Episode 37 – Future Teachers Want to Know

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Hosted by Dr. Terri Cullen @DrTerriC
Answer future teacher questions on Dr. Cullen’s Flipgrid.
Overview of chat topic
Future Teachers Want to Know
Questions from the chat:
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q1) Given the teacher shortage, What is the hiring process like? When? Can we expect multiple offers? How does it work? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/mvH25CIf0C
— Dr Theresa Cullen (@DrTerriC) October 23, 2017
A1) apply #cpsreds all Ts get a $2,000 Christmas stipend/bonus classroom set of iPads or chromebooks plus T laptop and iPad #OKlaed
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) October 23, 2017
A1: Jobs are there, do your homework and find the right fit. #oklaed
— Steve Gilliland (@Stv_Gilliland) October 23, 2017
I had a follow up question from the group: Does it pay to be a teacher ed grad? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/6tkpKWyH1d
— Dr Theresa Cullen (@DrTerriC) October 23, 2017
A1b) In my experience in CA&OK most Ed programs do not prepare Ts for the classroom or school system. They know curric but not mngt #oklaed
— Jack Reed (@jlreed2011) October 23, 2017
A1b) Depends on your long-term goals. Do you plan to move? Teach at Grad level? Go for Admin? Could be good. Just because? Prob not #oklaed https://t.co/GwUBNMQOaM
— Amy Presley (@STLinOK) October 23, 2017
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q2) Any advice about how to use the summer months before your first year of teaching? Like staying on track, things to buy, etc.#OklaEd pic.twitter.com/ep2xpFimYa
— Dr Theresa Cullen (@DrTerriC) October 23, 2017
A2) Check out this book: "Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind:…" by Eric Jensen https://t.co/mIoICqbpCF #oklaed pic.twitter.com/aYWkK6dJaZ
— #getLITerate🔥 (@mrjoshflores) October 23, 2017
A2: Build on your foundational knowledge w/PD (classroom management, instructional strategies). Hit #EdCamp & network if you can. #oklaed https://t.co/WgZTNeruB8
— Melissa Knabe (@OB1_Knabe) October 23, 2017
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q3) What rookie mistakes did you make that preservice teachers could avoid? #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/aIlwzZp6uK
— Dr Theresa Cullen (@DrTerriC) October 23, 2017
A3) Don't volunteer for everything happening in your building. It's ok to say you don't have time/are too busy/need a break #oklaed
— Becca Nixon (@msnixon5) October 23, 2017
A3 #oklaed avoid complainers, drama. Chase the successful Ts…watch and you’ll figure out who they are. Not always popular ones.
— Amy Karnes (@MathwizinokAmy) October 23, 2017
A3b: Befriend the janitor and financial sec. they know the school better than most. #oklaed
— Scott Goodrich (@ScottGoodrich_) October 23, 2017
Q3) besides wearing heels on the first day in 2nd grade, I didn't understand that a good lesson plan on paper may fail in real life. It will happen and it is OK! @DrTerriC #oklaed
— Donna M Bussell (@mrsbussell) October 23, 2017
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Question 4 it is: What experiences do you suggest beyond college that could be as useful or more useful in being a great teacher? #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/wkmgpM6aWs
— Dr Theresa Cullen (@DrTerriC) October 23, 2017
A4: always keep learning! That's what makes and ok teacher an exceptional teacher! #swelem #cpsreds #OKlaED https://t.co/Dlyc7hUWkZ
— Gifford's Twisters (@MsKGifford) October 23, 2017
A4) PUBLISH! Share what you're learning, experimenting, failing, all that good stuff! Publish on paper, video, in a podcast…whatev#Oklaed https://t.co/FWSAtqC5Cp
— #getLITerate🔥 (@mrjoshflores) October 23, 2017
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q5) What is the best way to get parents involved in their child's education during the school year? #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/bY1yNjD9v2
— Dr Theresa Cullen (@DrTerriC) October 23, 2017
A5 3 types
Too involved
Can't find them
All take a different approach Open honest communication 4 1st 2. Home visit 4 last #Oklaed— Terry Saul, Ed.D (@saul02_terry) October 23, 2017
A5: Here’s 1 idea to use esp. if your school has a back 2 school night: Have Ps write a 1st day note of encouragement 2 their child #oklaed
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) October 23, 2017
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q6) Should I pursue a masters right after my undergrad, or wait a few years to get experience? #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/dcTanKbSis
— Dr Theresa Cullen (@DrTerriC) October 23, 2017
A6) Some may say do it right away for the pay but I say wait and be sure of your choice and area of study. New Ts leave prof <5 yrs #oklaed https://t.co/xA2sPdwErC
— Jack Reed (@jlreed2011) October 23, 2017
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q7) How much time do you spend working outside of school hours? How do you avoid burnout? How do you achieve work life balance? #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/el4nlPOCRa
— Dr Theresa Cullen (@DrTerriC) October 23, 2017
A7: Alarm labeled “Go Home,” & one set for 30 min later labeled “Seriously, Melissa, Go Home” otherwise I get busy & forget /1 #OklaEd https://t.co/VA4L6xZmJd
— Melissa Knabe (@OB1_Knabe) October 23, 2017
A7: teaching is my job & my hobby. I tell myself I won’t do it….and I end up doing something. Someone block Pinterest. #oklaed https://t.co/uBztXpiVcD
— Aubree Noelle (@AubreeNoelle2) October 23, 2017
Bonus: Many questions that weren’t able to be asked – will you take a minute to answer 1 or 2 on @Flipgrid: https://t.co/wrK23zxgA9 #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/ywSMG8rFk4
— Dr Theresa Cullen (@DrTerriC) October 23, 2017
Trying to spread the @Flipgrid fever for future teachers. Answer some of their questions? https://t.co/wrK23zfFbz #flipgridfever pic.twitter.com/CRbhtPrTjq
— Dr Theresa Cullen (@DrTerriC) October 23, 2017
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A7: Work Hard, Play Hard! Have to put in time to practice and get better at your craft! But take time for you and your family! #oklaed
— Jun Kim (@MPSTechnology) October 23, 2017
Preservice teachers you rock! Make sure you join us and othe ed chats on a regular basis #OklaEd pic.twitter.com/RxureifiVl
— Becki Maldonado M.Ed (@BeckiLaoshi) October 23, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Join us tonight for #oklaed 8PM CST @DrTerriC and @oueducation Ss leading the chat! @shawnhime and @TechChef4u to follow! pic.twitter.com/ZEzgf0geLG
— Anne Beck ✌🏻❤️& 🔲 (@MrsBeck25) October 22, 2017
Legislative Update @shawnhime
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
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