Change this one thing…

This is another prompt for a class that got my juices flowing – What one piece of technology would I change?  My response is below….Also the TED Talk by Don Norman is outstanding! The School!!! Think about this for a second – kids don’t like school.  Partly because school is boring. …

Inspirational Quote

Scott is a Wannabe Innovator!

As most of you know, I gave up a full time teaching position in an excellent suburban public school to become a full time PhD student at Oklahoma State University.  It has been quite the journey and I have loved every step of the way. In some of the reading …

Get #OTAEM15 Tweets Here!!

Whether you do or don’t use twitter – you can follow the hashtag live below.  Scroll through the tweets, click on the links – enjoy the learning! Share this page with your friends and don’t be left out!  Have a super great conference!! *You may need to refresh the page …

You Can Pin-terest it!

You may have heard of this website:…. Now use it in your class!  How? Step 1 – Sign up. Step 2 – Search by key word or click on some of the suggestions below. Step 3 – Set a timer – you will lose track of how long you …

Your Thoughts Please!

You know what I love about my PLN?  They share! Coming up in just a few short days is the OTA/Encyclomedia Conference in Oklahoma City.  I love this conference – it has contributed to my growth as a teacher.  It has given me the opportunity to meet amazing teachers. One …

Teacher Shortage – A Straw Poll

I am taking an advanced media literacy course this fall and one of the assignments is to poll some people about a current event. So, I chose one that is has been in the media quite a bit over the past few weeks: Teacher Shortage. Take just a few minutes …


This is a quick post about the benefits of TweetDeck.  If you are a teacher and not on Twitter – you need to get started.  It is a powerful tool! Read why you should tweet right here! For those teachers who are on Twitter and nervous about participating in a …

The Flipclass

Presented here are some of my thoughts and opinions on what a flipped classroom is and is not and how the videos were created.  I provide several links for you to explore, click into them and see what was used.  This is a long-ish post, take your time and think …

Some Things to Know! Part 1…

This post will be just a scoche different than the normal post – a reset if you will.  I started this blog to share teaching ideas for using educational technology in the classroom.  Graduate school hijacked some of those thoughts and turned them into more deep thinking issues about teaching …

Facts and New Ideas…A Different View

I have gone back and forth in my brain on this one… I really don’t have time to give some recent editorial comments my energy… But DANG IT! I just cannot get it out of my head – the attitude that was presented recently.  Maybe I am looking for things …

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