There’s no greater calling and no greater impact than teaching. We will fight to keep you in this state— our kids deserve nothing less.#oklaed https://t.co/jC9YWsyvMS
— Joy Hofmeister (@joy4ok) February 5, 2018
A7: It’s not always what you tell people about Education. It’s the way you talk about teachers currently in the field and the conversations around the teaching profession. I’d like to see less angry Facebook videos and more positive stories. #oklaed https://t.co/ckR2nDErc5
— Madeline Shields (@made_shields) February 5, 2018
- 8 – What can we do to get #oklaed legislators excited about public education?
A8. Show them data, personal stories, struggles, and be honest with our needs. It’s hard for them to ignore our passion, sacrifices, and hard work #oklaed
— Jose Hernandez, Ed.S (@jose_rnandez) February 5, 2018
A8. Can we get some legislators to moderate an #OklaEd chat? https://t.co/cj01Zr50ms
— Tutaleni Asino (@tutaleni) February 5, 2018
- 9 – What are you doing in your class/school/district to get parents excited about public education?
A9 – Giving my all to teaching their children everyday. #oklaed https://t.co/gsPdKzZo0r
— Todd Gragg (@MrGragg) February 5, 2018
A9: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
For some, the school is the only place where they feel important. I am honored to have the opportunity to show them this#oklaed
— Chong Si Lor (@chong2087) February 5, 2018
- 10 – Finish up with a positive story about public education in your area.
A10 – One of my former students is doing a senior project and is collecting school supplies to send to students in the Hurricane Harvey affected area. #oklaed https://t.co/MWd54z5TuR
— Todd Gragg (@MrGragg) February 5, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
#OklaEd A10: We educators and all those supporting public education ARE FIGHTING FOR A CAUSE THAT IS THE, THE MOST IMPORTANT CAUSE FOR OUR COUNTRY. This truth means that eventually education WILL WIN OUT!!! https://t.co/LIlKKVEUEf
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) February 5, 2018
#OklaEd A10: We educators and all those supporting public education ARE FIGHTING FOR A CAUSE THAT IS THE, THE MOST IMPORTANT CAUSE FOR OUR COUNTRY. This truth means that eventually education WILL WIN OUT!!! https://t.co/LIlKKVEUEf
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) February 5, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Sacred Cow Tipping – With Brant Nyberg @principalnyberg and Scott @teachfromhere
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
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