Episode 13 – Survive and Thrive & Donuts, Books, and Drinks

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
Erin Barnes: twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Hosted by Meghan Loyd @meghanloyd.
Overview of chat topic
Questions from the chat:
- 1 – What healthy boundaries have you created to help keep work at work?
I just gave up and accepted that teaching is a lifestyle. Inspiration for better lessons/instruction is all around us.#Oklaed pic.twitter.com/KTXFaInBQW— J-Flo, semi-adult (@mrjoshflores) May 15, 2017
A1: ummm…"Hello, my name is Ms. Kibel, and I take too much 'school' home." #firststep #honesty #OklaEd
— Samantha Kibel (@sjkibel) May 15, 2017
- 2 – Hobbies and outside interests aside from our jobs, keep us sane and focused. What are some of your hobbies and outside interests?
A2: Blurred lines between professional and personal interests. I really enjoy #oklaed on a personal level like a hobby. https://t.co/nL1TWBlnem
— Aaron Baker (@bakerleft) May 15, 2017
A2. Art journaling. I'm terrible, but I love it. Also, I read about a book a day in summer. #oklaed
— Val Roberson (@rambling_reader) May 15, 2017
- 3 – I fight burnout by reading, what non-educational book is your go to book that you can read over and over again?
A:3, I successfully read "The Hunger Games," unsuccessfully read "War and Peace" every year. 😉 #oklaed https://t.co/ZqkOiTfqv3
— Stacey Roemerman (@StaceyRman) May 15, 2017
- 3b – What books are going to read this summer? You can include educational guru type books on your lists if you must.
a3b. I love going back through my Calvin and Hobbes collection.#OklaEd
— Brant Nyberg (@PrincipalNyberg) May 15, 2017
- 4 – How do you find joy in an educational climate that sometimes is anything but joyful?
#oklaed A4: Joy is in the efforts we make – helping others and ourself. Controlling against ego, I find joy in all addressing our curiosity. https://t.co/PKHFwnISYk
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) May 15, 2017
A4: seeing the successes of my kids and staff in the face of the struggles we face together. #oklaed
— Michelle Knight (@mknight08) May 15, 2017
- 5 – What is your favorite type of donut? This is has nothing to do with burnout I’m just curious.
A5: Most anything that comes in a dozen. Krispy Kreme glazed please. They have Groupons. #oklaed
— Howard K. Kiyuna (@HowardKiyuna) May 15, 2017
A5 any with or without holes #oklaed pic.twitter.com/lsXyFnIELY
— Glenn Meek (@phhscience) May 15, 2017
- 6 – How does teacher burnout affect student learning?
A6: Teaching is fun. First and foremost, when there is no joy or love, it's time to take a mental health day for you AND THEM. #OklaEd https://t.co/NpwRDdP4Lx
— Evin Shinn (@baritoneblogger) May 15, 2017
@meghanloyd A6. Question back at you. What is better, an old frustrated T or an unqualified incompetent T? #teachershortage #oklaed
— Andy Gower (@givepullorpitch) May 15, 2017
A6 Ss deal w Ts that aren't passionate or patient.Ts don't want to be there and neither do Ss #oklaed
— Natasha Jefferson (@jefferson_first) May 15, 2017
- 7 – Summer is quickly approaching, how are you going to make time to relax and refocus?
A7 – rethink curriculum; it's relaxing to know the year ahead is planned. #oklaed
— aimee garrett (@aimeegarrett5) May 15, 2017
A7 We're planning a family vacation to Yellowstone. Looking forward to lots of disconnected time together in the mountains! #oklaed
— Wesley Fryer 🌎 (@wfryer) May 15, 2017
- 8 – Teachers that find ways to spend time with each other are happier and actually like being around each other. What are some ways that you and others in your school site or from other school sites help each other out when the burnout struggle is real?
#oklaed A8 #EdCamp.. they helped to save me https://t.co/njwDmFuMOX .. also following these two: @jcorippo & @christycate
— urbie delgado (@urbie) May 15, 2017
A8 — find a colleague you trust to vent with. With nothing leaving the room. Just saying things out loud is a safe place is golden. #oklaed https://t.co/eWf63IV9pF
— Claudia Swisher (@ClaudiaSwisher) May 15, 2017
- 9 – What do you plan on drinking poolside? Again this has nothing to do with burnout, I’m just curious.
Currently trying to find the recipe for "drank." I'm told it's good. #oklaed https://t.co/eEex0CucGB
— Travis Sloat (@tstyles77) May 15, 2017
Favorite question and why?
Erin: Question 6 – How does teacher burnout affect student learning?
Scott: Question 5 – What is your favorite type of donut? This is has nothing to do with burnout I’m just curious.
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
a5. In this order…
more#oklaed(@meghanloyd is my new fav)
— Brant Nyberg (@PrincipalNyberg) May 15, 2017
Getting some good ideas from this question! #oklaed https://t.co/McL0PdZ8qi
— Tutaleni Asino (@tutaleni) May 15, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Are we addressing the subtle Racism in Education? Andre Daughty @andredaughty
Next week is going to be as fun as this week was! #oklaed pic.twitter.com/sFgiJBI7MG
— Andre Daughty (@andredaughty) May 15, 2017
Less than 20 min until @meghanloyd throws down for #oklaed @andredaughty and @James409Jason to follow! 8PM CST pic.twitter.com/FJKNu5Ml5z
— Anne Beck, M.Ed (@MrsBeck25) May 15, 2017
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
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