21 – Get Better

Teachers should always work to Get Better with their craft. Look at how teaching has changed from the single room classroom. In these classrooms, teachers taught from the front of the class and students sat in rows in front of them. Chalkboards were used, students wrote on slates and then on paper. Look around you now – do you still see these same habits? Read my blog post here and be challenged!
Lets try and do something different. Lets utilize the available technology around us. Try videoing your class and then watch it. Are you engaged in your lesson? Are the students engaged? What can you see that you can tweak and improve?
Some Tools: TouchCast – Swivl – Voxer (this takes you to Iron Sharpening Iron)
Here is some research: Fadde, P., & Sullivan, P. (2013). Using Interactive Video to Develop Pre-Service Teachers’ Classroom Awareness. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 13(2), 156-174.
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