Episode 42 – Encouraging Innovation

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OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Doug Brown @dougeb00
Overview of chat topic
Encouraging Innovation
Questions from the chat:
Tonight we are talking about Encouraging Innovation #oklaed pic.twitter.com/uMDsovzdJh
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
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Q1 What can we do to spur innovation in the classroom? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/1Y18OcJBYj
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
#oklaed Processes should be more important than outcome. Still assess the final outcome but the process is valuable too pic.twitter.com/cMtfkL3RQV
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
Allow collaboration, Reflection is so important and support NEW ideas and encourage online learning #oklaed pic.twitter.com/dMK0pA1lh5
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A1: Innovation requires resources: time (i.e. common planning time for Ts, freedom to choose/create curriculum, etc), mini-grants to buy equipment or fund experiences, and support from admin. #oklaed https://t.co/yGtIYkwtpA
— Elizabeth E. Smith (@eesmith0814) November 27, 2017
A1. Give students a voice in their education. Honor that voice. Be vulnerable enough to try new ideas and be willing to make mistakes. Either create or find a school culture which embraces innovation. #OklaEd
— Nick Schumacher (@nick_schumacher) November 27, 2017
FYI…”classroom innovation” doesn’t just mean new technology.
— Blunt Educator (@BluntEducator) December 1, 2017
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Q2: What can we measure or assess to spur innovation in the classroom? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/E1khCy2kCR
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A2: What you measure is what matters! #oklaed pic.twitter.com/A59eFnfkGR
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A2) Just make sure the tool of measure is a standardized test. Those are the most reliable. #sarcasm #oklaed https://t.co/dVk09YWgs7
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) November 27, 2017
A2. Assess?!?! Not sure how to do that. If we want innovation, in my experience is to just let them go for it. If we start assessing it, we can block the creative flow. But this is just my opinion #Oklaed https://t.co/hXJUmmwp25
— Kristy Cooper 🌎 (@kriscoop80) November 27, 2017
But I think you asses all the time! When you evaluate success – Did it work? What did I learn? What might work better on the next try? Did we reach our goals? – all those are assessment. #oklaed
— Kathy Dunn (@KathySDunn) November 27, 2017
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What types of activities do you support that encourage innovation in the classroom, building or district? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/4q8u6zkRAC
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A3: Online, global activities that include outside experts #oklaed pic.twitter.com/6ev10AxwVn
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A3) Facilitate/encourage healthy discussions, especially when there is disagreement…even w/ elementary. Disagreement and dissenting opinions can spur innovation. #oklaed https://t.co/mvJQuJbWqm
— Seth Meier (@SethMeier) November 27, 2017
A3 My littles have time each day for building, creating, storytelling…hopefully I'm laying a foundation for innovation that upper grades will build upon. Innovation must be encouraged k-12 #oklaed
— Jennifer Seitsinger (@room20awesome) November 27, 2017
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A3B: How can we as leaders better support our staff/students to be innovative? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/bu1TdJN2iR
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A3B: Tools and training! #oklaed pic.twitter.com/YsNvXHiotH
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A3B: let them know perfection is not required, let them do I️t and learn from it, @kriscoop80 always says “trust the kids”! #oklaed
— Steve Gilliland (@Stv_Gilliland) November 27, 2017
A3b – As far as personally. I participate in twitter chats, I go to conferences, I read edu blogs. I listen to podcasts, I read books on innovation in education, business, leadership, and entrepreneurship. Basically I keep pushing myself daily. #oklaed
— Todd Gragg (@MatthewTGragg) November 27, 2017
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Q4: What do you make time for that might encourage innovation? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/SU5kbuesTM
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A4) Constantly watching, discussing, encouraging Ts making instructional risks and then letting them share it by getting Ts (our school and other schools) in their classes. Let our Ts go to different schools to see other Ts. #oklaed https://t.co/hrsaSUjXVw
— Seth Meier (@SethMeier) November 27, 2017
