Episode 32 – Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives

Digital Natives/Digital Immigrants
There is a difference between these two groups of people. There are also assumptions that are made that should be reconsidered as well. This podcast came from these two tweets:
@MrsBeck25 @TeachFromHere Sooo what is your role in the NASCAR simile? https://t.co/oDLSldoaya
— Vanessa Perez (@vperezy) February 19, 2017
"Young teachers need no #EdTech support-they're #DigitalNatives" is same as "I can drive NASCAR cuz I drive to work everyday." #eduthoughts pic.twitter.com/wTn8zjfFmW
— Josh Harris ? (@EdTechSpec) February 18, 2017
I also wrote a blog post about this topic which you can read here. Or read what peer reviewed research says here. When reading from Google Scholar, the PDF link on the right is usually free. If you click into the headline link, the article may/may not be behind a pay wall.
Enjoy The Drive!
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