Episode 18 – Partnering with Parents for #Oklaed Advocacy

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Erin Barnes: twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Hosted by Angela Little @Angmlittle – Partnering with Parents for #Oklaed Advocacy
Overview of chat topic
Questions from the chat:
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Q1) Why is it important for parents to advocate for #oklaed at the state level? pic.twitter.com/pbzNajVJpF
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 19, 2017
A1 Critical!Legislators take Ps more seriously as there's not the "self serving, self protecting" label put on advocacy by educators #oklaed
— Linda Hasler Reid (@lindahaslerreid) June 19, 2017
A1: Because, being brutally honest, I think Ts & admin are seen as lobbyists by #okleg. Parents are real, passionate, & crucial. #oklaed
— Tyler Bridges (@bridgestyler) June 19, 2017
A1: what better partnership is there between Ps and Ts to advocate #oklegs to provide resources needed for the success of Ss. #oklaed
— Jun Kim (@MPSTechnology) June 19, 2017
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Q2) What does your district currently do to communicate state level issues to parents? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/IW5zTEosNg
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 19, 2017
A2: Social Media and News. Heck we have the @okeducation @grendelrick as our head in Mid-Del!! #oklaed #oklaed
— Kristy Cooper 🌎 (@kriscoop80) June 19, 2017
A2) I visit w our Admin but I don't think schools do this very well. Maybe there are concerns about being seen as "political"? #oklaed
— Lori Wathen (@Lsooner2) June 19, 2017
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Q3) Do you feel like getting parents informed on these issues is a priority for your district? Why or why not? #oklaed
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 19, 2017
A3: There is so much "extra" that clogs up #okleg, it's difficult sometimes for parents to know what directly effects their kids. #oklaed
— Renee Bell (@Biobellrocks) June 19, 2017
A3) With our words being twisted & used against us so frequently, I understand why districts shy away from being "loud" about issues #oklaed https://t.co/AWkhvtCa3F
— Seth Meier (@SethMeier) June 19, 2017
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Q4) Does your community hold townhalls to educate the general public about the current crisis our public schools are in? How often? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/ZhCvW3NYfv
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 19, 2017
A4 I feel there are plenty of forums, but I'm not sure the passion and anger from these forums is making it to the Capitol #oklaed
— John Croisant (@jcroisant3) June 19, 2017
I think it's important for admin to realize a meeting discussing budget cuts is necessary. Something's can't be an email. #oklaed
— Kimberly Blodgett (@KimberBlodgett) June 19, 2017
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Q4b) If not, would you be willing to step up and do this in your area? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/YVKpjPkz4G
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 19, 2017
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Q5) What issues do you feel parents are most passionate about when it comes to their child's education? #oklaed pic.twitter.com/kxhQ3sQidv
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 19, 2017
A5) The issue that woke me up was the 3rd grade retention testing. It put unneeded stress and anxiety on my children. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/vVBrmQoLPS
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 19, 2017
A5: Parents respond to what they hear is directly impacting their children. We need to be sure the voice/media they hear is truth #oklaed
— Renee Bell (@Biobellrocks) June 19, 2017
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Q6) How can we get more parents not only engaged but passionate about advocating for #oklaed? pic.twitter.com/Gh16KcncWu
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 19, 2017
A6- building positive relationships with parents first, than asking for support. It's about their kids not the adults #oklaed
— Dena Rogers (@dena_rogers) June 19, 2017
A6 inform, inform, inform…if they know how truly bad things are, and how awesome our Ts are, they will become our biggest asset #oklaed
— Trey Kirkpatrick (@WDTK33) June 19, 2017
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Q7) Do you feel parents in your area are fully aware of the funding issues within #oklaed? Why or why not?
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 19, 2017
A7) School finance is confusing. Hard to explain to some why the bond issue paid for the new stadium but salaries are still low. #OklaEd
— Allen Lehman (@allen_lehman) June 19, 2017
A:7) Yes & no. School funding is a little complicated, most know there is less $ but not why or how to change things. #oklaed https://t.co/hg8GsgbTHJ
— Stacey Roemerman (@StaceyRman) June 19, 2017
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Q8) As a parent, I see T's as my partners in shaping my childrens' lives. Do parents feel the same in your district? Explain. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/rxVIo7awyO
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 19, 2017
A8) it is so important that Ps know that they are partners in their child's ed! Communicating this is an important part of our role #OklaEd
— Stephanie Hinton (@thestephhinton) June 19, 2017
A8 This year we hosted PT Conferences at the apartments where some of our ELL& least resourced Ss reside. Ps were very receptive. #oklaed https://t.co/P2rosCqzrY
— Linda Hasler Reid (@lindahaslerreid) June 19, 2017
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Q9) With 90% of Oklahoma children in public schools, why aren't there more #oklaed advocates? pic.twitter.com/GECtTqhEOZ
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 19, 2017
A9) how often do we go into our community? Just when we need something? Right before a bond vote? It has to be constant #oklaed
— Sarah (@sarahbruehl) June 19, 2017
A9) I don't think we've figured out how to engage the singles or no children families–they don't understand how it affects them #oklaed https://t.co/3hrbrwZy3X
— Jeffery Corbett (@JefferyCorbett) June 19, 2017
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Q10) What can you personally do to encourage parents to get more involved with #oklaed advocacy? pic.twitter.com/03RdRxjoC3
— Angela Clark Little (@angmlittle) June 19, 2017
A10) All I can do is inform Ps when I can and ask for their help. By communicating and reaching out I hope they can be supportive. #oklaed https://t.co/CrJu3sugtf
— Jack Reed (@jlreed2011) June 19, 2017
A10) By being that T that makes Ps want to stand up and advocate. By being relentlessly positive. By presenting ourselves correctly. #oklaed
— Allen Lehman (@allen_lehman) June 19, 2017
Favorite question and why?
Erin: Question 9 – With 90% of Oklahoma children in public schools, why aren’t there more #oklaed advocates?
Scott: Question 7 – Do you feel parents in your area are fully aware of the funding issues within #oklaed? Why or why not?
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
A2 What doesn't my district do? I mean, @coach57 & @bridgestyler opened my mind to the a new level of activism/parent advocacy. #oklaed
— Vanessa Perez (@vperezy) June 19, 2017
A1: Parent voices are where the power lies. They are the advocates that are directly linked to their own children and to VOTES #oklaed
— Renee Bell (@Biobellrocks) June 19, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
@dougeb00 leading tonight's Summertime ☀️ themed #Oklaed 8PM CST @angmlittle and @watersenglish to follow! pic.twitter.com/KhhniIWqyB
— Anne Beck, M.Ed (@MrsBeck25) June 11, 2017
Growing invisible voices by @watersenglish
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
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