A4 Make time 4 conversations W/T's that are interested. Brainstorm strategize support & recognize. Model when possible but get involved & put it all over social media & other promotion activities. #oklaed
— Kenneth Ward (@kennethdward) November 27, 2017
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Q5: What do we allow in our buildings/classrooms to encourage innovation? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/xtf3uHUNch
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A5: MakerSpaces, phones in the classroom, reflections, sharing and online collaboration #oklaed pic.twitter.com/gmFw6IljrO
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A5) Letting Ss input on things. If there’s something I don’t like in marching band and I’m thinking of changing. I tell the Ss what I’m thinking and get feedback. Sometimes their ideas work better and gives them ownership of the product. #oklaed
— Eric Justin Bates (@ejbband21) November 27, 2017
A5 We allow technology and the internet with so much information and so many ideas. Just think about how it used to be. All we had were textbooks and what the teacher personally knew. #OklaEd
— Nancy Williams (@nancy_nwilliams) November 27, 2017
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Q6: How do you praise, reward or recognize your staff/students for innovative behavior. I need more ideas for this one. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/jbujJTW9PI
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
Q6: Staff games to earn points when they complete an innovative activity #oklaed pic.twitter.com/ShOTAtzVY1
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A6: Students are most excited when people other than their teachers or parents care about their work. Here are 7 easy ways for them to connect with experts and mentors. https://t.co/njPzJujtpW #oklaed
— Mark Moran (@markemoran) November 27, 2017
A6 Amplify local innovation by inviting students to share short presos at upcoming school board meetings. Ask students to share short stories of innovation at faculty meetings. Record a "quick edit video" with each student & share on social media! #OklaEd https://t.co/Mhjh6Imh5o pic.twitter.com/zxb7tyhNMQ
— Wesley Fryer 🌎🎙🚀 (@wfryer) November 27, 2017
A6. Authentically celebrate their achievements. Not just inside the school – call local news, include it in the newsletter / social media. Encourage them to take the next step and dream bigger. #oklaed
— Mark Moran (@markemoran) November 27, 2017
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A7: With today's assessments and accountability how can we dedicate more time for reflection, collaboration and brainstorming? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/hcWcN6fn5v
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A7: purposeful scheduling, common planning periods for Ts to collaborate and out of the box Flex Fridays #oklaed pic.twitter.com/wd5ssMCX0D
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A7 Challenge teachers and staff to PRUNE individual goals and priorities instead of just adding to an already large list. Then encourage scheduled time (on the calendar) for reflection, collaboration & brainstorming. Model this as an administrator #OklaEd
— Wesley Fryer 🌎🎙🚀 (@wfryer) November 27, 2017
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Last Question
Q8: How do you communicate to Ss, Ts, and Ps the value of an innovative culture? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/mLoSGdA7Cu— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A8: Continual and tireless Individual conversations with all stakeholders, group community meetings, social media, #oklaed pic.twitter.com/fxsW0Ur1wO
— Doug Brown (@dougeb00) November 27, 2017
A8 – Currently through simply talking about it and modeling it. I am going to move to blogging about it more and maybe even podcasting some ideas. #oklaed https://t.co/pXV6XxRcDg
— Todd Gragg (@MatthewTGragg) November 27, 2017
A8: Let Ss know that being innovative means you will likely fall on your face a time or two, and they will learn more from that than from instant, easy success. If it’s about the learning instead of grades, make sure they know it. Allow re-dos & be intentional. #oklaed
— M. Knabe (@OB1_Knabe) November 27, 2017
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
#OklaEd A8: I want to offer an Innovation Scholarship to Ss who come up with the most innovative idea.
— 🌹Shanna Mellott (@lsmellott) November 27, 2017
A7) By giving up some of the aimed at assessment stuff and recognizing that the reflection, collaboration, and brainstorming will accomplish more and better things for our Ss. Even on the all important test. #OklaEd
— ChrisParadise (@ChrisParadise) November 27, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Join us for #OklaEd tonight! 8PM CST Encouraging Innovation w/ @dougeb00 Then @ebarnes73 and @DeanGarn to follow! pic.twitter.com/KLsBlcWO5J
— Anne Beck ✌🏻❤️& 🔲 (@MrsBeck25) November 26, 2017
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
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