Episode 43 – Facing Fears in EDU

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes: twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Overview of chat topic
Facing your Fears in EDU…
Questions from the chat:
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Q1 #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/BrdxXtFRoY
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) December 4, 2017
A1 I've always had the fear of having poor testing grades and losing the respect of others because I would look like a bad teacher. #oklaed
— Vicki Donley (@DonleyVicki) December 4, 2017
A1) Educators who aren’t at least a little scared. NPS veteran of 25 years, checking in late, weary of non educators agendas #oklaed
— Michale Gentry (@michale_gentry) December 4, 2017
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Q2 #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/UuaYeXatDW
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) December 4, 2017
A2) Becoming a failure. Not being able to provide my students the opportunities for success. #OklaEd https://t.co/gLWXMvDjxl
— Jennifer Lea (@jennifer_lea_e) December 4, 2017
A2. #okleg scares the crap out of me. They have dug public education so far in a hole, I am not sure we will come out of it anymore. #OklaEd
— Kristy Cooper 🌎 (@kriscoop80) December 4, 2017
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Q3 #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/ncoBBve6R3
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) December 4, 2017
A3) always trying to find ways to tie what I teach with how it can have an impact on their future. I also have a lot of “woo rants” #oklaed https://t.co/17XpmAzQP3
— Jennifer Lea (@jennifer_lea_e) December 4, 2017
A3: leaning into the fear and being honest when I am confused and/or when I realize my error. #OklaEd
— Brent Bushey (@bushey_brent) December 4, 2017
A3: suck it up buttercup. I mean sometimes I just have to be scared; remind myself fear is a feeling just like all the others…mostly temporary #oklaed
— Shelby ⚡️ (@ShelbyJr3) December 4, 2017
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Q4 #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/InfYYuwuVT
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) December 4, 2017
A4: I'm shifting to novel-centered units and I don't know if I can put them together well enough. They're grand in my head, and truly cover all standards, but I'm afraid I'm looking at it through tinted lofty-goal specs. #oklaed https://t.co/8fGxwbszi8
— Mrs B (@MrsBaldwinCHS) December 4, 2017
A4: Start my doctorate #oklaed pic.twitter.com/uFzGo1Cg6z
— Jun Kim (@MPSTechnology) December 4, 2017
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Q5 #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/2aC6sKVXcl
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) December 4, 2017
A5: limitless paperwork, standardized testing, pressure on kids' results, money spent on curriculum, staff fears, class sizes… shall I continue? 🙂 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/EJ2819o3Xu
— Mr Alberto (@MrAlberto_JH) December 4, 2017
A5: Time, wanting to devote as much attention to my children & their activities. And time. Did I say time? One more time for good measure: TIME. #OKLAED pic.twitter.com/r1a3My9q3w
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) December 4, 2017
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Q6 #Oklaed
Not really a Q at all…pay attentionName who you commented on. pic.twitter.com/0anxglHhKh
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) December 4, 2017
a6 TO ALL: Phase 1:invent time machine Phase 2: . . . . Phase 3: Profits #oklaed
— Mr Hartford (@HartfordJimmy) December 4, 2017
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Q7 #Oklaed pic.twitter.com/NRISyoexUW
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) December 4, 2017
A7: #oklaed #OKTechDirectors has been my saving grace and keeps me from making too big of mistakes since coming on as DoT. pic.twitter.com/dsUf1EwzyJ
— Jun Kim (@MPSTechnology) December 4, 2017
#Oklaed Dr. Lara Searcy is my go-to person for everything. She always ends up being right about everything. I've given up trying to prove her wrong. She is a jedi; she's definitely inspiring. Thankful! pic.twitter.com/bYteMZPTeR
— Chong Si Lor (@chong2087) December 4, 2017
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Q8 #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/CxYuYLJ8Pp
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) December 4, 2017
A8: It depends on the student. Some of them are pretty good at hiding what they're really thinking. That's why allowing time/space for reflection is important #oklaed https://t.co/aNdRemZl8e
— William D. Parker (@Williamdp) December 4, 2017
#oklaed A8: Magnet.
Personal experience drives empathy. Caseload or not, the strugglers are where I want to be. https://t.co/aRyfoyyLq0— BrightstarTeaches (@BrightstarTeach) December 4, 2017
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Q9 #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/5nwjtmmTtz
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) December 4, 2017
A9: Keep reminding them…#oklaed pic.twitter.com/YZSGL7cJKF
— Jun Kim (@MPSTechnology) December 4, 2017
A9. I find that the key is to let student know that failing is not always a bad thing. But you have to believe it too. #OKlaed https://t.co/sUdgbbcMu6
— Tutaleni Asino (@tutaleni) December 4, 2017
Thats all Folks #Oklaed pic.twitter.com/l3xY9cIDPs
— ErinBarnes (@ebarnes73) December 4, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Professionalization of Teaching with Gregg Garn @DeanGarn, Dean of the OU Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
Join us for #oklaed tonight! 8PM CST @ebarnes73 moderating! @DeanGarn & @oueducation #EACS Cohort to follow! pic.twitter.com/D2nydfpJiG
— Anne Beck ✌🏻❤️& 🔲 (@MrsBeck25) December 3, 2017
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
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