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I Need Your Help!

I have posted on Twitter a couple of times – but wanted to create a little bit more permanent way to share what I have been working on this summer. So here are the links to my school #edtech PD website and my #gamefication of Calculus.  Both of these are skeleton …

World Cup = Education

I first really got into soccer a little over 15 years ago when I was asked to coach the varsity boys team at Guthrie High School.  I had no idea what I was doing but did it with passion!  Three years in Guthrie, five years at Olathe South High School (got …

#ISTE2014 Day 4 – One last day, Sad face…

*Somehow this just now got posted…whoops 🙂 Well, the last day of the ISTE conference is on us and these are the last sessions that we will be in until next summer (hopefully next summer). I started my day off with the Globalearner, Alan November and his discussion about #1st5days. …

#ISTE2014 Day 3: Kevin Carroll!

Once again ISTE delivers – Kevin Carroll of Katalyst fame was the keynote speaker this morning and man what a story of inspiration! Some key take aways for me were: Do amazing magical things; Use Play; That Play is as important as eating, sleeping, and drinking; Play is serious business …

#ISTE2014 Day 2!!!

It started off really early, super excited to have a table session at ISTE! Up late and couldn’t sleep, so at 5:30 this morning I headed to the hotel fitness area and got in a four mile run. The breakfast area wasn’t open for Kristina and I yet, so we …

#ISTE2014 Day 1: Opening Keynote And Other ATL Fun!!

My colleagues and I started our journey to ISTE yesterday and had the good fortune to not feel so rushed by the trip. And since we are in Atlanta it was a great opportunity to see my little brother. After arriving and getting settled in, Jeremy picked us up and …

#ISTE2014 Here I Come!! A Guide for Newbies

Ok – so I’m just barely not a newbie for this. Last year was my first ISTE conference. This event changed my entire professional career: I went from being interested in how educational technology can impact learning to applying to graduate school to get a PhD in education technology. There …


I teach and am proud to do so.  At the risk of being just a little self-serving – I think I am pretty damn good at it!  I try super hard to form relationships with my students.  To really get to know them.  To understand them and what is going …

Failure IS An Option!

It seems that over the past several years, going back to No Child Left Behind, we have increasingly started using the phrase “Failure is Not an Option.”  My question is why are we allowing students to be stuck in this mode?  What happened to being able to make a mistake …

These Kids Are Awesome!

An Open Letter About My 2nd Family, I want to take a few minutes of your time and talk about my family away from home: the Edmond Memorial Girls Soccer team.  What a super wild ride – and it was super fun.  We, I mean they, started off the year …

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