Episode 38 – 5th Sunday Policy Chat

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Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Chat moderated by Shawn Hime @ShawnHime
Overview of chat topic
5th Sunday Policy Chat. At the time of this particular chat, the Oklahoma Legislature was meeting in a special session.
Questions from the chat:
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#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/qyL7PpXr6X
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) October 30, 2017
A1: If anyone else did their job like the #okleg we wouldn’t have a job to come back to…. #oklaed #dobetter NOT the #okstandard
— Anne Beck ✌🏻❤️& 🔲 (@MrsBeck25) October 30, 2017
A1) Left and Right ideology getting in the way of something positive. Very frustrated with lack of compromise. #OklaEd
— Brendan Jarvis (@jarvisUPS918) October 30, 2017
#OklaEd Region: Investment Gap pic.twitter.com/26M8EseRbS
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) October 30, 2017
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#OklaEd pic.twitter.com/v9drlbTUVJ
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) October 30, 2017
A2–Time for corporations that benefit from our state to contribute to our state. No more taxes on middle class! #oklaed #RestoreGPT
— Claudia Swisher (@ClaudiaSwisher) October 30, 2017
A2) Absolutism has caused this problem ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ISLE, we need statesmen & stateswomen not people running 4 re-election #oklaed
— Dr. Jason James (@James409Jason) October 30, 2017
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#OklaEd chat pic.twitter.com/yHjexNEBbW
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) October 30, 2017
A3- It seemed like it was a good compromise. I'm still confused at why it failed? Can they go back and amend during reg. session? #oklaed
— Scott Goodrich (@ScottGoodrich_) October 30, 2017
A3b: What I find offensive is perpetually hanging carrot of a pay raise in front of teachers, then yanking it away at the last min. #oklaed
— Rob Miller (@edgeblogger) October 30, 2017
#OklaEd Teachers continue to fall further behind in pay. #OkHouse should reconsider the budget plan that includes $3,000 teacher pay raise. pic.twitter.com/St4pJcWiwM
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) October 30, 2017
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#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/JXxPaLUMtv
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) October 30, 2017
A4. I remember the pain from the last 1. More work from cuts, more Ss, no job security, morale low and many looking for new jobs. #oklaed
— Andre Daughty (@andredaughty) October 30, 2017
A4)Cuts? What is their reasoning for not seeing the issues that schools face? Can one of them answer that question? #oklaed
— Vicki Donley (@DonleyVicki) October 30, 2017
The lack of adequate #OklaEd funding and competitive teacher pay has caused the teacher shortage crises to grow exponentially pic.twitter.com/RVgMHQzc2T
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) October 30, 2017
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#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/h3aY76YXkm
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) October 30, 2017
A5: I stayed in Oklahoma. Does that count? Oh and I like to call people out on Twitter even when they have full voicemails. #shade #oklaed
— Meghan Loyd (@meghanloyd) October 30, 2017
*Sigh* After so many years it feels futile. I focus my efforts on the public, feel like #OKleg refuses to understand. #oklaed https://t.co/J7BST0jHao
— Stacey Roemerman (@StaceyRman) October 30, 2017
Thank you to the representatives who voted for a bipartisan budget solution during the. JCAB meeting. #oklaed #okleg pic.twitter.com/VT9HTOwm0s
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) October 30, 2017
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#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/RiQLo7hNHl
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) October 30, 2017
A6. After umpteen #oklaed #okleg chats where we state (clearly) that it's not about testing, for some reason it's still not registering. pic.twitter.com/VqsUAvMpBM
— Andre Daughty (@andredaughty) October 30, 2017
A6. Don’t care. Sup sent out a message to families but I don’t think they care. They just care if I care about their child #oklaed
— Mrs. Telannia Norfar (@thnorfar) October 30, 2017
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#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/ZpusfFilm6
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) October 30, 2017
A7 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #oklaed https://t.co/rIbkCZ0F5A
— Rick Cobb (@grendelrick) October 30, 2017
That's exactly what I wanted to say. Just didn't know how to spell it!! #oklaed
— Kathy Dunn (@KathySDunn) October 30, 2017
A7 Always difficult teaching with autopsy results, it points out areas of weakness that we can work on, but new year means new Ss #oklaed
— Jason Bengs (@jasonbengs) October 30, 2017
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#OklaEd Chat pic.twitter.com/rZ9FTC3Oy1
— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) October 30, 2017
A8) We keep our eyes focused on the target…growing leaders, learners, lawyers, Drs, policeman, night shift, janitors, etc #oklaed #okleg https://t.co/RuZkdIPiEk
— Nathan Meget (@NMeget) October 30, 2017
A8: keep letting T’s know they’re valued, every chance you get. T’s keep caring about your students. Don’t sit quiet, speak up. #oklaed
— Kim Meacham (@kbmeach) October 30, 2017
Sign up for @OSSBAoklahoma
legislative text alerts. #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/6Gi130HiE6— Shawn Hime (@shawnhime) October 30, 2017
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A8) We keep our eyes focused on the target…growing leaders, learners, lawyers, Drs, policeman, night shift, janitors, etc #oklaed #okleg https://t.co/RuZkdIPiEk
— Nathan Meget (@NMeget) October 30, 2017
A8:the time 4 concern has passed. It's time 2 DO SOMETHING!! We are losing educators!Your concern can kiss it! F word do something! #oklaed
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) October 30, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Cultivating Communication in the Classroom – @techchef4u
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for #oklaed
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