Episode 45 – Visionary Leadership

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Anne Beck @mrsbeck25
Tyler Bridges @bridgestyler
Seth Meier @SethMeier
Melinda Parks @mcappsparks
Lindsay MacDonald @mac_sra
Overview of chat topic
Visionary Leadership
Questions from the chat:
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Let’s do this!
Q1: To be an effective visionary leader you must know your why. What is yours? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/fTX07ERmYc
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) December 18, 2017
A1: My "why": Teaching is not a job. It may be a profession…but to me, it's a lifestyle. To define it, is to limit it. I want to be a part of the solution and not add to the problem. That's my "why?" #oklaed
— Chong Si Lor (@chong2087) December 18, 2017
A1: My “why” is to make sure every kid knows how to express an opinion and still be kind to someone who expresses the opposite. #oklaed
— Lauren Peña (@lauren_pena16) December 18, 2017
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Q2: “There are leaders and there are those who lead.” What’s the difference? #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/b904vGNKGd
— Anne Beck ✌🏻❤️& 🔲 (@MrsBeck25) December 18, 2017
A2: I find that good leaders are ones who know when to lead, know when to follow, and know when to get the hell out of the way. Have to know your craft but adaptability is critical. #oklaed
— Rob Miller (@edgeblogger) December 18, 2017
A2) We all can and should lead by example. Titles and positions are just that. #oklaed https://t.co/lH4EUv6Cpy
— Frank Solomon (@FrankSolomon_4) December 18, 2017
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Q3:What are the most important characteristics of a visionary leader? #OklaEd @bridgestyler @MrsBeck25 @mcappsparks @mac_sra pic.twitter.com/8c3sAl2YR1
— Seth Meier (@SethMeier) December 18, 2017
A3: a visionary leader has their eye on the future. Isn’t set in their ways. Has progress and change always on their mind and isn’t afraid of change. Realized schools can’t be ran the same way every year. #oklaed
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) December 18, 2017
A3 the ability to have a very wide perspective, almost seeing around corners & respects differences as strength and always willing to see the impossible as a challenge not a barrier. #oklaed https://t.co/QkZiZS2wpr
— Kenneth Ward (@kennethdward) December 18, 2017
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Q4 Why is it important to be aware of your personal vision? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/Jm1WcxDfue
— Melinda Parks (@mcappsparks) December 18, 2017
A4 so I'm not wandering lost or easily led astray #oklaed
— Natasha Jefferson (@jefferson_first) December 18, 2017
#oklaed A4: When i first started teaching 27 years ago, I copied what other Ts did. After playing the game of copy and paste, I decided it was time to design my own path to follow, one that would be built around my Ss and what they need. It's not about a test; it's about them.
— 🌹Shanna Mellott (@lsmellott) December 18, 2017
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Q5 You have to live the vision. How do you do it? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/NbLcl8fGgq
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) December 18, 2017
A5 Find ways to remind yourself daily about your personal vision. Write it down, post it, integrate it into your Twitter profile. Reflect on it with trusted colleagues periodically. Ask for honest feedback and make appropriate adjustments. Listen to others. Pray. #OklaEd
— Wesley Fryer 🌎🎙🚀 (@wfryer) December 18, 2017
A5) Tattoo it on your forehead. When things aren't going well and you're tempted to blame others, look in the mirror. Psst…it might not be them. #oklaed
— Amber McMath (@mrsmcreading) December 18, 2017
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Q6: How do you stay true to and focused on your vision in the midst of all of the day-to-day tasks? #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/dQI0Q0U0KV
— Anne Beck ✌🏻❤️& 🔲 (@MrsBeck25) December 18, 2017
A6: Lots of answers include accountability partners. I always had one as a corporate lawyer, often a younger direct report, empowered to keep me on track. Lots of "No, it can't wait until tomorrow, you said 'tomorrow' yesterday, and now it's today." #oklaed
— Mark Moran (@markemoran) December 18, 2017
A6) Surround yourself w/ honest people that will call you out when you aren't being authentic. This is where CULTURE helps to prevail the vision, regardless of the day-to-day. #oklaed https://t.co/l3AuwLUnzD
— Seth Meier (@SethMeier) December 18, 2017
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Q7: In an environment where “what gets measured is what gets done,” how do you ensure that your vision is “getting done”? #OklaEd @mac_sra @bridgestyler @MrsBeck25 @mcappsparks pic.twitter.com/2hpNnmKZ8R
— Seth Meier (@SethMeier) December 18, 2017
A7: Im going to think hard about this over break…I want my students curious about the world, they care about the grade bc thats what is measured. I want to find a way to measure and 'grade' their curiousity #oklaed
— Mr Hartford (@HartfordJimmy) December 18, 2017
A7 #OklaEd – I think sometimes the things that matter most aren't measureable.
— Lindsay MacDonald (@mac_sra) December 18, 2017
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Q8 What visionary leader do you most admire and why? pic.twitter.com/l4rbDxjVgw
— Melinda Parks (@mcappsparks) December 18, 2017
A8. So many to name. But this came to mind with this question. If you have time, please watch #oklaed https://t.co/Das5h07QaD
— Kristy Cooper 🌎 (@kriscoop80) December 18, 2017
A8: I can't narrow it down to any single leader. The instructors from the @SNU_MAEL. The members of @EdCampOKC. The educators on #oklaed. https://t.co/uK1Z2btkJU
— Adam Rogers M.A.Ed. (@MrRogersTech) December 18, 2017
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A7: Know your "non-negotiables" and ensure they are communicated and enforced throughout your school/district. Then, be visible. You can't promote an effective vision from your office. #oklaed
— Rob Miller (@edgeblogger) December 18, 2017
A8) pastor Craig from https://t.co/0CO13mx5sH is an amazing leader. His podcasts aim to help develop great new leaders. #OklaEd
— Derek Jackson (@CPSVballcoach) December 18, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Taking a two-week break for the holidays. See you after the new year. BUT – we will be replaying our two most listened to episodes during the break. Stay tuned.
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
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