The Three Minute Tech Byte

Three-Minute Tech ByteThe Tech Byte

This series of links is designed for you to listen/read/try when you have the opportunity.  The goal for each link is to be something that you can do on Saturday morning before your coffee gets cold.  Thus the title of this page: The Three-Minute Tech Byte.

Listed below will be a growing collection of different web resources, apps, and cool technology that you can start using right away in your classroom.  I will try and list upcoming episodes – so if there is not a link yet, then hold tight!  Is there a particular thing you are looking for or would like to see?? Then leave a comment!

The Links

  1. Chrome Extensions: Tab Glue and Tab Scissors
  2. Diigo
  3. Chrome Extension: Google Scholar
  4. Chrome Extension:  OneTab
  5. Chrome Extension: Open Side by Side (from Alice Keeler)
  6. Remind
  7. Poll Everywhere
  8. URL Shorteners:; tinyurl;
  9. Google Keep
  10. Google Docs
  11. Microsoft Windows Snap
  12. Doodle Poll
  13. Office Mix
  14. OneDrive
  15. YouTube from your mobile device
  16. Quizizz
  17. Microsoft Sway
  18. Saving A PowerPoint Template
  19. Introduction to OneNote
  20. Microsoft Office 365
  21. Chrome Extension: Adobe Acrobat
  22. Chrome Extension: Grammarly
  23. Chrome Extension: Pinterest
  24. Canva
  25. Desygner
  26. Adobe Spark
  27.  ???



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