Episode 30 – The Story Behind the Behaviors

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
Erin Barnes: twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Hosted by Kimberly Blodgett @kimberblodgett
Overview of chat topic
Questions from the chat:
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Q1 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/U3TnaKH6hk
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) September 4, 2017
A1 Loved what we taught, but I try to hook Ss into the subject & get Ss to fall in love, too, or see relevance #WhenIWasBoredIWasBad #oklaed
— Vanessa Perez (@vperezy) September 4, 2017
#OklaEd A1: I'm old (dirt was clear – not dirty yet). Nothing but lectures except lab courses & PhysEd. But no misbehaving that I remember. https://t.co/qVRpPOtTnf
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) September 4, 2017
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Q2 #oklaed (keep an open mind) pic.twitter.com/zu0lWVvpCZ
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) September 4, 2017
A2: 3 ?s asked before even dealing with an issue…have you eaten? Where did you sleep last night? How did you get to school today?#oklaed
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) September 4, 2017
A2) As a K T, I have fed kids, washed kids in a sink, sewn on buttons, & given that love & attention they need, anything necessary #oklaed
— Juliet Deaton (@Jules4Ever) September 4, 2017
A2 Know each student & be observant. My Body Language page https://t.co/WoDJ2LOZrd Classroom Management https://t.co/b7VSn1eceg #oklaed pic.twitter.com/wlNR5RHVtn
— Jerry Blumengarten (@cybraryman1) September 4, 2017
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Q3 #oklaed (I'm loving this feedback) pic.twitter.com/5mR9MMKWmY
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) September 4, 2017
A3: ❤️ this❓.Don't know the A. ⬆️class sizes make it difficult to focus on changing behavior, rather than reacting.Needs to be fixed.#oklaed
— Sophia Smart (@Smart__Science) September 4, 2017
A3: We've seen (and been taught) to control the behavior. It's almost like we have to say "I'm in charge". #oklaed
— Mrs. Jackson (@jackson5th6th) September 4, 2017
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Q4 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/AHkduPF90k
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) September 4, 2017
A4: Yikes! Good question. I don't have that student this year, but in the past I've just been glad when they were absent. #oklaed Rethinking https://t.co/Nqaq3rSyJs
— Debra Thoreson (@djthoreson) September 4, 2017
A4: honestly the Ss I've had like this have Ps who don't want to parent but be their friend. #oklaed
— Sarah Nelson (@sarahmomof3boys) September 4, 2017
A4b. But yes they are the ones who usually have a rough home life or something going on in their life. It is heartbreaking #oklaed
— Kristy Cooper 🌎 (@kriscoop80) September 4, 2017
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Q5 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/l2jj1atcOW
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) September 4, 2017
A5: Past experiences are very influential.. Have to remember each person is different! #oklaed
— Becca Nixon (@msnixon5) September 4, 2017
A5: I have a hard time w/ the bullies. My bias-I would be upset as a mom if my child was his victim so I don't see underlying cause #oklaed
— Sarah Nelson (@sarahmomof3boys) September 4, 2017
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Q6 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/BuuHY8l6mV
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) September 4, 2017
A6: as a general practice? No. I saw this in some circumstances but never as a general practice. Wish it occurred more frequently. #oklaed https://t.co/bUcG8j9I0o
— Mr. David Burton (@MrBurtonMPS) September 4, 2017
A6 depends on those involved. Love the idea of involving them more and making that standard. #oklaed https://t.co/lp7uA1AwnC
— Stephanie Skidmore (@Sgraceskidmore) September 4, 2017
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Q7 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/4OKD0gjQRI
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) September 4, 2017
A7: Just started, but flipping the classroom has helped a bunch with boredom related discipline issues. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/uTcQBtMrkO
— Sophia Smart (@Smart__Science) September 4, 2017
A7: Sometimes I find it's not the kid….it's the lesson. #oklaed
— Steve Gilliland (@Stv_Gilliland) September 4, 2017
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Q8 #oklaed Loving this chat!!! It's important to remember behavior management isn't just about managing the Ss, but also managing ourselves. pic.twitter.com/4AnNaQGjTD
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) September 4, 2017
A8 another example of why it's so impt to build relationships with Ss…consensus and shared expectations work better than top down #oklaed
— toby brown, phd (@tbbrwn) September 4, 2017
A8 and not just on Ss but other adults. Can't expect perfection from Ss, Ts, As, family, friends–appreciate and assist them #OklaEd
— Melinda Parks (@mcappsparks) September 4, 2017
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Q9 #oklaed I love hosting these chats because of all of you!!! 🙂 pic.twitter.com/yL63fS7ktC
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) September 4, 2017
A9: This year I've been sitting in the circle with my Ss more. I haven't had as many behavioral issues this year. 🙂 #oklaed https://t.co/NdTLu8pwou
— Debra Thoreson (@djthoreson) September 4, 2017
A9. I let them reflect on their behavior. Let them say why they behaved that way. Then we discuss how to "fix" it or improve. #oklaed
— Kristy Cooper 🌎 (@kriscoop80) September 4, 2017
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Q10 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/9JJUaWTEPt
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) September 4, 2017
A10: Stayed firm, fair, & consistent as possible. May take all year & into next, but they see YOU care & won't give up on them. #oklaed
— Jun Kim (@MPSTechnology) September 4, 2017
A10: my most difficult students are ones court ordered to be there Acknowledging they don't want to be there is a huge first step #OKLAed https://t.co/WiKvYzNGdr
— Becki Maldonado M.Ed (@BeckiLaoshi) September 4, 2017
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Q11 #oklaed This hour flew by!!! pic.twitter.com/U2FL9eZK9F
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) September 4, 2017
A11 I need to spend more time listening to Ss. #oklaed
— Mrs. Waters 📚 (@watersenglish) September 4, 2017
Q11: One simple change I'm going to make is greeting Ss at the door. Much more important than checking my email between classes. #oklaed
— Sophia Smart (@Smart__Science) September 4, 2017
Favorite question and why?
Erin: Question 8 – Permanently changing behaviors is tough as adults. (losing weight, stop smoking, caffeine, etc). It takes several tries. So why do we place expectations on our students that we don’t expect of ourselves?
Scott: Question 4 – Think for a minute about the kid when absent gives you a sigh of relief. Is their behavior what you thought of? What are they trying to communicate to you? What need isn’t being met? How can you help him/her? How can you change your perception of this student?
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A2: 3 ?s asked before even dealing with an issue…have you eaten? Where did you sleep last night? How did you get to school today?#oklaed
— RhondaSchroeder Ed.D (@rhondaschroeder) September 4, 2017
I stand in awe of #oklaed. 20 to 120 kids per day, being responsible for their behavior AND education, most lay people would run in fear.
— Stacey Roemerman (@StaceyRman) September 4, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
What could #OklaEd do for your school? #CPSReds
Super excited about tonight's chat! @DelCityStuCo moderating!! @KimberBlodgett and #CPSReds to follow! pic.twitter.com/fxbvPcgdzS
— Anne Beck ✌🏻❤️& 🔲 (@MrsBeck25) August 27, 2017
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for the #Oklaed chat.
All of the cool people leave comments - what are your thoughts?