Episode 47 – What ALL Kids Deserve

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
OklaSaid: twitter.com/oklasaid
Erin Barnes:twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Kas Nelson @kasnelson and Adam Welcome @awelcome
Overview of chat topic
What all KIDS deserve! #KidsDeserveIt
Questions from the chat:
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Q1.#oklaed #kidsdeserveit pic.twitter.com/oFm71Kz6J0
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) January 15, 2018
A1: I conduct extensive research into current trends and flawlessly incorporate students' colloquialisms into class discussions. I'm sure even Hattie would admit this has a very on fleek effect size.#Oklaed https://t.co/dNL44YBVSJ
— Joshua 'Deadline' Flores (@mrjoshflores) January 15, 2018
A1: Best way to connect is going to events. I used to do it regularly, but schedules collided, now I connect at lunch time. Great time, real talk. #oklaed
— Ryan Read (@Ryan7Read) January 15, 2018
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Q2.#oklaed #kidsdeserveit pic.twitter.com/HX8goaE18V
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) January 15, 2018
A2 What holds me back is when there are too many things happening at one time. Prioritizing is important even if it means waiting to start something new. #oklaed
— Amaris Scalia (@AmarisScalia) January 15, 2018
A2: the only thing that stops me is myself. I let me own insecurities get the better of me sometimes #KidsDeserveIt #oklaed
— Todd Nesloney (@TechNinjaTodd) January 15, 2018
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Q3.#oklaed #kidsdeserveit pic.twitter.com/WkQY1hxSz8
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) January 15, 2018
A3: My Husband and I are both educators. It’s not our job, it’s our life. I’m lucky to have my better half @coachbeck86 with me on this ride! #oklaed
— Anne Beck ✌🏻❤️& 🔲 (@MrsBeck25) January 15, 2018
A3) very regular doses of #oklaed chats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://t.co/eWEbIYsmnm
— Dawn Collums (@collums_dawn) January 15, 2018
A4: I continue to ask "why" and work to make sure my belief still matches by behaviors. This self check keeps me from becoming something that goes against my belief. #workinprogress #oklaed #KidsDeserveIt
— Jun Kim (@MPSTechnology) January 15, 2018
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Q4.#oklaed #kidsdeserveit pic.twitter.com/Hlns6T8shY
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) January 15, 2018
A4: SO important to disconnect! I literally do not check my phone after 9:00 PM each night. In fact – it stays out of sight til AM. #oklaed
— Greg Fairchild (@gjfairchild) January 15, 2018
I have a hard time disconnecting! I love what I do, and my job brings me joy! It is important to find time for family and to recharge! #ssdpride #warriorscreate #JoinTogetherJanuary #oklaed pic.twitter.com/M1slpjBOuV
— 🌸Dr. Rena Hawkins🌸 (@renathunderhawk) January 15, 2018
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Q5. #oklaed #kidsdeserveit pic.twitter.com/hkppBxF09R
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) January 15, 2018
A5: I say, "look, there are plenty of other PD sessions. You don't have to stay here. Take your PD credit certificate and let the rest of us get back to work."#Oklaed https://t.co/ODc7ElKi8V
— Joshua 'Deadline' Flores (@mrjoshflores) January 15, 2018
A5 Situationally. Sometimes people just need to blow off steam. Sometimes, they're gathering an angry mob (with misinformation in hand).
But if it's directed at me, and I deserve it, I own it. That's all I know how to do. #oklaed #KidsDeserveIt https://t.co/PVQxstQiTL
— Rick Cobb (@grendelrick) January 15, 2018
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Q6.#oklaed #kidsdeserveit pic.twitter.com/jsNVNwUfLh
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) January 15, 2018
A6: Wrinkle in time, The Great Gatsby, and Going Places #oklaed https://t.co/8QdkqruuKx
— Shelby ⚡️ (@ShelbyJr3) January 15, 2018
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A5: I don't allow #energyvampires anywhere near me….and when I spot one, I pull out my positive vibes and use 'em like garlic! #oklaed #kidsdeserveit @JonGordon11
— Kas Nelson (@kasnelson) January 15, 2018
A3 – Surround myself with people who will give honest feedback for new ideas. Not all ideas are good ones and some need shaping #oklaed https://t.co/OCK043qNvS
— Dena Rogers (@dena_rogers) January 15, 2018
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Rick Cobb – The #OklaEd Awards show
I am proud to announce that I will be moderating the #oklaed awards in two weeks during the chat. Tweet category suggestions to me and tune in to nominate your favorites! pic.twitter.com/iFKwYYLK73
— okeducationtruths (@okeducation) January 8, 2018
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
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