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My Bucket List

Taking a break from thoughts on education…. Here is my bucket list, order not important! Run the Oklahoma City Marathon – I was sitting in my car at the University of Central Oklahoma studying for a test in Adolescent Psychology when it sounded like a lightening bolt hit right behind …

5 Things We Need to Quit Pretending About Education

I saw a tweet from Wes Fryer that got me thinking – so here they come in no particular order… We need to quit pretending schools have to be so so unequal.  It should not matter if you live in the suburbs or are living in the inner city, every student has …

Lots of Ideas for OTA/Encyclomedia 2015!!

I love sharing with other teachers, its one of the top things that I love about teaching and especially why I love conferences – good ones, like OTA/Encyclomdia.  Teachers have the opportunity to grow in their craft, to learn new things, get new ideas, have a-ha moments, and share extraordinary …

#Oklaed – This One is for You!!

One of the best things about the beginning of my week is the #oklaed chat Sunday at 8:00 CST.  I can’t tell you how much energy this chat gives me.  The ideas, the passion, the issues, the suggestions, the conversation – it often keeps me up well past my usual …

If I Am the #Oklaed King for a Day!

600 words or less – what would I do for education in Oklahoma…most of my experiences are centered on the high school – it’s where I lived for 18.5 years. #1 – Completely reorganize the way that high school looks.  No more seven period days.  No more mandatory credits, no …

I’m Grumpy

Maybe because my youngest daughter gets up really early causing lack of sleep. Maybe its grad school keeping my mind busy at all hours causing lack of sleep. Maybe its a combo of the two above… Maybe I am worn out. Worn out from the obsession that people have about …

My TED Talk: Teachers Find Your Courage

Why we need our courage back As teachers, we get so into our day to day lives, lesson planning, collaborating, working with students, struggling with things outside of our control, making copies….All of these little things that happen during the day and demand our time and attention.  Before you know …

The Year in Review – What a year 2014!

Happy 2015!!  I hope it goes super #Amazeballs! This past year, I had 8,900 views – mind blowing to a guy who is trying to share his love of teaching a passion for learning!!  There were 46 total posts that covered everything from legislative issues, gamification, flipclass, the ISTE conference, and …

Why Education Matters in an Election

One of the most important things that American citizens have it the right to vote – without having to worry about how you vote (think North Korea).  This very important right is treated as something that people only worry about doing if they have the time.  MAKE TIME! Why? Because …


Coming up very soon is the next general election in the state of Oklahoma so lets take a few minutes and talk about how important it is to have the right to vote. In several countries around the world, people get to “choose” who their leaders will be.  Some of …

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